Coming soon.
K-SVERT 106.5 FM Radio
K-SVERT 106.5FM the 10 watt flame-thrower on the playa K-Svert FM radio is your source for music, information, dis-information, rants, and grooves as well as YOUR public forum. Musicians, poets, pundits, priests and pornographers are invited to share our airwaves.
Contact: maquino@ihot.comHometown: San Jose, CAKAOS FM 107.7
KAOS FM is a public service radio station broadcasting to the community of Black Rock City, Nevada on a frequency of 107.7 MHz on the FM band. The station format is primarily alternative (gothic, industrial, darkwave, electronic, synthpop, etc.) with occasional departures. KAOS FM (A.K.A. “Radio KAOS”) has been broadcasting at Burning Man since 1997. We were the first Radio Station to bring live interviews from the field, and now you can too! Just bring your FRS handheld transceiver (Channel 7 or 14 [462.7125/467.7125MHz]) and become an instant correspondent.
Contact: noivad@mac.comKidsVille
A Village designed to meet the needs of today’s Burning Families. We invite you to come play with us for the afternoon or bring the kids and stay for the week.
URL: http://www.blackrockkids.orgContact: kids@burningman.comHometown: San Francisco, CAKult Camp (or KC for Short)
Kult Camp is a post-Enlightenment response to the commodification of the spiritual experience by Old world religions and New-Age groups. KC brings you the In-N-Out Guru franchise, the fate-O-Meter, the Confessional and a chance to achieve Instant Endarkenment.
Contact: ManiBake4Me@aol.comHometown: Mill Valley, CAKursk
Come revel with the soldier in the masoleum that is the kursk.
URL: Allston, MA