Jrs V09 OopsAnd2

JRS VOLUME #9: oops and 2 more things

oops and 2 more things


a santa url is incorrect.

it’s .com not .org



also, if you don’t get the dueling cities reference check out the La Historia area under the “In Smog and Thunder” URL. THANKS to Burner, Richard at Trillium Press, (they printed David Best’s prints the past few years,) for the tour yesterday, showing us all the cool art, prints and books and sharing the work of Sandow Birk.

Lastly, Curtis Coleman really is a really really awesome person. Many many Burners have had the pleasure of meeting, meowing with, laughing with and knowing this fabulous man. <five fingers pinched together and touching chest> he’s very special. Some have even had the good fortune of hearing him sing. I saw him 2 days ago before his operation for cancer, and the lump on his neck really looked smaller. Here’s the love that the Burning Man community has been giving this man: look on Tribe for *friends of Curtis: or here:
http://sanfrancisco.tribe.net/tribe/8f684e70-8a70-4f4c-a476-e8130179ef52? _click_path=Application%5Btribe%5D.Tribe%5B8f684e70-8a70-4f4c-a476- e8130179ef52%5D&mp;r=10535

The link below is of Curtis on the day I met him last year, and that’s the lovely Nurse to the right behind him, btw.
http://sanfrancisco.tribe.net/template/pub%2CViewPhoto.vm/context/tribe?page=4 &mp;currentoffset=20&mp;parentid=8f684e70-8a70-4f4c-a476-e8130179ef52 &mp;r=10535

Good luck Curtis. Love and Meow.


Meow, and love to you all as the days get shorter.

Maid Marian
Jack Rabbit Speaks