Here it is again, the Jack Rabbit Speaks internet newsletter. We have BLM info, some TICKET info, list -o- lost/found from 2001, SkySquid needs your help, a Temple of Atonement benefit, a screening of Burn Baby Burn in Antartica (see the report) and a call for help finding Bman office space.and a few more tidbits. like Happy Birthday to Larry. PS: the next issue will be the “grab bag” I promised. 😉
APOLOGY in advance: To those who have previously been removed from the JRS, but found yourself on again, we had a mail-server crash last week and had to revert to files over 8 weeks old. Please scroll right to the bottom of the JRS for the email address and unsub again, and accept our apologies.
- Found a PENNY – a reflection from a fellow participant
- BLM information
- TICKET Sales Information
- SkySquid – WHAT IS that in the sky?
- ISO: Attractive Bman looking for like-minded SF OFFICE space
- Crucible: Great Balls of FIRE: Benefit
- Temple of Atonement event
- Lost and Found List
- Burn Baby BURN screenings: ANTARTICA ?? yup
- Black Rock Arts Foundation: Designer WANTED
- REGIONALS: URL – Santa Cruz and the burning beach
- Misc.
- Admin on and off the JRS
FOUND A PENNY <forwarded to me from a participant>
This morning I found a Burning Man penny on my doorstep. I don’t know where it came from. It could have fallen out of one of my pockets, I keep tumbling across bit of Burningman everywhere. I truly want to think is it was put there. Put there by someone paying attention. Someone who knows.
Because it brought me the most mind awakening surprise. It brought me to a completely different state of mind. Suddenly I was transported to a place where things were simpler, time was slower and my priorities were so very different.
I suddenly starting longing for extended nights and outstanding sunrises.
I wanted to go back to that place where I knew what time it was by the position of the sun or moon. That place where time flies and crawls at the very same moment.
I wanted my biggest priority to be what I was going to wear to the Bayou or how long the ice line is.
I wanted to once again feel connected to my friends, sharing my spaces, creating new places and opening my eyes to everything around me.
I place where I didn’t know what Anthrax is.
A time when it would take me a while to find Afghanistan on the map.
I want to be in that place were the daily news surrounds DPW’s movements rather than the Talibans.
I want to feel comfortable walking through the neighborhood in my PJ’s.
I want to have breakfast with my neighbors at the crack of dawn under the setting moon.
I want to feel safe.
When I think of structural safety I want to be worried about the Emerald City not being ready for the dance, not that someone may blow up the Golden Gate Bridge.
I want to go back to being free to fly off the playa, or fly on the playa in any mind altered state I want.
I want to pursue a free meal not belabor my next rent check.
I want to feel special because someone chooses to experience the playa with me.
I want to sit on the edge and watch the City take life.
I want to cuddle in the corner and let the City go by.
I want to huddle close with my friends under the light dusty skies at night.
I just don’t want those skies to be filled with destruction and hate.
I want to fill the skies with love and appreciation for every new glorious day we receive.
I want to remember my loves, and cherish them.
I want to feel my emotions and allow myself to recognize my fears.
I want to once again feel the excitement of what could be.
I want to be more aware that everyday I am surrounded by the playa.
It is only hidden.
Hidden in my office under the desk.
Hidden in my slippers, hidden in my hair, and in my closet all covered in dust. Time to bring it out, dust things up, and live in all its glory.
All this from the sweet penny.
BLM meetings regarding the NCA
You may have received a previous JRS calling for attendance at BLM meetings in preparation for the EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) and Management Plan for the NCA (National Conservation Area) within which the Burning Man event is held. If all this is “greek” to you, check out their web site for more information: http://www.blackrockhighrock.org. There are additional meetings being held next week in Reno and Sacramento for those in the area that did not attend the last ones. Upcoming meetings: http://www.blackrockhighrock.org/pressRel.asp (Wed. January 16, Thurs, January 17, see info below)
For those of you outside the area there is an area on the web site for your Input.
What’s all this about? Read the “Background” section for information about the NCA and why it exists. There’s not a whole lot of info about how it will effect Burning Man since they need to write a Management Plan and EIS to determine how recreation will be managed within this newly designated area, but this is your chance to keep ridiculous restrictions from happening. When you’re ready, visit the “Submit your Input” page.
