November 3, 2005
Man, 303 days until the ’06 burn and there’s already THIS much news?
Hands down, the catch-in-your-throat thought of the day is the ongoing Burning Man Katrina relief efforts – we’re aware of at LEAST 37 burners down there working in some capacity, and many of them are together in Biloxi or NOLA — as you are reading these words. Helping with the impossible just became a little more possible thanks to infusions of assistance from our community – but more hands are still needed on deck. Got a few days of vacation saved up? Why not go to Biloxi and connect with the crew? Thumper told me today they’re *this* close to setting up BRC-style street signs amongst their tents, with so many Burning Man visitors rotating in and out. I mean, talk about your enriching personal journeys! “…just planting seeds. I don’t know if they’ll take root – I just feel better planting them.” (Name that quote?)
Newswise, we’ve got the latest Burning Man website updates, a final note on the Beyond Black Rock festivities in LA this weekend, more photo searches from playa friends, and volunteer recruitment begins for 2006 with a Geek and Greet next week.
PLUS, yeehaw and whoopity dooo, hallelujah, eureka, etc., it’s the coming of the New York, Toronto, and London Decompressions! Read up on those, along with some theme camp related gatherings, and a feature on Wisconsin’s Regional group, first in a series of Regional spotlights to round out your JRS diet.
SoCal friends – see you tomorrow night at the Arclight, or at the Ministry of Unknown Science (http://www.ministryofunknownscience.com – hi-LAR-ious sketch comedy troupe in LA, including faces you might know from Gigsville!) show on Saturday! Everyone else all around this big world – have a fantastic weekend, and, um, don’t forget to eat your vegetables.
============================================================ =====================TABLE OF CONTENTS====================== ============================================================
============================================================ ==================BLACK ROCK CITY NEWS====================== ============================================================
Many of you have been following the Katrina relief work happening on and off the playa ever since the hurricane in August.
There are many great projects going on (learn about all of them by subscribing to katrina-relief-announce-subscribe or emailing katrina-relief(at)burningman(dot)com ), but one that’s especially close to our hearts is the Temple to Temple project in Biloxi, Mississippi.
In a nutshell, volunteers from the Temple crew raced straight from the playa to Biloxi, Mississippi, where they have been cleaning up and rebuilding a destroyed Buddhist temple, and the surrounding Vietnamese fishing community’s neighborhood. Using heavy equipment they brought along, and the work of dozens of Burners who’ve passed through (DPW, The MACHINE, RANGERS, you name it, they’ve been here), we’ve been also running a community “Wal Mart without walls,” housed ( naturally ) in a bright red geodesic dome, still covered in playa dust. ( It just spent the last two days as a very scary haunted house for the neighborhood kids, I’m told). See Dan Bradley’s awesome photos here: http://velzyland.smugmug.com/Other
Thanks to the impressive work of this all volunteer “Burners Without Borders” project, we just received two *major* donations that will allow the Temple to Temple project to continue for as long as it takes–so long as volunteers are still able to come down and help out. One is a big chunk of cash donated by an anonymous burner, and the other is an offer by a local contractor to loan our crew all the heavy equipment they need to begin moving the really big debris still littering the poor Vietnamese and African American neighborhood we’re in. Richard Scott, the playa crane operator also known as Big Stick, is the on-site volunteer coordinator and head guy in charge of gettin’ it done, and he’s ready to receive new volunteers with open arms. THANK YOU to these donors. Big time.
What’s needed: people willing to work in a sometimes harsh, always changing, incredibly satisfying and reasonably balmy (current temp: 75) environment. Help stock/run the community center, clear debris, rebuild houses/businesses, and provide all the other kinds of basic relief needed to get the area back on its feet.
What’s provided: a secure place to sleep in a dome or tent, meals, laundry access, afternoon tea with the monks, and–of course–wifi. Plus, a never-the-same-twice roving cast of playa people from all over the country. Limited assistance may be available to provide transportation, on a case by case basis. Email Tom Price at price_tom(at)hotmail(dot)com
To learn more: http://burningman.com/blackrockcity_yearround/misc/katrina.html To donate: paypal price_tom(at)hotmail(dot)com To talk to a real live person about volunteering: Richard Scott aka Big Stick, on site Volunteer Coordinator, 530-401-4007, Tom Price aka Thumper 801-712-5371
Check the web site for blog updates and new photos–we’ll keep you posted on how things are going.
