JRS Volume #6; Issue #16


It’s a special all-events edition of the Jack Rabbit Speaks!

Spacelounge Presents: Cultlounge!

April 19th, 2002
354 5th st., SOMA, SF

Welcome to the second stage in your indoctrination.

Ladies and gentlemen SpaceLounge is proud to announce, for the good of your souls, CultLounge!!

SpaceLounge would like to cordially invite you to have a sip of our Koolaid in a relaxed, mind-bending atmosphere of steady beats and silly grins.

Honest-to-gosh ministers will be on hand to marry the faithful on-the-spot. Of course your marriage partner will be chosen for you by the Supreme Llama.

Trained mindbenders will take your confession in the confession booth.

Reverends will be manning the baptism pool so you can wash away your sins (and GOD do YOU have sins!) and enter the kingdom of heaven.

Koolaid will be dispensed by our ever-lovely Matrons of the Lounge.

Beats channeled direct from the Supreme Commander through our alien-technology-enhanced turntables. Announcing the triumphant return of the amazing Spork from NYC, she is not to be missed!!

Hoodlum (SpaceLounge)
Smoove (SpaceCowboys)
DJI (SpaceLounge)
Spork (SpaceLounge NYC)
Stephane (SpaceLounge)
Shizzla (SpaceLounge)
Spacelon (SpaceLounge)

You will conform.

CultLounge is happening April 19th at 354 5th st. in SOMA.
This event will be presale only, repeat, presale only. Well, ok, mostly presale.
$10 presale (time and location of ticket sales to be announced).
$15 on the door dressed for your redemption.
$20 on the door dressed as a godless norm.

All proceeds, as always, go to financing our endless quest to make you smile on the playa.

To get on the SpaceLounge mailing list email: announce(at)spacelounge(dot)com


Save The Shipyard!

Help Prevent the Shipwreck of the Shipyard—sign our Statement of Public Support for the issuance of zoning use and buliding permits from the City of Berkeley.

Petitions are at: http://www.theshipyard.org/

The City of Berkeley is asking us to bring our use permits and building code compliance up to current and legal status. Even though 1010 Murray Street has operated as an art space since the mid 90’s, there is no use use permit on record that approves the lot for art studio or gallery usage. Further complicating the situation, we have discovered there are no historic building permits for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc. installation whatsoever for the existing building. Our installation and conversion of shipping containers into art studios and shops obvoiusly complicates matters further. We have been asked, and have agreed, to cease all activity in the containers and existing building until we address these issues.

The relevant Berkeley city offices have expressed interest in working with us to resolve these situations. They like what we are doing and just want use to make it properly legal. No one is kicking us out. There is good will and good faith action underway on both sides. We just need to go through the proper process and fix the issues. However, the process to acquire all the relvant use and building permits is very complicated, expensive, time consuming, and open to neighbor protest.

A record of public support will help to smooth this process and get us back up and running as quickly as possible. If you like what we are doing, please sign below to help us continue doing it. We would greatly appreciate it.


In our last posting about the Power Tool Drag Races, the date was incorrectly sent to us. The corrected info:

Sunday, April 21st
Gates at 10am. Racing at noon.
$35 for racing. $10 for watching.

(secret new location to be announced the day before the races at http://www.theshipyard.org/)
(full rules available at http://www.theshipyard.org/fullracerules.html)

Blown Big-Block Belt Sanders… Nitro Burning Funny-Saws… Wheel Standin’ Weed Wackers
It’s racing… racing… racing… Sunday… Sunday… Sunday
…at The Shipyard… Shipyard… Shipyard…

Playa Del Fuego Benefit – from the East Coast

“It’s Passion that holds us to the task.”
—Larry Harvey

PASSION — A benefit for Playa del Fuego
Dirt Studios
2980 Falls Rd.
Baltimore, MD

7pm-9pm — VIP Reception — see below for info!
9pm — Doors open to the public

Sights: Fred Merrill, Sean McKnight, The Baltimore Calefaction Society
Sounds: DJ monk E (Baltimore), Sheldon Drake (NYC), Elektronkind (Baltimore)


Glowing Geodesics, Animated Automata, Alien Life Forms

Volunteer to raise funds for your own project, another project in need of helpers, spin records, perform, display, show off — be a VIP!

ALL ticket and concession proceeds will directly benefit Playa del Fuego and associated projects. See http://www.playadelfuego.org/ for information about Playa del Fuego and related events. Playa del Fuego is a not-for-profit collective of artists and engineers dedicated to promoting the spirit of Burning Man a little closer to home than the Black Rock Desert.

For ticket information and directions: http://420.playadelfuego.org/

All other inquiries: e- mail protozoa(at)playadelfuego(dot)org

The official Playa del Fuego Web Site: http://www.playadelfuego.org/

Baltimore-Washington regional contact info.

Antarctica Benefit

Wednesday, April 24 7pm-12am
Presidio, San Francisco

Antarctica Benefit at the Euphorium

Antarctica, the coolest camp at Burning Man is having a benefit to bring the temperature down in Black Rock City for one more year.

