Coming soon.
Zerbo’s… an exchange of energies, resulting in a creative image capture of some of the most unique handcrafted gifts found on the playa. Questing not only for the image, but the story behind the gift, the thought that inspired it’s creation and those who have labored for the gifts to be given. The exchange of energies… will be remembered… not only by the creative capture, also by the your experince with Zerbo’s and new friends made in the life cycle of your gifts journey into “The Vault of Heaven “.
URL: spike@spikezerbo.comHometown: Rocklin, CAZooZ Ooz
An ecclectic collection of collections from the bay area, come and see the heavenly delights plushie garden, or stop to cool off in the spritzer dome, or swap a book at our book shop. At nightime, come and bring your music and share some mellow sounds.
Contact: sfaaron26@yahoo.comHometown: Oakland, CA