Here’s the latest stuff you can feast your eyes on at http://www.burningman.com!
1. You can catch up with all the Burner-related Hurricane Katrina relief efforts in our dispatches from Biloxi, Mississippi: http://tinyurl.com/anmxq. Once again, they still need help down there, if you’ve got the time and the inclination.
2. We’ve been uploading some great Tales from the Playa. Check them out, and submit your own story … we’d love to see it! You could become playa famous ™! http://tinyurl.com/ckxe3
3. We’ve got a couple hundred excellent pictures uploaded from this year’s event, and more on the way. Huzzah! http://tinyurl.com/apg6o
4. If you’ve got a website of your own great Burning Man photos, you can submit them to our ever-growing list of Photographers’ Galleries: http://tinyurl.com/6omuy
5. Our intrepid team has archived the listings of all the art installations, theme camps and more from 2005 so you can find out just what the hell it was you were looking at: http://tinyurl.com/aoxa5
6. Wondering what you missed? Us too. That’s why we keep the Playa Calendar up for you to look at while you’re scratching your head: http://tinyurl.com/dg6a4.
If you’ve got questions about the website or what we do with it, just pop me a line at webmaster(at)burningman(dot)com or pq(at)burningman(dot)com.
Your friendly webmaster, Playaquest
Burning Man Takes Hollywood: Final notes for Beyond Black Rock World Festival Premiere this weekend!
Well, it looks like we’re gonna have a proper party on our hands. AFI moved us into their biggest theatre and we sold that one out before noon the next day. Looks like we’re gonna get to see a *lot* of our SoCal friends Friday night! And, according to the Gone Off Deep folks, we definitely sent a proper message to AFI fest, as only 8 of their 100+ films have sold out, and nearly all of the others were features with big name talent. (As opposed to this film, which simply features BIG TALENT, names be darned.)(That means you, of course. And we like you better anyway.)
If any of you still don’t have tickets and want to join the fun, we still have time to be the first film at AFI to sell out BOTH screenings, and there are some left still for the Saturday, 3:30 pm show. Grab yours and meet us at Big Wangs for lunch and drinks before heading over. OR, if you’re itching for fun Friday night, those not holding tickets have been invited to a nearby restaurant to gather together in wait for a fantastic afterparty when the movie lets out.
Note for Friday night ticketholders: Please show up early! The Mutaytor will be leading a procession from Sunset in front of the ArcLight starting promptly at 8:45, leading us in all our playa formal fabulosity to the brand new “rooftop village” atop the ArcLight for a very special 30 minute performance with all of the LA skyline as the backdrop! No playa-time here, folks, as the schedule is tight for us all to catch the show, BE the show, and get to our seats in that packed theatre before showtime at 10PM.
Almost the entire Gone Off Deep film crew will be in attendance, as well as nearly the entire Burning Man LLC and office staff… should be a very special weekend, a moment of pride for all of us.
Here’s the scoop on the evening’s festivities, including the during-the-film gathering for those who didn’t get tickets to the flick but want to join in the after-revelry!
Hollywood Playa Oasis for “Beyond Black Rock” premiere at AFI Festival (Hosted by Santino’s, Sergio Amata, and the Starlite Drive-in)
Santino’s 1253 N. Vine St. (SW corner of Fountain Ave. intersection) Los Angeles 323-464-8260
Burners gathering for the AFI Film Festival premiere of “BEYOND BLACKROCK” and the Mutaytor preshow are invited to our Hollywood Playa Oasis hosted by the Starlite Drive-in, Sergio Amata, and Santino’s, two blocks south of the Arclight theater.
6-9 Santino’s prescreening meal seating. Gourmet Argentinean cuisine, traditional tapas, panini, salads, pastas, 40 kinds of beer, wine, sangria, and soju cocktails. Diners in playawear welcome. Tell your waiter “we’d like our meal burned” as the secret password for special treatment from Sergio. Free parking next door at Encore’s.
