This listing represents camps who submitted a Camp Placement Questionnaire requesting placement in Black Rock City and who wish to be listed publicly.
This listing does not represent camps who have been placed. Placement is reviewing these camps, and we will announce decisions by early June.
To find camp locations when you’re at Burning Man, refer to the BRC Map & Guide distributed by Greeters, the theme camp maps and Directory at Playa Info, and Civic Kiosks in city plazas.
2022 Camp Search for "PO9"
We connect you with the world, we are the ONLY way to get USPS mail to the playa, as we have been for years. We do: USPS to the Playa, Playa to any (international) address with a unique artistic postmark! (US postage encouraged/required), and friendly (and not-so-friendly) posties: stand in line, and fill out your form… in triplicate… with crayon.
On-playa updates:
URL: Contact: Hometown: Mesa