Material Culture

Our participants love to make gifts! And we love to collect and archive them. Hundreds of objects were dropped off with their Material Culture forms, and deposited in our archive storage box. Many participants generously brought in extras for our team, including saltwater taffies, which contained little red Burning Man logos within their white centers – a first! As usual, the range and inventiveness of the objects was impressive. There were printed books, enamel on copper, glass and metal jewelry, printed toothbrushes, glass medallions and tribal penis gourds.

We are still working on our online Playa Artifacts archives, a small sample of which can now be seen on our website. Once we have added several hundred items going back to 1994, we will open the gallery to public submission, much like our Image Gallery. We are quickly approaching this opening as we have around 300 items added at this time.

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