At this time as far as we can determine the event will be allowed to continue on the playa. The allowance of “large scale events” is loosely written into the legislation, but the security of this depends greatly on the outcome of the Management Plan.
It is important to Burning Man and other special recreation permitees that future events not be restricted to exactly the same spot they currently enjoy. Though Burning Man hasn’t needed to move in recent years, there are other events that could be threatened if not given the freedom to move when necessary. We don’t currently intend to move Black Rock City, but any restriction to exactly the spot we currently hold would be arbitrary at this time without a qualitative reason. There is some indication SRP’s (special recreation permitees) will be restricted to areas they currently enjoy. While this may have merit in some cases the playa is 400 square miles and can withstand the burden of a number of responsible, well-managed permitted events. Restricting events to repeating in exactly the same location isn’t a fair approach.
Additionally, and most importantly, there is no reason that the Management Plan for the NCA should put any restriction on our population. Our size should be relative to our capacity to fulfill our responsibility to the land and available resources. As of 2001 Burning Man, staff, volunteers and participants left the playa cleaner than in 2000. We actually worked with the BLM to create the standard by which all Special Recreation Permitees are evaluated in the Winnemucca district. A contained population of over 25,000 clearly acts more responsibly than a dispersed one of the same size. It’s not the size, it’s what you do with it that counts.
Take the time to read the info. Take the time to leave your input. They ask for your name and address. You won’t find your name sold (are you kidding, this is the government), but they will keep you informed of the progress for the Management Plan.
Be assured I am personally involved with this on behalf of Burning Man. I’ve even managed to wrangle myself onto a BLM-Resource Advisory Committee subcommittee comprised of various types of users and conservationists. (sorry, due to litigation against the Department of the Interior I can’t send you to the BLM web site to find out more about what a BLM-RAC is)
YOUR input IS heard in this process. Trust me, we’ve made our Burning Man voices heard before. You have your chance again.
NOTE: if you are a user of the Black Rock during times other than Burning Man, I encourage you to also include comments that reflect your personal use of the Black Rock Desert.
The scoping process ends February 4, 2002. Don’t wait.
Thanks to all of you!
<Start: Meeting info>
The Bureau of Land Management¹s (BLM) Winnemucca Field Office has scheduled two public scoping meetings to receive input for the development of the Resource Management Plan (RMP) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Black Rock Desert High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area. The meetings will be held from 5 to 9 pm at the following locations:
Reno, Nevada
Wednesday, January 16
Nevada State Office
1340 Financial Boulevard
Sacramento, California
Thursday, January 17
Scottish Rite
Masonic Center
6151 H Street
Several methods will be available for audience members to submit comments, including oral, written, and electronic. Since there will be no formal presentations, it is not necessary to arrive as soon as the doors open. People may enter and leave at their convenience at any time during the scheduled hours.
If you attended one of the collaborative planning workshops held by BLM on November 28, 29, and 30 and December 3 and 4, the comments you submitted at those workshops will be included and considered with those submitted during the formal public scoping period. You are welcome to attend these scoping meetings, but if you submitted comments at the collaborative planning workshops and have no further comments to add, it is not necessary.
It was previously announced that ticket sales might begin on January 14, 2002. THIS IS NO LONGER THE CASE. Burning Man ticket sales will commence on January 21, 2002. Ticket announcement flyers will hit the U.S. Mail within the next week. Turn around for the cheapest tickets will be short. Online tickets will be available via the Burning Man web site on the 21st, but like last year the low-cost tickets will be mail-order only. FULL information will be available online and via the JRS a few days before the 21st in order to give the mailers a chance to reach those not connected to the internet. Don’t jump the gun, early post marks will not be accepted. NO CHECKS, btw. ONLY Money orders.
REPEAT: TICKET sales START date is: January 21, 2002.
Please stay tuned for prices, etc.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s SkySquid. You might have seen SkySquid buzzing around in the sky in purple or green paramotor (a paramotor is a powered paraglider). SkySquid, aka Timothy Childs, a long time burner and member of MadScientists camp (L2K and HypKnowTron) is the prismatic flying guy who needs any photos or video you have of him flying.
