Love Project Unlimited
DJs, Bands, Dancers, Performers: The Love Project (Unlimited) is a nightly dance spot featuring hip hop, soul, funk, r&b, reggae, dancehall, latin and other international flavors to the Playa. Sign up for a slot or visit us at Black Rock City to help us bring down the mothership. contact v-boy @ amirbl(at)aol(dot)com
Post World Industries Molotov Cocktail Huckin’ Range
Our dedicated staff of ¡TCHKUNG! operatives teach you how to build your own molotov cocktail and throw it at a life-size target of your choice. Students will also be subjected to anti-authoritarian propaganda and a collage of disorienting noise recorded from street processions and riots from around the world. Learn the history of this simple device and its versatile applications.
Toxic Temporal Syndrome Outreach Campaign
A scourge walks silently among us, Time is not as benign as it might seem. As specialists, we in the Cult Of Distraction will treat and educate the citizens of Black Rock City about the perils of Toxic Temporal Syndrome. Examinations will be performed, distraction will be perscribed, and emergency distraction services will be available. Do not delay (well set your own pace), you may have it!
Through the Time Tunnel (Live Music)
Nightly performances by Randyland’s accomplished Composer/Keyboardist at the future side of THE TIME TUNNEL, Located in front of Tic Toc Town. Synthesized compositions by Randy Walters, with Time Related Themes, will WOW you, while the Time Time Tunnel activates for the night, and zips you back in time through the future. There will be corrisponding eruptions from the Primordial Volcano and also prehistoric dance performances will be your delight, from Anna and the Anna Dabba Doo Dancers. The residents of Black Rock City are encouraged to dance along, during the performances. Bring your passports,for a stamp authorizing your visa into the future. A splendid time is guaranteed for all!
4:00 PM A/B/A hour @ camp blow-up
Do you want to create your own A/B/A picture? Visite our camp and if you know or find anybody who looks almost the same (or has any similarities), all the better.
Magic Opticians present The Trance Tunnel
Every evening at 8.06 on the mercury esplanade we shall be “having it large” in a tunnel of ever-so-slightly-mind-expanding lights (not just at 9 pm). Have a bang on the Magic Glasses, especially if you’re in a “mentally receptive state”. Whatever *that* means…
John C. Holmes Ornery Roman Empire
All the gluttonous glory and grandeur of modern Rome in a non-stop Ornery environment. In keeping with the theme of Burning Man 99 we will be featuring the “Weiner of Time” an 8 ft marble phallus to pleasure and refresh the masses, and by the grace of all mighty Caesar a night of Top Fuel open throated Chariot racing brought to you by the I.C.R.A & H.O.R.E.
Post Ejaculation Depression Therapy
A daily affirmation for those with post ejaculation depression. An uplifting motivational speaker could give reasons not to feel guilty or depressed when those feelings arise after male orgasm.
The Poetron
The Salt the Eunuch automated poetry beacon returns this year with more power and more poems. Listen for the robot orator’s doggerel continuously on or around 94.1FM
11:11 Show – Live Acid Jazz Performance
Live acid jazz sextet (electric trumpet + sax, guitar, bass, drums, keyboards) from Sacramanto, CA. Have been copared to Phish, Medeski, Martin & Wood, Michael Ray + the Kosmic Krewe and “the Greyboy Allstars on about 500 hits of LSD”. Have opened for John Scofield, KVHW, Ozomatli, Charlie Hunter, Broun Fellinis, et al. Amazing live show nightly at 11:00 from 8/29-9/3.
Grand Masquetorium
Daily, best during the daylight hours.This year we are repeating our enthusiastically received Masquetorium. A wide variety of raw materials will be made available for participants to create their own wonderful masque, all in our spacious relaxing Tekna/Techno North African Nomadic shade structures. Bring your own special materials, bring your wonderful creativity and make a masque!
Challenge the Boxers, Free Gin and Photo Ops
Drink six (provided) gins… Challenge the boxers… Rodney and Doug (from south pasedena, texas…) in their mommy’s panties… if you lose we fight each other naked… bring lots of sunscreen and your favorite RICKY MARTIN soap dish… Spring Break ’42…
Spanky’s Fantasy Island – Various
Ah yes… Similes, similes everyone. Welkum to SPANKY’s Fantasy Island. Come join us under the palm trees, where you too can have your fantasies granted. Yes, Spanky’s delivers 24 hr. around the clock (or wheel of time, which ever you prefer) Fantasy fullfillment for barter and trades. And don’t forget some of our marvelous events that Spanky’s is planning.
EVERY DAY @ 3:00
Spanky’s will be playing Fantasy Bingo. One lucky winner will have their Fantasy granted, for FREE! Yes, no bartering, no bribes to the wishmakers — a straight up free fantasy. So drop by at 3:00 pm every day for Fantasy Bingo.
EVERY DAY @ 4:00
Also remember that Spanky’s will be hosting a hole on the BLD mini golf course. Come join us for the “Chi Chi Rodriguez” champion chip putt off to see who has the biggest putz in Black Rock City. Test your skillz on our champion grade mini golf hole.
So you weren’t so happy with the Soulmate that Costco produced for you. Well Spanky’s has the cure and presents the Fantasy Dating Game. Come join us for a playa fantasy twist on that popular hit teen t.v. series. Ask some questions, get some answers and win yourself a fantasy date, or a hairy ape (our judges panel hasn’t decided on prizes yet). Winners will be whisked away to a mystery playa destination with a bottle of champagin in hand, and a simple task to complete. Winners will be asked to come back to participate in Fridays event.