9-9:30 Film premiere event with Mutaytor on roof of Arclight parking garage. Ticketholders only. Everybody invited to show the Black Rock City colors.
10-12 BEYOND BLACKROCK screening and filmmaker Q&A at Arclight Theater. Ticketholders only.
10-12 Santino’s Overflow Party. $5 cover, no movie ticket required. DJ Music, Burning Man videos, no-host bar, kitchen open late.
12-3 BEYOND BLACKROCK after-party at Santino’s. Free admission with screening ticket stub. No-host bar, kitchen open late. DJs Patrick Harvard and Patricio.
Hollywood’s already talking about us and we haven’t even started the show: here’s a little preview from one of the local publications:
Burning Man: Beyond Black Rock- Screening at AFI Fest 2005 By Matt Singer
(same link, tiny: http://tinyurl.com/cxxu7 )
Some great pics from CameraGirl:
Playa and SF Decom pics from Waldemar
============================================================ ========================PARTICIPATE!======================== ============================================================
Are you interested in gifting your time and talents to one of the most important year-round efforts at Burning Man, and keep the burn alive all year long? If you’re technically skilled, can write web content, or have special cat herding abilities, the Burning Man Technical Team needs your help keeping the Burning Man website and technical infrastructure running smoothly.
Our team keeps critical systems and tools functioning, ensuring smooth communication between our volunteers, staff and participants. We also keep the Burning Man web site — our community’s most valuable means of communication — up and running, current and compelling. And we have an awesome time doing it! This is a great group of people and we want you to join us.
So if you’ve got skills in systems administration, database, programming, scripting, HTML, CSS, image manipulation, copywriting, quality assurance or project management, and want to put them to good use, join us at our introductory “Geek ‘n’ Greet” party on Wednesday, Nov. 9th at the Burning Man office. All are welcome, and we’d love to meet you, and see where you’ll fit on the team! And for you remote folks (yes, we want you too) drop a line to ron@burningman.com, and we can rope you in too.
What: Burning Man Technology Team Geek ‘n’ Greet Where: Burning Man Headquarters — 1900 Third Street @ 16th in SF When: Wednesday, November 9th, 7pm Who: YOU!
Megan writes: “My friend Brad and I organized the Self-Organizing Art Horse Installation in Center Camp this year. Participants at the seated easels contributed over 650 charcoal drawings that we’ve photographed and put up on a website. We’re still working on a permanent url, so we’ll wait to send it to you.
We didn’t have cameras and so have no pictures of the seated easels/art horses and participants. If anyone on your list has photos, we’d love to put them up on the website. Thanks for your help!
Megan meganhobza(at)yahoo(dot)com”
Paint For Profit, and Put Burning Art In Every Home
Our friends at Playatech are at it again. They write: “Playatech’s first ‘personal use business model’ enables everyone to build their own cool playa furniture while paying it forward to the arts through a $5 royalty to Black Rock Arts Foundation. Now we’d like to explore a ‘commercial use business model’ designed to help burning painters increase their own income, and increase the royalty flow to BRAF. If you build it, more will come.
Paintings last centuries and our walls are full, so selling framed art must be hard – but furniture is a much larger industry because it wears out. Playatech invites professional artists to exploit this financially as follows:
1) Build a Playa Love Seat or find someone to build you one. It’s easy.
2) Treat it as a 3D canvas and paint it with your own beautiful design.
3) Place it in a gallery, street fair, or wherever you currently sell art with a fat price tag and a photo of it collapsed for shipment. See if it grabs customers. No, don’t sell it to burners; they can build their own so they won’t pay much!
4) If it sells, you are using Playatech technology for commercial gain instead of personal use, and the royalty should be more than $5. Can we try 10% of the dollars you get? This is about supporting artists and not Playatech, so we’re open to negotiatingJ
5) If you made more money in less time this way than creating and selling a conventional painting, please do it again, and tell us about it so we can learn and improve – sunshine(at)playatech(dot)com .
6) Please mark any Playatech furniture you sell ‘Licensed by Playatech; All Rights Reserved’. Otherwise boatloads of this stuff may start showing up from China in weeks.