Flying this year at Burning Man marked the culmination of years of preparation as well as the initial launch of his aerial video services. As he was flying around, digital video was being recorded from a helmet-mounted camera. A wireless transmitter allowed people on the ground to see what was being captured. The resulting footage is simply put, incredible and will be featured in Proteous Film’s full-length documentary shot at this year’s Burning Man.
He’s currently pitching the Olympics to video-tape some of the sporting events from the air and needs your images for his website and promotional video.
Any media replacement and shipping costs will be repaid. Any use of images will be accredited accordingly.
Please send videos to:
RoundUP Productions
391 Jersey
San Francisco, CA 94114
Images (under 2 Megs) can be sent via email to skysquid(at)roundupproductions(dot)com email for instructions where to send larger files.
More info, www.roundupproductions.com/aerial
BURNING MAN seeking SF office space
Attractive, creative, self-expressive, androgynous art piece seeking like-minded spacious office for afternoon, evening, morning 24/7/365, 3-5-year delight. Size must be proportionate to needs. No less than 5,000 sq. feet, mixed use (warehouse and office), some parking, pre-wired would be helpful. Leads? Email: holly(at)burningman(dot)com
FYI: We currently have 5,000 square feet of office/warehouse space in San Francisco. We’re in two nearby buildings, and really need to consolidate operations, and attempt to reduce our costs in this improved real-estate market.
We’re willing to entertain purchase leads also.
Find us good space, and I’ll be your friend for life.
The Crucible’s Great Ball of Fire
3rd Anniversary Benefit and MASQUERADE BALL
Saturday, January 12, 2002 – 8pm until dawn
Editor: Apologies to the thousands of you outside the Bay Area. I include these events to give everyone near and far an idea of what your fellow Burners are doing to create community. The Crucible is an educational facility teaching a variety of industrial arts including welding, casting, etc. Those workers and volunteers on the playa Sunday before the start of Burning Man will remember Kelek’s Tesla Coil in the Café, others of you may have experienced the Extra Action Marching Band on the playa. In 2000 members of the Crucible did an iron pour on the playa.
<here it is>
The evening warms with the glow of flame-licked hors d’oeuvres, opulent costumes and twisting belly dancers. Deep dark ignites into a swirling phantasm of beguiling fire performers, delicious bands, synapse-popping DJs, gyrating bodies and a Mischievous Midnight UNMASKING
Performances by Keith Hennessy and Circo Zero – Xeno – Bonfire Madigan – DJ Vordo – Extra Action Marching Band – Ultra Gypsy – Molten Bronze pour – Kelek’s Tesla Coil – and much MORE…
$45 advance/$50 @ the door Complimentary Hors d’oeuvres provided by: Work of Art 8pm – 10pm 1036 ashby avenue, berkeley, ca 94710 – parking & main entrance at 1035 murray street (one small block south of ashby)
activities and enjoyment continue after 10 pm, check the URL below for $ and details.
Do arrive Metamorphosed (costumes requested)
Check out the crucible’s web site for more info – http://www.thecrucible.org
For all the bad kitties who didn’t have a chance to enter the Temple of Atonement on the PlayaŠhere’s your chance. Those that blush easily might not want to read on, kids under 18 cover your ears.
On Saturday, January 19th
Temple of Atonement presents
-an evening of BDSM and fire-
When: Saturday, January 19th – 9pm ’til late -Fire play class in the dungeon @ 10pm
Where: Chevil Ate – Directions at
Cover: 18 and up w/ ID $15 in advance – $17 at the door – Advance tickets available at Stormy Leather
What: Djs Fernando, Mitch and Fuzz – spinning in the main room. Full BDSM play space. Special Fire Performance by Incension. BDSM performances on the main stage. Fire play class by Victor in the dungeon at 10pm
Attire: Fetish attire is strongly encouraged. Fire-themed attire and playa elegant-formal are also acceptable.
Many of you lost or perhaps found something on the playa this year. We have been working to re-unite people with their missing items. There is still quite a collection of “found” stuff at BMHQ. I would love to help these things find their way back home if possible.