Spanky’s presents the Fantasy Love Connection where we will revisit our recently united couples (those winners of the Fantasy Dating Game and any others who wish to participate) to get a provocative look at to see how their fantasy date went. Tell us of your tales of what (or who) “really went down” at Bianca’s, did you hold hands under the Tesla Coil, or just marvel in the whit and flame thrown to you by the mighty Wizzard of ASS???? Come by to see if someone has met their Fantasy Love connection.
You and your loved ones can come to Spanky’s for the Fantasies but stay for the fun. Enjoy a tropical drink in our barter bar be fanned down by one of our lovely hosteses or just marvel over our Velvet Elvis all while you wait for your Fantasy to be granted. Enjoy the company, come socialize with old friends (Kevorkian, The Disco Headhunters, the chicks from Berkely who said “YES…YESSSSS!”, the son of God, and many others) and make new friends all while relaxing under our 60×20 palace of shade.
Don’t forget Spanky’s delivers 24 hr. around the clock Fantasy fullfillment! Come fill out a Fantasy request or take a look on our Fantasy Board to see if you can help us fulfill a Fantasy. Your participation is greately encouraged and wanted! Bring barter items and trades!
You can come and visit Spanky’s Fantasy Island conveniently located at 7:30 and Venus in the Blue Light District 3.0. Thank you for your support, Mr. Pourke.
Fluxus Happening Extravaganza!
Performance by Channing Hansen. Grand son of Al Hansen, Brother of beck, bringing you a full on old school Fluxus Happening. Chaos is fun. Art, more so.
The SCOTT TURCHIN BAND, or at least its guiding spirit, who will probably look a lot like me, will be spreading its own brand of existential cheer thru original FOLK – ROCK – REGGAE like Wallflowers to Marley! Irie times ahead… for any and all stages who will have me. DRUMMER / percussionist AND/OR BASS player much welcomed (sadly, the rest of the Band can’t make it). Up from LA by Sept. 3rd. SCOTT at SONGMON@aol.com.
Open House
Real estate to sell home.
Aminibigcircus Jam
wearegatheringwearelaughingwearefree aminibigcircus is muttart, something borrowed, something blue. Striving, striving, striking the tents and travelling to a gathering of music and performance, projection and joy. Come paint your mind pictures, play your heart songs, feed and be fed.
music jams with improvisational movement and dance, performances, love.
Thundersmith Industries
Roaming performances with Large (10′-15′) Puppets.
The |Warp a play by Neil Oram
This event is planned for 2000. The structure that surrounds it presently are caverns in London Bridge, England The Play itself is 24 hours long and has a minimum of 15 actors and a maximum of… well how many have you got. We are planning to travel the cities before then and will have a promo video soon for the notice board. So to all regional representatives “The Warp” Looking for a venue near you
8:15 pm Countdown to Sunset
I propose that a mass countdown be lead by someone (me?) just before the sun sets each evening. The problem is that sunset will appear to occur slightly earlier at the one end of came than at the other.The solution is to perform the countdown at the man. 30 Seconds before the sun sets completely we all might chant “30, 29, 28…3, 2, 1” and just then the last visible ray of light disappers from the view of those assembled at the man. If this idea has taken place in the past, I didn’t see it. I was only there in 1998 and only at the man at sunset one evening. If the countdown is published in the newspaper and or on the radio, etc. the crowd will spontaneously participate, I hope. Thanks for Listening See you There, Mike Sines
12:00 PM The Fandango Glockenspiel
The amazingly life-like Fandango Glockenspiel strikes the hour, and a motley collection of fools emerge from the clocktower, perform various tasks for your amusement, and then return from whence they came. See milk-maids being chased. See beer steins being hoisted. See random things being set on fire. Hell, bring your oompah band and join us. Come by, slap on some lederhosen, and help us mark the passage of mid-day, and, later, the coming of night. (Any very-short performance art welcome.) Fandango.
8:00 PM The Fandango Glockenspiel
See 12:00 PM listing.
9:00 PM Nightly Temple Trance
Come… enter the glow woods and place yourself into a trance nightly as we Thump the stone off of the walls inside The Temple of the Jaguar. Maybe… just maybe… you will find Xara Xa’Khan within your trance!
the jimmy du-rant!-e
all welcome to come to the church of jimmy durante/emotional expression camp thru the day any one wishing to come and blow your emotional nose are invited to place your head inside one of the nostrils of the GREAT SNOZE and scream, cry, curse, sneeze or otherwise express the feelings that may surface at an event such as this achachacha. it may be hot inside and so the “snoze” will be well ventilated and also at night illuminated inside and out. please feel free to make as much nose i mean noise as u like untill midnight a-choo! jim bless you.
1:00 PM Tarot Card Readings
Ed Buryn reads with his William Blake Tarot of the Creative Imagination for the 4th consecutive year at Gringos On The Playa theme camp. For reciprocity, offer something (anything) to barter.
10:15 PM Blackrock Outdoor Film Festival
A Big Screen celebration of some of the best new independent film and video shorts, cult classic features and a media mirror playback of daily events as captured on personal camcorders. Located at th ARF camp (the Artistic Republic of Fremont– seattle) on the esplanade, the films will start Wed evening and run nightly from dusk till dawn on high resolution video projection on a 20 x 30′ free standing screen showing vhs, digital and hi-8 formats. Wild card submissions welcome. Bring your favorite movies on cassette tapes and we’ll try to show them if time allows. This is interactive cinema and old fashioned summer fun at its best. See you there!
