All artworks in these listings will be presented by these artists on the open playa in Black Rock City. Honoraria Art
has been awarded a grant by Burning Man Project. Registered Art includes all other projects that have registered for placement on the open playa in BRC. You can learn more about the BRC Art program here.

2024 Art Search for "return to sender"
Return to Sender: A Burning Man Time Capsule

The playa is a place where inspiration and reflection meet. This artwork invites you to capture a moment in time. Join the 2024 collective psyche of Burning Man by finding the time capsule, writing yourself a note on a pre-stamped postcard, and dropping it inside. The time capsule will be sealed on Sunday at 5pm before the Temple burn. In ten years, join us in the same place, at the same time to open it together. If you can’t be there, your postcard will be mailed from Black Rock City, aiming to find its way back to you. Join us in this fun journey of self-reflection and shared dreams.