In 2015 we have again invited our Regional communities and artist collectives from around the world to help create an interactive, collaborative art environment at the base of the Man, based on this year’s art theme, Carnival of Mirrors.

The Midway
The Midway will house a panoply of strange and enchanting wonders. Mind-readers, fortune-tellers, and vendors of patent medicines will vie with every form of all-too-human oddity for public attention; barkers will of course be everywhere. Artists and builders will create unorthodox carnival attractions and interactive experiences, and we will fashion stages to host performance art. See the list of booths to get your imagination flowing.
The Carny Corral
The Carny Corral will serve as a Welcome Center for the Midway as well as a logistics center for all the Midway artists, Man Watch, and Rangers assigned to the Man.
Volunteers for the Carny Corral will engage and inspire participants in the various Midway booths, which will not be staffed full-time and whose teams will need some support from incoming eager volunteers. We want to empower people who come through the Carny Corral to help staff booths and to have fun with their posts. The Carny Corral volunteers will take a more direct and spontaneous approach to getting people into the playful Midway spirit. We see the Carnies as street theater — they’ll escort visitors playfully to the various booths and let them run with it! Carny Corral volunteers can be barkers, enablers, provocateurs, social engineers … whatever form engages you and makes you feel aligned with the concept. The Carny Corral is a hub of activity!
If you would like to join in the adventure or get more information, email or
Share this information, encourage others to experience the Midway, and learn more about the booths and opportunities for participation by visiting these pages on Facebook:
As always, any work of art by anyone, regardless of the theme, is welcome at the Burning Man event. If you would like to install a work of art on the open playa, please see our Playa Art Guidelines for more information.