2013 Theme Camps

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Coming soon.


UFOm brings Extra-Foamal Communication to the Playa… Bring an open mind and heart to overcome the government attempt to deny and suppress. Alien life can only be understood by those aware of the reality of being all one…

Hometown: San Diego


Uhuru has the voodoo for what you do.

URL: http://uhuru.laHometown: Los Angeles

Uli Baba and the Horny Thieves

O illustrious merchants of the flesh and pillagers of the wealth of man. Our glorious master, Uli Baba, he who is magnificent and just, he who rules with the wisdom of Soloman and the might of Saladin, commands your presence at his slave auctions, belly dance competition & workshops.

URL: https://www.facebook.com/UliBabas and http://www.meetup.com/Uli-Babas/Hometown: San Diego

Ultimate Scientifical Celebration

You be the judge! Our elementary/middle/high school science fair operates Tuesday-Friday from 2pm until 4pm, tri-fold posters and all. Come prepared with your most skeptical lines of questioning to probe our methods, and be duly rewarded with fresh inferences and/or discussions of error. Also be sure to ask about the exact schedule of our nighttime mixer for anthropologists and tribespeople.

Hometown: San Francisco

Uni-Carny camp - Formerly al Azar

Hometown: Portland

Unicorn League

Swarm with the unicorns at The Unicorn League. Reclaim your innocence in our ReVirginization Chamber to become unicorn bait and earn a piping hot UniCornDog!

URL: http://UniCorner.orgHometown: Seattle