

Question: Which years did you attend Burning Man?

Question: How old are you?

Question: Which sex was assigned to you at birth?

Question: Do you consider yourself an artist?

Question: Do you consider yourself to be a person of color?

Question: Do you consider yourself to be white?

Question: Which best describes the place where you live?

Question: Do you vote?


Question: Did you volunteer with Burning Man outside of Black Rock City during the last year?

Question: Do you plan on returning to the playa?

Question: Which kinds of transportation got you to Burning Man?

Question: What are you up to this year at Burning Man? Fill in all that apply.

Question: Which of the following values are important to you? Fill in all that apply.

Question: Which value is most important to you? Fill one.

Question: I wish there was a place to buy supplies on the playa.

Question: Have you ever lied to anyone about where you were going when you were going to be at Burning Man?

Question: What reasons first brought you to Burning Man? Fill in all that apply.

Question: What are the reasons you are at Burning Man now? Fill in all that apply.

Question: What reasons first led you to reside where you do for the rest of the year? Fill in all that apply.

Questions: What are the reasons you reside there now?