The Playa Rainbow Wax Clock
(Appox. installation location: 12:00 Mercury) A huge 40 ft. diameter, rainbow colored pinwheel nailed to the playa and centered above the MAN on the Wheel of Time at about 12:00 will be used as a timepiece. The record of time will be marked in the sun’s effect on wax figures placed on the colored panels. We will place one of the six pinwheel panels on the ground each beginning day at midnight so the clock is built as it also records the time in melted wax. All Black Rock Citizens are invited to bring some wax, soften it in the sun a bit, shape a figure or personal icon, and place it on the panel of the day. The entire piece will be ritually burned the night the MAN burns.
Look for our camp somewhere within Black Rock City. Drop by and say hi (that is, if we’re at home and not out seeing and experiencing all of your wonderful creations. if we are, just look for the fat guy and the skinny dude in colorful desert attire). We didn’t get placed so we will find real estate when we get there. We’ll have a huge, surreal painting painted with a rainbow pinwheel and the words, “The Playa Rainbow Wax Clock” stretched out as a lean-to shade structure fronting our camp.
IDIOM Word Gathering
Everyday the ISMIST camp will be gathering new words for pages for the IDIOM art piece.We need volunteers to paint the words on the 13 foot by 6.5 foot pages.We will be creating 2 new pages everyday. These activities will take place within the ISMIST camp. WHAT IS YOUR WORD!!!
IDIOM Parade
Every evening the ISMIST camp will parade through the streets carrying the 2 new pages (13ft by 6.5ft) of words for the IDIOM art piece located out in the 20th century zone.Our final destination is the IDIOM piece, into which we will hang the new pages. We want all fire performers, drumers, hell whatever to join us in this procession of lunacy.
10:00 PM live music at Dylyzma by Dylyzma
live music at the dylyzma camp by Dylyzma the band.come join the festivities!
12 Step Meetings
Anonymous Camp is here to bring 12 Step meetings of any type to Black Rock City, scheduled & impromptu. Look for the Burning Desires parachute shade structure at Earth and 5:30. Join us for a meeting, start one of your own and/or stay for the fellowship!
Come join the fun and participate in painting the largest canvas on the Playa–The 1999 Picasso Canvas. We’ll have both the large canvas, and a smaller one for the kids. All paint, supplies, etc are supplied. Daily during daylight hours! See ya there!
2:00 PM Temple of WaterBoy Free Baptism and Hose-down
Waterboy is back, and this time he’s recruiting. Looking for mermaids, octopii, jellyfish, etc… Lot’s of water, scuba, snorkling, and more water…Occuring dailythought Burning Man, @ 4:30 on the quiet side of Mercury
Conch Blowing Lessons and Whenever JAM SESSION!
Come to Sandpainting Camp — bring your shell trumpet, learn to make one, or use one of ours! Conch lessons given (and taken) by SandWolf, corporeal and otherwise molecules made to vibrate through the joint efforts of Triton and Aeolus.Kah-RRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
6:00 PM Sandalas-to-Go!
Sandalas created at your site! Camp, Village, Event, installation, Wyld ‘n Wooly Playa, tent — wherever, we will come to your site and bless it with a Sandala created jointly by ourselves, you and whatever participants that wander by. E-mail me at wolfinblack(at)pagan(dot)net if you want us to come to your site, or come visit us at Sandpainting Camp on Venus is Gigsville.
The Playaphone Project II
THE PLAYAPHONE PROJECT II. The PlayaPhone crew, Alice and Ray, bring their closed circuit phone system back to Burning Man. All day All night All the time – Free and easy – hop on the line – make random connections and far out communication with the citizens of Black Rack City.
12:00 AM Happy Camper’s Happy Hour
What happens when cross a beer keg and a lawn mower? The happy camper’s happy hour BLENDER!!! Come join us for frozen cocktails every day: pina coladas, frozen margaritas, smoothies… If you want to drink, then bring something to throw into the blender. ice, alcohol, ice, fruit, ice, mixers, coconut milk…
pottery commune
7:00 PM the Burning Band
the burning band is back for another year of fun and frolic. please see theme camp listing for more info. we’ll see you there!
Blü A 12′ x 24′ structure in which everything is the color blue. We’re talking blue furniture, toys, drinks and ambiance. Come relax under a cool hue and check out our centerpiece: a giant 5′ long kaleidescope housed.
11:00 PM Walk the Flaming Labyrinth
Come walk the Flaming Labyrinth, a 35′ diameter labyrinth of flame. This will happen occasionally during the event (definatly expect Thur. and Sun. nights). Check the sign posted at the labyrinth (10 o’clock on the outer wheel) for more specific times.
Space Children & Unitiv Flo “Burning Man of Speakers camp”
Join us for the burning of a 20 ft. tall man of speakers. Yes, of course the man of speakers will be playing music while it burns… and don’t be alarmed if the speakers explode, after all speaker cabinets are hollow, allowing plenty of room for things that go BOOM! Our camp will also feature the 11,000 watt Unitiv Flo sound system which is painted with absolutely breathtaking black light art work. Various live acts and DJ’s from around the world will be perfoming daily and nightly. Music styles will span vast catagories but will be primarily electronic in nature. We are located at the entrance to the BOOMTOWN village right on the esplanad (Mercury & 9:00 streets) see ya real soon!
3:00 PM Water Battle
3’Oclock high, the place… HAmlet Village! Come bring your squirt guns/super soakers and do battle on the playa. No holds barred, no surrender. If you are in the vicinity you are going to get wet, and don’t plan on hiding out in your tent either, our daily raids into other villages and theme camps will flush you out.
12:00 AM Baked Batata Productions
2:00 AM Kaleidoscope of Fire
kaleidoscope of fire
Giant Black light kaleidoscope
black light body paint friendly
be a fractal become the show
spin on the kaleidoscope of fires 6 foot dish
nightly black light/video daily sun power
bring the kids, spin Grandma, no dogs
tattoos and parakeets wecome
Dirt Nap Dance/Tomb-o-rama
Come to dirtnap camp and shake those bad vibes away… visit us at night for the full effect fog machine, strobes, disco balls, you get the picture.
