1998 Theme Camps

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Coming soon.

R. Shadow

Nothing if optional, if not than the below: Lanterns in the night, creating a lovely sight.

Radio Control Demolition Derby

Bring your radio controlled vehicles, store-bought or custom-modified, and prepare to fight to the death. Win fabulous prizes!

Rancho 54

We want to harken back to a time whether in Grecian times or NYC in 1980, where free spirited fun was in vogue.

Razor's Edge

Along one of the edge’s of the Temple of Attonement District. An area to experiment with variety. At Razors Edge the punished/cleansed are invited to have a seat and lick their wounds.

Red Soffah Camp

From the Red Soffah to the Web – document your trip to burning man with a picture on the Red Soffah. Also see more clearly – 3rd eye installation – quick and painless.

Reflective Skin

A southern Californian industrial noise band.

Relic Vessels

These are ancient vessels, sent by aliens in our far distant future. Blackrock folklore has it that they once contained information, now vanished, critical to the survival of mankind.

Reno Housewives

Reno Housewives: come sit by the trailer & chat with the reno village locals! Bring a fridge magnet from your hometown & trade them while hearing stories of our alien encounters.

Rhythm Society

Rhythmic Noise Camp

Create a noisemaker and bring your drumsticks to our stage of instruments seeking a cure for rhythmitis at RHYTHMIC NOISE CAMP. PREPARE TO GROOVE!

Richard the Grapes' Atelier

Road Warblers

Continuous open interactive experimental musical jam.

Roadwarblers - The Dopamine Project

Continuous Performance Stage with PA, Stage Lighting and Performance Light Show.

Royal Genitalia Theatre Company

Behold, the Royal Genitalia Theatre Company! Regal and anatomical enactments of daytime soaps, and Shakesperean classics bring you, the theatre-goers of the playa, “Body-part-icipation” at it’s finest!

Rubiks Revenge

Einstein proclaimed space to be curved-I beleive that space is cubed. Visit Rubik’s Revenge at Burningman 98 and decide for yourself!

Rucky Kat Kocktales

Rucky Kat Kocktales: Divey-Chinese-Style Bar – Cocktails served in heavily (oriental) ornamented ambiance. Open whenever I feel like it. Will barter stiff drinks, homemade postcards, stickers, various oriental crap for same – or just good entertainment! Ah-So!

Run Away Choo Choo

The minds behind last years enchanted fauxest now bring you “THE RUN AWAY CHOO-CHOO.”