This is a rather vague list of the items we have in lost and found. Please email lostfound(at)burningman(dot)com with a detailed description of an item if you believe it could be yours. Don¹t forget about the Lost and Found discussion on the E-Playa as another way to reunite items with owners:
- Hair braiding kit
- Beading bag/kit
- Watches (4)
- Headlamp (2)
- Backpack
- Fanny pack (2)
- Guitar tuner
- Cellphone (2)
- Pocket knife
- Jacket
- Camelback
- Digital Camera
- Flash Unit
- Various 35 mm cameras (4)
We went ahead and developed all of the film we found as well, do any of these sound familiar?
<Editor’s note: I’m including the entire list of photos that were processed. I’m just the messenger. Those uninterested please move right along>
Roll #1
- “roman” theme camp with columns
- biking through a “field of sunflowers”
- bearded man in bright orange & yellow shirt crawling into the giant vulva of the cradle
- same bearded man at night, smoking cigarette, in front of a dragon
- port a pottie shots
- close up of something burning
Roll #2
- band playing in back of a Ryder Truck
Roll #3
- indoor, blurry, red trash bin
- close up – man w/ goatee, shades, floppy straw hat, far out on the open playa
- series of maze shots
- part of the mausoleum
- shot of this person¹s camp? (perhaps located near Tokyo Outpost around 9:00 ??)
- topless woman, dark hair, dreads (?), yellow shades with dark frames, holding a beer (taken early in week? Possibly near a theme camp that was not yet signed up but had marked off their territory with a rope and hanging water jug)
Roll #4
- man playing drums (full drum set with paint splattered bass drum)
- couple – wearing shiny silver. She has long blond hair, he has a shiny silver scarf on his head (sign in background says “mayor”)
- couple – she has long, bright pink wig on and is wearing a black and white dress. He has glasses, shaggy hair and a blue print/design button shirt that is open down the front
- 2 ladies from above photos together and smiling
- lady in silver dress (above) with dark haired man in a santa suit
- band playing in a white out
- art cars
- woman who was wearing silver dress, now wearing brightly colored halter top and jean shorts, appears to be surrounded by rangers
- lamplighters
- performers, women – all in black derby hats and tux jackets
Roll #5
- café interior shots – people lounging and massaging
- people lounging about the stage – man playing stand up bass on stage
Roll #6
These appear to be mostly pre Burning Man photos
- Pride parade?
- Several photos of a woman, wearing all white skirt and tops with black ribbon/sash, white hat – she is dancing on a stage with musicians in the background
- Same dancing woman, now joined by a bearded man, all in black with a white sash, dancing together
- Topless man, goatee, short hair with a few long dreads?, profile, smiling
- Dark haired naughty nurse with pierced boy in blue t shirt & rainbow stripes on back of head
- Gallery display, glasses
- At Burning Man – topless women riding on a see saw
- Someone mooning the camera
Roll #7
Many of these photos are dated 1-8-94
- 3 people – 1. older man, balding, glasses, grey beard, white coat 2. Woman, silver mask on face and wrapped in what looks like a silver space blanket 3. Young woman, black top, goggles, reddish hair, ponytail sticking straight up and back
- EL wire fish
- Couple- very painted, very colorful, headdresses, body paint, holding hands
- Mobile living room/lounge with zebra trim
- Plastic chapel
- Long exposure of The Man (several blurry men)
- Fire (mausoleum? During a white out?)
Roll #8
- mini bikes
- camp – looks like a beach house with windows, striped paint, shaded area out front
- bike carousel with red & blue shade cover
- Ferris wheel bike swing
- Camp Azteca
- Center Camp Café, both interior and exterior shots
- Open playa shots, sunset, No Driving On Playa sign
- Fire performers, facing each other, she has on striped socks
- Mausoleum by day
- Couple talking, next to big bull on playa
Paulo Arruda and Mark Lawler we have your wallets, please get in touch with us so we can return them to you!
I would also like to put a call out for a motorized, handicap scooter that went missing the night of the Burn, please email bex(at)burningman(dot)com with any information you may have about this scooter.
If you think any of the items mentioned could be yours, please send an email to lostfound(at)burningman(dot)com
<Editor’s note: Payne continues to contribute a significant portion of the entrance fee to the Black Rock Arts Foundation www.blackrockarts.org which distributes grants to artists for interactive community-based projects. See BELOW for post-Antartica screening report.>
Missing the playa dust?
Need an excuse to wear lingerie?
Miss Hot Tamalé’s hot hot birthday party screening?
Screening somewhere near you – so long as you live in the following places.