Yes, we have radical ideas about how to stop money and branding from being bad words around Burning Man. And we’d love to see many more ideas from everyone. To be successful taking our magic world to the streets everywhere, we’ll need to evolve our culture in ways that embrace money flowing within the Ten Principles. If Playatech found one way to do it there must be others, so please explore with us because all good things that nature didn’t grow really do come from our psyches, so that theme will never be over.
About Playatech:
Playatech is a real brand and fantasy company exploring fun ways to make money flow that honor the 10 Burning Man principles. It lies somewhere in the radically innovative realm between art project, non-profit, and corporation, and exists to pay it forward. It is in no way affiliated with any unnamed cruise ship operator.
http://www.playatech.com – “The Only Brand The Man Can Stand”
{Important AG note (doffs the Rabbit ears, dons Media Team cowboy hat): As a friendly reminder, we rely on our whole community to help protect the Burning Man symbol from future exploitation. Please do NOT incorporate the Brning Man graphic on your painted benches, or on ANY items you plan to sell. Use of the graphic is perfectly allowable for designing GIFTS, but it is not available for use in sales or fundraising from outside of the Burning Man Project. Thanks!}
Matteo says: “Hi everyone, just starting to feel back to ‘normal’ after the epic Burning Man event this year! My installation HeadSpace was well received thanks to you and everyone else on the playa. Thank you for your participation. If anyone has photos of the installation please send them my way! I’m trying to collect as many as possible for the archives. Please forward pix to: Matteo(at)matteovision(dot)com “
============================================================ ==================EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS===================== ============================================================
Step Right Up, Ladies and Gents, Freaks and Creatures of the Night NYC Burning Man Decompression 2005
PSYCHE’S SIDESHOW: A Carnival of the Conscious
Tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2670
The center of Burning Man was a distorted funhouse where we distracted ourselves with blinking lights and colorful murals; capering our way through revolving doors and twisting corridors, coming face to face with fellow Burners, our own reflections and the Man Himself. This labyrinth of the human self, our Psyche, is where light meets dark, blending into shadows that seep into unconsciousness beyond our wildest dreams.
Now, as we brush the playa dust from our tents and hunker down for the long winter ahead, it’s time for one last blow-out. Get ready for Psyche’s Sideshow, a thirteen-hour interactive carnival where we bring the Playa to the city and reveal our souls through art, music, performance and revelry. Pull out your top hat and fishnets, dial up your inner freak and become part of Psyche’s Sideshow.
We invite art and performance that explore these shadows, from the darkest recesses of the soul to the brightest gleam of enlightenment. This is your chance to run away and join the circus! For more information on how to participate, please email: decom05.info(at)gmail(dot)com.
This year’s Decom will be held in a cavernous space with a massive outdoor area and a panoramic view of the Manhattan skyline. There will be theme camps, art, demonstrations, live and electronic music, dancing, a grill, cotton candy, monkeys, drink specials, porta potties, fire performances and daring acts of unprecedented skill and genius. Nothing is too wild and weird for Psyche’s Sideshow.
WHEN: Saturday, November 19th, 2 PM n 3AM (or later) WHERE: Brooklyn Sugar, 289 Kent Ave (entrance on South 2nd), Williamsburg WHO: Due to contractual agreement, this event is 21+. HOW MUCH: Step Right Up (limited number for immediate release): $15;thereafter $20. $25 in COSTUME day of event; all others $35.
TO BUY TICKETS: Tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2670
The Toronto Burners present “PSYCHE OUT”!
Please join us on Saturday November 5th as we decompress and frolic playa style in our home town. Details are available on our website – http://www.burnon.ca
INFO AT: http://www.euroburners.org/wikka/Decom2005
“It’s London on the line. Yeah, there were a bunch of us Euros on the playa this year. Seems that every 5th person I spoke to was from the right side of the pond. But you probabaly know that already seeing how we always put ourselves about
( http://tinyurl.com/8n25b )
You may have heard of our summer burn (muy pequeño, 75 personas, en el norte de españa http://www.euroburners.org/wikka/NoWhere ) and then there was Quixote’s Cabaret Club and Bar at 7:30 and Ego (roughly)
Now guess what… you’ve had SF, you’ve had LA, PDF’s come and gone and now it’s time for London’s Decompression.