The party will be Wednesday April 24th from 7pm to midnight, at Antenna Theater’s amazing new play “The Euphorium” in the Presidio of San Francisco. If you haven“t experienced the Euphorium this could be your last chance, and you get a great party too.

Based on the opium induced Kubla Kahn poem by Coleridge, the Euphorium is a walk through theater piece where you are the sole participant. One person enters the Euphorium every three minutes from 7pm-midnight.

A Crissy Field warehouse has been transformed into the “stage” for the Euphorium, as well as the coolest temporary bar in San Francisco — the lavish Opium Den.

Antarctica’s famous DJs will be spinning ambient, funk and jungle in the Opium Den for the entire evening:

7-8:45 Jack Frost
8:45-10:30 Noah
10:30-midnight Tron

Beverages will be available at the bar for a small donation.

Only 90 slots are available to the show, and they are selling out fast!
$20/person to go through the Euphorium and hang in the Opium Den or $10/person for the party in the Opium Den.

Buy your tickets in advance here: http://www.longnow.org/rhino/fund_raiser.htm

questions? contact zander(at)longnow(dot)org or teiwaz(at)disturbia(dot)com

Reminder: Larry Harvey At Cooper Union

April 25, 2002 7pm
Burning Man Director Larry Harvey speaks at Cooper Union, NYC

…with gallery of “Art on the Playa”

A fundraiser for the Black Rock Arts Foundation and the Society for Experimental Arts and Learning (SEAL)

Find out more at http://www.sealspace.org/

New York Regional Contact information.

East Coast Black Rock Ranger Training

Saturday, May 18th
Assateague Island National Seashore

On Saturday May 18th, the Black Rock Ranger Training team is going nationwide. The site for this training is the Assateague Island National Seashore. (http://www.nps.gov/ — go to “Visit your Parks” and select Assateague—24th on the list.) This was the original location of Playa del Fuego, an east coast regional burn event which is now held in Delaware. This is the first training session of the year and should be a real hoot. To be eligible for ANY Ranger training, you must first sign up to volunteer as a Ranger on the Burning Man web site using the Volunteer Questionnaire.

Then to attend the Assateague Training please contact splinter(at)rangers(dot)org or junebug(at)rangers(dot)org

The schedule for the weekend is as follows:

Arrival available after 12 noon on Friday May 17. We have two 25-person group sites. The group sites are near a parking lot and are separated from the ocean by a small sand dune. After these group sites are filled, further information regarding individual camp sites is available from this link. http://www.nps.gov/asis/pphtml/camping.html

Training is on Saturday the 18th. Starting roughly after coffee and in some proximity to 10 am.

Saturday night we will have a bonfire and party. By noon on Sunday the 19th we should have left no trace. Extra info so you can be in the know:

Group food is being planned on for Saturday night. If’n you want to help let any organizer know. Bring your own breakfast and lunch for Saturday. Please, no elaborate lunch plans. Save the elaboration for Dinner. Bloody Marys on Sunday Morning supplied by Splinter.

Sunday afternoon drive home crab fest, plus book your time to ride on the Ferry to Cape May early. (Neither required but when in Maryland, eat the crabsƒ and an hour on a ferry boat with all your gear, a bunch of rangers and a bar don’t sound toooooo shabby do it?)

So come on out and learn the new tricks. We’ll keep the crabs fresh for ya.

Toronto, Canada Event!

Our Northern contingent would like to welcome you to our first large event the:

Burning mOOseman Recompression!

Friday-Monday, May 18-20

This event will be held during our long weekend in May starting Saturday May 18th and ending Monday May 20th. Limited tickets at $50Cdn per person will be available only until the end of April. The event will be held at a farm property North-west of Toronto, bunk beds and camping available, full kitchen, ambient video room and bumpin’ house and trance Djs in an old style rec room. Also on the property, a wood fired cabin sauna and clear ponds for dipping in.

Throughout the weekend there will be comedic improv sessions, mask making workshops, fire spinning workshops, music, communal potluck dinners, much mayhem and on Sunday, the burning of a mOOseman that we will build together out at the property. Theme camps and art installations most welcome. Participation and leave no trace ethics in place for the weekend. Come bearing gifts and an open mind and be prepared to meet new friends you didn’t know you already had.

Conatact the Toronto BM Rep Stephanie at toronto(at)burningman(dot)com for info, tickets or to join our Ontario burn discussion or announcement lists.

Upcoming in June — Toronto Video Lounge (either the 14th or 29th) we will be screening Dean Mermel’s beautiful documentary on the 1998 opera called “Eye of Rudra” and Paynie’s 2001 documentary “Burn Baby Burn.” Again, contact Stephanie at toronto(at)burningman(dot)com or join our annouce list!

Toronto area Regional Contact information.

Now go play!



jackrabbitspeaks(at)burningman(dot)com (for questions and post requests)

old rabbits: http://www.burningman.com/blackrockcity_yearround/jrs/

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