Camera Obscura

A labyrinth housed within a white pyramid leads to a central chamber where a hidden lens projects a vivid panorama of the world outside upon a concave screen.
Fire Lingam

Pepe’s third lingam is a 30′ tall earthen chimney surrounded by several small lingams with yonis at their bases, adorned by slithering serpent-like “linguini.”
It Came from Within

Neon tubing six inches above the playa surface forms a 135′ X 75′ line drawing.
Little Men

Small multi-colored neon burning men and palm trees sprout from the playa.

In this realization of your fondest childhood dreams of destruction, happy elves operate erector-set crematoriums, stuffed animals smolder on rotisseries, and the funny little Jack-in-the-box spews fire.
Water Woman

A tall wooden female figure is the source of a shower, which sprays from between her legs.