On December 3rd Burners from all over Europe will converge on London for one hella wild night.
http://www.euroburners.org/wikka/Decom2005 is the link for more info. We’ll be burning, Fabian is bringing his UFO, there are sideshows and Erin’s Flaming Ass of Love. The Medicine Bar will be dispensing all night and, hey, if any of you lovely West Coasters or even the wider commune wanna visit there are always beds for those that want to sleep and floors for those that don’t.
See you there!”
Missing the Playa as much as we are in Northern Nevada?
Tribal Thunder and Vamp Camp will be hosting an “After-Burn Party” on Saturday, December 3 at 8 p.m. until ????? The party is open to any and all past, present and future burners. The gathering will be at Masquerade Bar and Nightclub, 535 E. 4th St. (Near Valley) in Reno, (775) 284-3663.
If you need more information, or would like to volunteer to do some type of performance art during the party, call Dave at (775) 225-3404, or Lady Mac at (775) 560-2041. The party will include live music and hopefully some fire dancers. No cover will be charged for this night only. You must be 21 or older to attend.
Playa costumes are encouraged. Remember to bring your drums!
Hope to see you all there. Thanks!!
Mac / Tribal Thunder
Attention Dusty Playa People, Beatniks, & other Hip Cats!
Hookahdome presents … Soul Candy 2!
TIME: November 19th, 9pm – 9am (Punch it into your fancy blinky gizmos!)
PLACE: Amazing new venue in SOMA, SF (near Powell BART). (Details via email)
TICKETS: $25 – Online only (no door sales). Order well in advance – we will sell out!
GO HERE: http://hookahdome.com/soulcandy2
Hookahdome loves you! Don’t miss this opportunity to play, with all the fun fun people. On behalf of the Hookahdome family – Playa Love to you all.
See you there! Soren
{============================================================} ====================REGIONAL FEATURE!!====================== {============================================================}
(The Regional Feature is a new corner of the JRS devoted to highlighting one new region each week. Read up on what’s going on in YOUR area: http://regionals.burningman.com)
This week’s feature:
WISCONSIN BURNERS http://regionals.burningman.com/us_wi.html
Eric Griswold and Marilyn Besasie are your Regional Contacts in Wisconsin, bringing year-round connection to Burners. Based in Milwaukee, this regional group coordinates a camp presence together on the playa, works together to transport large projects and items, conducts a gathering every Equinox and Solstice, and even has a permanent home base, the BurningSNOW Center for the Experimental Arts (http://www.clevian.com/burningsnow.htm), a 600-square foot environment for gatherings, orientations, and experimental art.
Most Sundays the Wisconsin crew have a meeting from 7-10pm at the BurningSNOW Center. Four times a year, they also have fundraising events with live entertainment and displays of experimental arts. In fact, they’re at it THIS weekend, NOVEMBER 6, SUNDAY, 7PM, with a Burning Man Orientation. What is it all about? Bring your friends. Bring a thing or an idea to share.
If you’re in Wisconsin, hit them up at wisconsin(at)burningman(dot)com. To join their announce list, send a blank email to wisconsin-announce-subscribe(at)burningman(dot)com .
{Soundtrack to the JRS: “Blood Embrace”, Superwolf. Man, that’s some dark *&%!}
{============================================================} ==================ADMIN ON AND OFF THE JRS==================== {============================================================}
Email us or questions(at)burningman(dot)com any time with questions. Email jackrabbitspeaks(at)burningman(dot)com by 11:59 PM PST on Sunday for post requests. (We don’t post all requests, however.) Please type “POST REQUEST” in your subject line to make it past the SPAM.
For questions: questions(at)burningman(dot)com Old rabbits: https://burningman.org/culture/stories/jrs/archive/ On and off this ride – DIY: SUBSCRIBE: bman-announce-subscribe(at)burningman(dot)com UNSUBSCRIBE: bman-announce-unsubscribe(at)burningman(dot)com If you are trying to unsub and it doesn’t work, please send us an email and give us as much information as possible. Are you sending from a different address? You’ll get an email to which you must respond to complete the request