Take a break from your boogyin’ and inscribe the name of the person you would like to depart this planet on one of our 66 tombstones in our tomb-o-rama. These will make the path to our mighty “Sterning Man”.
Visit us at 6:54 on the Mercury Esplanade.
The Marie Antionette Quartet
Be on the lookout for The Marie Antionette Quartet. Four gorgeous women in decadent and delicious costumes. Come play with us at our roving, tempestuous tea party.
11:15 PM Oracle of Atonement
Oracle of Atonement 9x9x9′ an interactive pyramidal structure using fire, video and sound. set up for various ritualistic performances surrounding the Amahraspand, highest angels of fire and air. Dance to release the fallen angels presiding over fire, air, earth and moon, your your own 7 deadly sins will be released to gain immortality.
Choreographers, dancers, musicians, performers needed for nightly ritualistic performances
sound system available.
bring props for ritual performances,
Dance and fire troops welcome
contact Glen Allen at 206-390-7413
metart@halcyon.com or Glen at the ARF Camp
alternate # Shannon Lindberg, Spencer Matthew or Skyler at
206,624-3045 Seattle WA.
10:00 PM Illumination of The Tetrahedron
The Tetrahedron laser sculpture will be activated nightly from around 10 PM to around 2 AM. Walk around and under the ethereal green light beams. See perspective change as you go from far to near. Contemplate the concept of perfect geometry on earth compared with the stellar geometry in the sky above. Using laser beams to “draw” in three dimensions, the sculpture is the simplest 3-D figure made from straight line segments, yet reflects a multifaceted, abstract beauty. As static and non-interactive as a constellation, it lifts the mind to a higher plane.
Sex Shop
DAILY sex rituals.
Unleash your deepest sexual fantasies at the sex shop.
All ages welcome.
Must present medical records.
3:00 PM Water Gun Wars
Bring your own water gun and water supply, bathing suits not required. This time of the afternoon should be warm enough that people will be looking for a way to cool off. The trouble is, many people may desire to be on the receiving end of the water gun blast, so we may need to figure out some strategy or rules to make sense out of this. One possibility might be a ‘water gun execution’ where the spectators can shoot their favorite (out of a group) individual (something like an un-popularity contest). Other ideas can be submitted in advance on the web site or email burningmannude@hotmail.com, or at the No Tanline Camp on the playa, where we will initially meet before moving out onto the playa for the Games to begin.
8:00 PM Nudie Movies
Bring your own chairs, popcorn and warm clothes for one or two hours of movies about nudism around American or the World. See nude resorts, beaches, hot springs, and other places where people gather for fun nude recreation. All movies will be PG rated and good for the entire family (even the kids). Tuesday night might be trial & error getting the projector set up, and we should run error free Wed. to Friday (No movie Sat. the night of the burn). We may try to show some of these during the day if we have anyway to have the screen visiable. Come to the No Tanline Camp.
got head?
Lounging in the head.
Dancing in the head.
Wisdom from the head.
Get naked in the head.
Zardoz speaks to you – at 8:00 Mercury.
Plug 4 & The Gaint Ghetto Blaster SOW 4080v.2
“Plug 4”, (@ 9:51-9:54 Mercury Esp) a 200 times scale, bright orange, 6 sided replica of, and shrine to, the almighty extension cord. The ponderous plug will be birthed from the earth with it’s 3 huge prongs reaching skyward for connection, it’s huge asymmetrical doors opening mechanically to welcome home the electric powered Giant Ghetto Blaster on wheels from it’s forays of funk, soul, rare groove, breaks and hip hop on the open playa. At night “The Cavern Of Plug 4” will double as a wall-to-wall carpeted dancehall and public screening room for film, documentaries and animation with it’s and 12’x 12′ movie screen. Inquire with us if you wish to have the SOW 4080v2 do a drive by soul vaccination of your camp and also let us know if you wish to screen your art in our DVD, VHS or Hi-8 mini theater.
The Pirates of Lemuria Present… “Grape and Swillage!”
From the depths of the undersea world of Lemuria come the most vile, foul smelling and bad tempered collection of sea scum ever to curse a dry lake bed… the Pirates of Lemuria! Although our mighty ship, the BMS Lovelock, is not scheduled to arrive until mid-week, we will be preparing for the start of our Playa anti-plundering crusade from the opening day of BM99! When THESE swashbucklers show up at your camp and demand that you share their grapes (whatever scurvy chow we have at the time; hardtack, turkey jerky, saltpeter biscuits…) and swillage (arrrrrr, hand me me grog, cabin boy…), you had better join in or we might revert to the habits of our ancestors, Matey. When the BMS Lovelock arrives, we’re going to embark on our “share the booty” campaign, so get ready to barter or ye’ll walk th’ plank, ye hen hearted rascal!
Blue Balls Booger, Playa Pirate
2:00 PM Experiance Hypnosis
A couple of Hypnotists will be at Airheads Camp near 4:30 and Mars. Come experiance being hypnotised 2:00 PM to 5 PM daily. Self hypnotism class if there is interest. Other hypnotists welcome. David Rankine
9:15 PM Longest Can Can Dance
Nightly gatherings in front of the TIME TUNNEL. Participants will join arm in arm and kick their legs up high together, and try to create the worlds longest can can dance. Music will be provided.The Time Tunnel will provide all of the lights you will ever need.A splendid time is guaranteed for all.
