Like many of the infrastructure volunteer groups, the big question for 2012 was: will there be enough volunteers to fill up approximately 2,400 Greeting slots? Why yes, yes there were. Almost 500 individuals and 14 Theme Camps filled up the 2012 Greeting schedule quite nicely.
With the anticipated jump in population for 2012 presenting a real challenge, Greeters shifts were increased from the usual 20-25 Greeters per shift to 25-40 Greeters per shift to accommodate the large crowds. We knew that opening night would be huge. The decision was made to have participants remain in their cars during the main hours of opening and to come back at another time to ring the virgin bell and make dust angels. For the most part, this was successful. Participants enjoyed shorter wait times and still enjoyed their arrival home.
The 2012 Greeting staff included 200 brand new Greeters and 15 new lead Greeters. Trainings for leads and Metas were held both pre-event and during the event. On-site training works very well for the Greeting Staff. In 2013, we hope to hold more off-site trainings for incoming leads.The 2012 collation/build team was better than ever. The inter-departmental Burning Man groups helped ensure that Greeters Station was up and running in record time. The collation team completed their task (putting together all the materials that are handed out at the Greeters station) in just under five days. Greeters participated in their first Early Burn art piece. 2012 was a successful year overall for Greeters.
For 2013, the Greeter beacons are being slightly re-designed to provide better shelter for the Greeters, Metas will be phased out, and more Theme Camps will be encouraged to Greet as a camp. And more dust angels will be enjoyed.
Thank you to all the amazing Greeters of 2012!
Submitted by,
Deb Stiers