McMurdo Station, ANTARCTICA (seriously) 4th Jan to 11th Jan (see report below)
PHOENIX – 18th January – 8724 East Edgewood Ave. Mesa, Arizona. 85208 $5 in playa gear ($10 without)
RENO – 24th January – Venus Envy, 681 South Virginia st. – 8pm- $5 in playa gear ($10 without)
SAN FRANCISCO – 25th & 26th January – . 7:30pm and 9:00pm CELLspace – 2050 Bryant Street. 415.648.7562 – $5 in playa gear ($10 without)
NEW YORK – 10th February – Sutton 1 & 2, 205 East 57th Street. 8:00pm sharp. Call 1-866-468-7619 for Txts.
Please see www.paynie.com/ for details.
“The video of the 2001 Burning Man was shown to an overflow crowd of more than one hundred scientists and support staff at the McMurdo Antarctic Station on Friday, January 4th. McMurdo hosts up to 1100 people at any one given time during the Austral summer, making it the largest town on the continent. The video was shown as the station’s weekly Friday Night Movie in the Coffee House Bar, and was scheduled as a precursor to the annual McMurdo Alternative Art Gallery (MAAG) exhibition held the next evening.
If ever there was a crowd that could be moved en masse to Black Rock City, it’s the crew here. Antarctica is the coldest, windiest, and highest continent, but also the driest, making it the largest desert on the planet, and working on the Ice is sometimes very much like living on the playa. Just substitute ice for alkali. The aesthetic here is also akin to that of Burning Man: numerous assemblage works made from leftover industrial materials inhabit the station, and performance pieces are prized. The MAAG show the next evening could easily have been a theme camp in the inner city.
Four videos from the most recent Burning Man events are now housed in the station video library, available for free check-out. They join an assortment of sci-fi, Clint Eastwood, and subtitled foreign film titles, and provide the germination for future Antarctic Burning Man celebrations.”
The Black Rock Arts Foundation, a new non-profit arts funding and community organization, is calling on the volunteer community for help in creating a new logo and web design. This is an exciting opportunity to see your pro bono work representing one of the most progressive arts communities in America.
If you are interested in helping out, please:
- browse through the current website, www.blackrockarts.org, paying special attention to the mission and case statements. The new look and feel needs to be artistic and innovative, but maintain a sense of credibility and responsibility. Please note that the overall information architecture, (incl. navigation) will be redesigned to accommodate new content that is pending — we are just looking for a new visual design right now.
- create design treatments for the logo and/or homepage in either .psd, .html, or .gif files.
- send the treatment(s) to Nicole Maron, the Black Rock Arts Foundation, Web Lead, at nicole(at)blackrockarts(dot)org.
We are regrettably pressed for time, please email us for deadline specifications. If you have any questions, please contact nicole(at)blackrockarts(dot)com.
Wanna know what regionals do to connect their community together? Take a look at this new web site by the recently active Santa Cruz regional Burning Man community: www.burningbeach.org. If you live in Santa Cruz and would like to be kept up to date on activities in the area subscribe to their announcement-only list: santacruz-announce-subscribe(at)burningman(dot)com. Questions: santacruz(at)burningman(dot)com.
They’re planning a significant event for the spring.
Happy Birthday to Larry Harvey! / and the Nurse! +
Bravo to those ready to build a City in the desert. You have NO idea how BUSY we are at the office.
Thanks to each of you that send lovely messages.
I sometimes don’t think I have enough for a JRS, and then they end up so long! 😉
Info on the “Floating World” theme for 2002 coming soon to a web site near you.
Muchas gracias to the Horseman in a white mask. Meow to the cool kitties from NYE, and thanks Harley! Purr to the S.I.T.City gals from last Sunday.
Listening to “Morscheeba: Who can you Trust” and “Berlin Lounge: Day” while watching the minutes tick by as I race to get this JRS published.
OFF? bman-announce-unsubscribe(at)burningman(dot)com
ON? bman-announce-subscribe(at)burningman(dot)com
Meow meow
Maid Marian Burning Man jackrabbitspeaks(at)burningman(dot)com (for questions and post requests)
The JRS: guaranteed to be interesting at some point for sure.
old rabbits: www.burningman.com/blackrockcity_yearround/jrs/
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