“con-gress” is circular, actually 12-sided polygon, canvas (The Cycle of Cliche), 24′ in diameter and 4′ high on a 6′ wooden frame, covered inside and out with a collage of words and images. In the center of the enclosure is a 9′ psychodelic cross with a paper-mache fish crucified on one side (The Cruicifish), and a single-user friendly platform and appropriately positioned handles on the opposite side for the participant to take in the view beyond the Cycle of Cliche to the surrounding playa in the direction of the Man. The installation includes several vessels of paints and brushes for participants to add and offer their own cliches to the Cycle. It should be up Monday morning just beyond the MOMUVA areo-gallery and Submerging Man installations. If the wind does not destroy it first, it will burn on Friday night, after the Wheel of Time does its thing.
Ganapati Sanctuary Obstacle Removals
The Ganapati Sanctuary is here to help you remove your obstacles. We are a group of trained obstacle removal specialists, so stop in any time (almost) at our friendly, shady spot. For some fun, warmth (if you’re lucky, some food or a cold drink) and work on whatever obstacle you like, we should be able to handle it. Small obstacles (my toenails need polishing) and big (my life has no meaning) completely welcome. Check the Find a Camp Board or the Dynamic Board for location of the Sanctuary.
7:00 PM Ganapati Sanctuary Mahashra Ritual celebrating the Mahashra (the Shedding)
From Thursday to Sunday, the Sanctuary of Ganapati will celebrate the Mahashra (the Shedding), a purifying ritual to help us overcome obstacles on our chosen path. We will call upon the divine, in the incarnation of Ganesh, to help each of us to see clearly that which stands in our way and to remove it. Chanting, music and dance will aid us in our task. Check the Find a Camp Board or the Dynamic Board for location of the Sanctuary.
10:00 AM Yoga with the Ganapati Sanctuary
Thursday to Monday, before your midday siesta , come loosen up your body and mind with the Ganapati Sanctuary . We will meet at the Sanctuary and head out into the playa for gentle warm ups followed by sun salutations and assorted asanas. Check the Find a Camp Board or the Dynamic Board for location of GS.
Bang your MoM
Come bang your MoM (the Monument of Music) with the Ganapati Sanctuary. MoM is an experimental percussive sculpture developed to energize our rhythmic passions and ground our most primitive urges to beat the drum. The MoM also serves as a creative outlet for aggressive energies. Come wail, bash an bang till you can’t. The MoM can take it. Check the Find a Camp Board or the Dynamic Board for location of the Sanctuary.
…if you find the TIME, we’ll find the SPACE! THEN ON SUNDAY WE CAN MEET AT A MUTUALLY AGREEABLE timespace FOR A TAI CHI TEA (everyone please bring a favorite T to share — and a cup or mug to put it in! i’m bringing mine!)
6:00 AM dawn greetings at camp resonant
Dawn concerts of various material, by various artists. Original material may collide with mutated covers saying goodbye to the 20th century.
Little Black Rock City
Come place a model of your camp on the Little Black Rock City. Our City Model will be 60 feet across, making the scale for your model 120:1. At that size a small dome tent is the size of a quarter, (ten feet = one inch). People can then find your camp using our giant map. Models can be realistic or interpretive.
Nicolas Troff — Writings About Other Things
From Thursday (9/2) to Saturday (9/4) come with a question and leave with one of Nicolas Troff’s thought-provoking abstract texts. In the Kamp Kunst-Stoff environment (10:00 on the wheel)
Projet Haute Couture sweatshop
Stop by Projet Haute Couture (Mercury 7:25) to design your own line of Black Rock City fashion garments, or simply to volunteer to be a supermodel! Bring materials, thread, and ideas, and use our sewing machines to make fabulous eveningwear! Then come back Friday and Saturday evenings to show off your creations on our runway.
Catwalk to the Stars
Projet Haute Couture will have a 20′ catwalk set up from Day One, even though we won’t be having viewings of the Black Rock City collection until Friday and Saturday evenings. Lucky you! Use our catwalk for your events. A playa view, lighting and sound system ensure that your show will achieve maximum fabulousity. Mud person? Exhibitionist? Very Loud Band? Everyone’s welcome!
The Tower of Babble-On
Every night until Thursday come to the Tower of Babble-On to let loose with some amplified for your pleasure, free form, nonsense, horse-shit rambling. Thursday night our collective nonsense ramblings will ignite the tower and send it back to wherever in hell it came frome… please, no wagering.
6:00 PM Bicycle Soccer
Where? Bicycle Soccer Camp. Location? 2:00 O’Clock & Saturn. Bicycle Soccer at sunset 6:00 pm or when ever that is ?? When it cools down a bit. Only a few rules to the game. Bring your bike and get ready to have fun and a good work out.
The L2K Lounge
The L2K lounge will be open 24 Hrs a day. Wander in and play with the 2000 pushbuttons. Your actions will change the patterns being displayed on the 500ft ring of lights around the man. At different times of the day the patterns will change, some will be fast, some slow. All will be amusing. We will have some events posted like the “Light” vs “Dark” game, and a Kid’s hour. There will also be interactive light things scattered around the L2K camp. Come and Play
12:30 PM Playa Trans
The PlayaTrans workers will be doing ( very little) roadwork in various locations through out Black Rock City. Come see your tax dollars hard at work, as we make the highways & biways a safer place for all. PlayaTrans – give a brake.
Instant Gameshow
YOU MAY ALREADY BE A WINNER! Play Instant Gameshow! Showing up when you least expect it – you get to play the Home Version. It’s Wacky. Or Visit us in Gigsville.
