2013 Theme Camps

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Coming soon.


Zoom over to learn how to spin fire, play fire baseball, or take a rocket ride! Meet our mascot, Zoomy the Turtle, play with our fire sculptures, or slow down and relax in our snail chill dome! Bring light toys to paint light pictures on our interactive video screen at night!

URL: http://www.campzoom.org/Hometown: Bay Area

ZanZibar Lounge

Desert Lounging at a higher level. Roll on over, connect with burners in an engaging environment as you enjoy a our signature refreshing cocktail, the Shangra-La. We will be hosting our thursday afternoon Rolling Stones party for those that want to get their rock on!

Hometown: Portland, OR

Zen as Fuck

Come Dance and Brush your Teeth!

Hometown: Costa Mesa

Zoodiac Academy

Zoodiac Academy of intergalactic animals

URL: http://zoodiac.org/Hometown: Vancouver


Come to the Zooniverse all you playa animals! We’ll be having trainer and animal themed parties as well as live science interactions and demos!

URL: http://campzooniverse.com/Hometown: San Francisco