Temple of Godys – Personal Yoni Prints
Temple of Godys, 7:33 to 7:36 Mercury
We feature woman-positive activities, including the ever-popular personal yoni prints, free chai, and safe sex information. For those unaware, yoni is sanskrit for a woman’s vulva, the beautiful petals of the inner and outer lips of her womanhood. Last year’s event, “The Reverie Sun & Moon Church of Yonification,” featured a pink silk decorated shrine and a single yoni print station. New to the Burning experience, we learned alot about the joys of helping our visitors artfully memorialize their yonis on paper. We urged our followers to rethink, reprogram, and rededicate themselves to yonihanced pleasure and the scrumptious, lustful greedy pursuit of sensual fulfillment, opening up to the healing, manifesting power and joy of their divine womanly gift. This year, we invite you to participate. Choose from one of our three semi-private yoni print sanctuaries. Lean back into a luxurious pile of soft pillows, sip some hot or cold chai, and allow a lover, friend, or one of our handmaidens to assist you in painting your most secret spots. Decorate and adorn, dab, sprinkle and brush your creation with paint colors that span the rainbow. We use nothing but completely safe water-based paints and provide you with fresh aloe-vera enriched baby wipes for after-painting cleanups. Once your masterpiece is complete, we can help you (or your consort) press a sacred Temple scroll to the artwork, forever capturing every fine detail. Create your own beautiful and intensely personal artwork in our camp 24 hours a day.
The Cantina at Camp Tatooine
Nightly music and dancing. Beginning Monday night an eclectic mix of techno, trance, drum-n-bass, ethnic, ambient, even some house, full-on bizarrities and rock; overall DAMN groovy stuff to get off to, dream away with, chill or even dump your cargo to when you see those Imperial Cruisers. Wednesday night will see the addition of a live funk band, Moustachio, who’ll be with us for the duration. Full party following pod race (see Friday events, below). Come by to find out if the bar will be open, but stay for the tunes.
The Chill of Antarctica
We are currently planning on two 50 foot trailers due to the high demand from last year. While the real Antarctica is generally about -75 degrees F. Ours is a toasty 40 degrees which still means a parka and hot cocoa all day… IN DISTURBIA – 9:06 – 9:18 MERCURY
The Sunshine Pussyhut
Let the sunshine in! Visit our solar-powered booth of pleasure as vibrating toys powered by the sun keep you entertained!
The Love Ewe Sheep Farm
Come love ewes.
9:15 PM Battle of the Burning Man Stars
The Dante Network presents the battle to end all battles. It’s theme camp VS. theme camp in a gruelling cross-promotional free-for-all. Brodcast LIVE on cable access in HELL.
6:30 PM Camp ACME’s “Scream at Six-Thirty”
To commemorate ACME’s location in time…listen for the siren every day at 6:30. Then scream.
9:45 PM Ceremonious Launchings Every Evening
At 9:51 PM every evening, come join the thousands crowded in front of Plug 4 as the nightly ritual of the launch of The Giant Ghetto Blaster SOW 4080v.2 unfolds. With much pomp, music and smoke-machine we will activate the massive mechanical door on the front of The Plug and roll the electric powered SOW 4080v.2 out onto the open playa for it’s forays of funk, soul, hip hop, breaks and reggae under the stars. Come witness the ritual and walk along side as the SOW 4080v.2 performes soul vaccinations on various camps, villages, bars and gatherings. 9:51 Mercury Esplanade
Rose Red’s Tea Den
Every day come and awaken and entice your senses as we bring you into a deeper consciousness with tea. three times a day we will brew some of the most exotic teas in the world for you. we only ask that you allow the unfolding that will happen. look for Rose Red herself with her band of temptresses. there will also be music, dance, and consumeables of every kind. We are also helping to sponsor the first of it’s kind all Burning Man TREASURE HUNT. Come check it out!
Figure Drawing Drop-in Studio
Where models draw and artists model… Drop by my little studio in the shade for
1) the chance to pose for black rock city’s finest figurative artists and
2) the chance to draw black rock city’s finest models… yes, the two are intimately linked, and the ideal participant can play on both sides of the fence… i will supply the materials, the space and the encouragement (as well as the body, should we be lacking either artiste or model at the time you drop by…) Look for a flyer on the theme camp board on Thursday for time and location…
12:00 AMMidNight PopCorn Palace and PopCorn on Wheels!
Let it be known and let it be anticipated! Monkey Girl and PopCorn Boy will gleefull serve up the Best Damn PopCorn on the playa nightly upon the MidNight Stroke near the Burning Man KeyWay and Mercury Prominade! Be Forwarned! – Random Poppings may occur throughout Week!!!
Reality Check – The Roving Reporters of Rascalry!
Yes! It’s those incredibly strange lads from Reality Check TV – the video journal of underground culture! Roving, reporting and checking your reality! When they show up, tell them your tale-or make one up! Share illegal substances with them and watch them fall down! Invite them to your camp, watch them knock over tent poles, then kick them out! Have it captured on video and broadcast to all your pals in San Francisco who didn’t come and watch those friends turn green with envy! Remember what Marshall McLuhan never said: “The message is the medium in the modem of the maker if the kettle on the boil has the brew that is true!” Special Bonus! Witness the Exclusive Reality Check Webcast! We’ll drive like hell across the desert and cast a full networked PC… out the window! Yow!
7:15 AM Time, Space, and Medicine
Activation: Dawn, August 31st
Daily Tendings: Dawn and/or Dusk
Zenith Ceremony: Noon, September 3rd (Friday)
Closing: Dusk, September 6th
Location: NW of the Man
Description: A portal between Soul, Self, and Nature…
Is Indentured Servitude for You
Daily: Ongoing Mobile Auctions and Recruitment; Dusk Auctions at our Center Camp/Esplanade Pavilion
Location: Mobile Auctions — “Servitude Sled” (clearly marked); Homestead Auctions– Esplanade/Center Camp
Description: Indentured servitude engenders inner peace, personal harmony and growth, and much needed labor for Theme Camps. Join us for a series of workshops, seminars, and exercises that will help you experience the positive benefits of the indentured servant/master paradigm.
1:00 PM Moa Artua’s Grog Hut
This is a small Tiki Hut constructed entirely out of bamboo and reed panels, which features a makeshift Tiki Bar in its back, and 50’s Exotica music and/or surf music. It serves as a shade structure for its owner and Grog maker and servant of the gods, Moa Artua. Stop by for some delicious Grogs and “fearful” clay gods for trade. Relax to Exotica music favorites and sounds of paradise compiled by the great Moa Artua himself. Location TBA.
Assault Tequila Bar
A Mobile Tequila Bar Featuring, Mezcals, Platas, Reposados, Anejo’s of the highest caliber, Fresh cool limes, Mexican Beer. Our Compact Mobile Marg Factory Will Seek And Destroy Any Semi Willing Imbiber. Barter is GOOOD… Look For the RED Tequila Bar Wagon!!!
9:00 PM Rabbit Hole High Tea
The Rabbit Hole’s Nightly High Tea needs performers, astounders, informers,and loungers to come into our home, spin the wheel, act accordingly or inappropriately and recieve the blessing or the gong of the ever-revolving King and Queen. In fact, come be the King or Queen! “Everybody Wins, All Must Have A Prize”, the stage is yours…
The Church of Reformed Hedonism Massage Temple
Enter the Chapel Of Healing Energy and mount the Altar of Deep Relaxation.
Release your Waking Mind as the Massage TheraPriest applies Sacred
Oils and performs the Ritual Dances and Rites of Therapeutic Body Worship.
Two/four-handed table and seated massage available.
1:00 PM Penis Painting Salon
Phatima and Madam Bomb present the 3rd annual Penis Painting Salon. Due to the overwhelming interest in phallic glamour therapy Madam Bomb and Phatima are providing their world-renowned titillating techniques to the playa once again.
The Salon is located at 3:59 and Venus and will take reservations beginning Tuesday afternoon. So, bring yourself and your (sanitized) friend to our boner boutique and let the tender loving hands of an artiste make over your member.
Camp ACME, Mercury & 6:30
Visit Camp ACME at Mercury and 6:30. Free trials of the latest models from the R&D labs of ACME Corporation. Numerous constructive/destructive devices to choose from!!!
Art and events include…
** ACME Giant Slingshot: Bring things to sling. Daily events and contests
(splatter painting, distance and accuracy contests and more).
** ACME Anvil: Bring stuff to smash. Destroyed artifacts will be used in the ACME game “Boing! Sproing! Bonk! Clonk!”
** ACME Plunger: Push the plunger… it’s connected to something. Honest!
** ACME Squirt Squack: A misty moist moment.
** ACME Art Schmart: Projection schmection in a tunnel of gauze! Our slides and YOURS. What democracy!
** ACME Sparkles: ACME’s got glitter, but only if you got gusto! Qualify for an opportunity to shine in the ACME game.
** ACME Home: IKEA goes survival…chill in the shade with the ACME crew.
** Torch Job
** noise punk girls think pink
** Abomination Domination
** Wheel of Misfortune
** spin-win
** Hair cuts by Sam
** Tie your Ho
** Demo & Lessons
** bring rope & Ho
**** Don’t miss “Boing! Sproing! Bonk! Clonk! ****
Thursday 11:59 pm on the playa
Merkaba Meditation Pyramid
Come meditate in the psychodelic merkaba pyramid, or come relax inside. Cum in your black light apparel as this 28 foot erected pyramid blows your mind. Ambient music of all kinds welcome!
1:00 PM see beths boobies up close
Just in case you are one of the few people who haven’t seen beths boobies be sure to check them out, she will be happy to show you them. also brian will
Rick’s Generic Bar
Nightly, Sid Incidental and his Perfunctory Orchestra. Complementary nuts with two — count ’em — flavors of poison, clear and amber.
Grand Masquetorium
This is a correction to this listing.Daily, best during daylight hours.
Location: 2:57 Mercury
This year we are repeating our enthusiastically received Masquetorium. A wide variety of raw materials will be made available for participants to create their own wonderful masque, all in our spacious relaxing Tekna/Techno North African Nomadic shade structures. Bring your own special materials, bring your wonderful creativity and make a masque!
Psychotropical Brain Forest
Daily, beginning at dark.
Location: 10:30 Mercury (approximately) on the Playa.
The Psychotropical Brain Forest will be a Playa installation at about 10:30 Mercury, an illuminated assemblage of phantasmagorical objects. Those who wander through the efflorescent illuminated Psychotropical Brain Forest’s lush scenery will be invited to relax amidst the exotic flora and biota. Explorers will be enchanted by the haunting strains of psychedelic music spun by desert gathering pioneers Moontribe and may be compelled to participate in proto-primitive dances. At times Forest inhabitants will provide strange entertainment for those lost souls whose trail of bread crumbs has been eaten by wild playa birds. Hypnotized by the Forest’s beauty, many will find it hard to leave.
Spanky’s Fantasy Island
Ah yes… Similes, similes everyone. Welkum to SPANKY’s Fantasy Island. Come join us under the palm trees, where you too can have your fantasies granted. Yes, Spanky’s delivers 24 hr. around the clock (or wheel of time, which ever you prefer) Fantasy fullfillment for barter and trades. And don’t forget some of our marvelous events that Spanky’s is planning.
EVERY DAY @ 3:00
Spanky’s will be playing Fantasy Bingo. One lucky winner will have their Fantasy granted, for FREE! Yes, no bartering, no bribes to the wishmakers — a straight up free fantasy. So drop by at 3:00 pm every day for Fantasy Bingo.
EVERY DAY @ 4:00
Also remember that Spanky’s will be hosting a hole on the BLD mini golf course. Come join us for the “Chi Chi Rodriguez” champion chip putt off to see who has the biggest putz in Black Rock City. Test your skillz on our champion grade mini golf hole.
So you weren’t so happy with the Soulmate that Costco produced for you. Well Spanky’s has the cure and presents the Fantasy Dating Game. Come join us for a playa fantasy twist on that popular hit teen t.v. series. Ask some questions, get some answers and win yourself a fantasy date, or a hairy ape (or judges panel hasn’t decided on prizes yet). Winners will be whisked away to a mystery playa destination with a bottle of champagin in hand, and a simple task to complete. Winners will be asked to come back to participate in Fridays event.
Spanky’s presents the Fantasy Love Connection where we will revisit our recently united couples (those winners of the Fantasy Dating Game and any others who wish to participate) to get a provocative look at to see how their fantasy date went. Tell us of your tales of what (or who) “really went down” at Bianca’s, did you hold hands under the Tesla Coil, or just marvel in the whit and flame thrown to you by the mighty Wizzard of ASS???? Come by to see if someone has met their Fantasy Love connection.
You and your loved ones can come to Spanky’s for the Fantasies but stay for the fun. Enjoy a tropical drink in our barter bar be fanned down by one of our lovely hostesses or just marvel over our Velvet Elvis all while you wait for your Fantasy to be granted. Enjoy the company, come socialize with old friends (Kevorkian, The Disco Headhunters, the chicks from Berkely who said “YES… YESSSSS!”, the son of God, and many others) and make new friends all while relaxing under our 60×20 palace of shade.
Don’t forget Spanky’s delivers 24 hr. around the clock Fantasy fullfillment! Come fill out a Fantasy request or take a look on our Fantasy Board to see if you can help us fulfill a Fantasy. Your participation is greately encouraged and wanted! Bring barter items and trades! You can come and visit Spanky’s Fantasy Island conveniently located at 7:30 and Venus in the Blue Light District 3.0
Thank you for your support, Mr. Pourke
8:00 PM Metronome Lounge
The Metronome Happy Hour frome Dusk till Aprox 11:30 pm. Vodka & Lemonade to refresh. Piano player and variety acts. If you would like to participate as a performer. Drop by during the day to sign up. We are not yet placed so look for us on the community boards around the city. Tuesday till the Burn.
3:00 PM Chocolate Chip Lick-off
Get clean and come to the Blue Light District for the Chocolate Chip Lick-off. Chocolate chips will be put on your favorite body part(s) (no armpits!) to melt and will be licked off by volunteers.
MISSION OUTREACH, for La Iglesia del Santo Pollo
Thee time has come and give thanks for thee chicken is here, now that thee end is near. Bow down before the Blessed poultry, and show just how pee-ous you really are. Join us the humble servants of the fowl offer up a tumult of sound to thee one that brings salvation thru the amber hue ov a 40 oz full ov Old E.
Full body trampolining/figure painting
Yes that’s right, it’s finger painting with a burningman twist, combining two of everyone’s favorite activities, art making and trampolining! Come by to just bounce, or have yourself slathered in nice COLD water soluble paints and bounce your way to a figure painting! I will supply the paint and the trampoline, as well as a way to wipe down afterwards 🙂
Exact full-body figure painting times will be posted on the bulletin board under “figure” and “trampoline” on Wednesday. Bring your own cloth if you want to take a print home…
Digital Composting
We have a repository and resource recovery center for useful and useless numbers residing in your head. Come and purge your mind of numbers and so called responsibilities to return these digits to the carbon cycle. Note that that numbers like the speed of light, the Universal Constant, Pi, and Bolzman’s Constant will likely not decompose since they best represent natural phonomena, but will provide a matrix for other new numbers. Numbers will be kept sealed and conifidential in Big Brother’s Box until conflaguration.
Somewhere from 3:30 to 5:00 Venus (or Jupiter )
2:00 AM Banana Race
Bring your Banana’s and water and crush them between you ass.
Job Consulting Camp
Job got you bummed. Poor thing. Smart move coming to Burning Man though! Cruise on over and see how our team of experts employs an extremely rigourous and scientific process to help you find that ideal job. Hey , it’s better than killing yourself and think how happy it’ll make your mom. Say the sniveler sent you and win a prize! The first part of the evaluation is for you to find our location on the Events Board.
12:00 PM Massive Drummers
More than 50 drums shocking at midnight at the same time!
Featuring most of Spain’s Night Of Drums artists!
Bring your own and play… after the show there will be a contest for the best non-proffesional drummer. The prize is: Alcohol for everyone!
Brain_in_a_pot@yahoo.com for more info (Sorry, no web!)
Altered State Brain Wave Entrainment Audio Sessions
Experience the pseudo drug of the new millenium (lets see them try and make this illegal). Lay back relax at one of our binaural beat audio stations and experience altered states at the touch of a button.
A truncated icosahedron, the sun temple provided a sanctuary for weary travelers of the playa. The pentagonal geometry was accentuated by string and crystals hung in such a way as to capture the sunlight at various times throughout the day. Emblazoned with the holy mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum”, the sun temple is a tribute to the creative spirit within all of us, a sanctuary for the tired and worn out souls. Erected by RipBongs, Darkat and Tammy, Cosmic Uber Deejays from the planet vulcan.
5:00 PM Nude Cocktail Lounge
What a better way to get to know your fellow Burning Manner than to meet him (or her) in the buff? Anyone allowed in, provided you are unclothed as the day you were born.