Coming soon.
Madagascar Institute
All are invited to study the secret history and hidden meanings of Burning Man. The Madagascar Institute will provide charts, table top diaromas, diagrams, a daily puppet show and a short play.
Madam Tang's Opium Den
Mama Lilith's Bitchin' Falafel Kitchen
Saturday, late afternoon. You’re hungry. We’ll feed you, if you help by picking up a few bits of trash now or later.
Mazdalicious, the Fully Mobile Bar-N-Grill
It’s a big mean playa, and most folks are savvy enough to bring enough water, so we don’t care about that. We can, however, mobilize the ‘mazdalicious’ bar-n-grill to adddress beer/hot dog crises as they arise anywhere in Black Rock City.
Mini-ramp Camp
Skaters and a mini-ramp = fun!
MIR is here! Stop by for Russian Tang.
Mission Horus
MISSION HORUS is a sci-fi hardcore band of the apocalypse with full-on theatrics and light show.They are soldiers of the Mother Earth brought in from different star systems to expose the tyranny that exists outside of and within the human Self.
Mister Magoo Goes Camping
A short sighted musical intrepretation of the local events and energy will be presented nightly. The experimental rock group, the Myopics will journey with guest musicians and industrial percussion for interested participants.
Mnemonic Sonic Histrionic Audio Project (MiSHAP)
The MiSHAP crew promises a 40-source recorded-sound sculpture. We invite you and a partner to match wits in a game of sonic Concentration.
Mobile Glamour Ant Camp
Mobile Glamour Ant brings civiliziation to the citizens of Black Rock City in the guise of glitter, sequins and accessories galour! Mobile Glamour Camp brings community together through a shared fashion experience.
Thing Out Of Place: Montauk, the desert lighthouse. It functions as a landmark in an evolving city. Follow its beam at night to a light/movement/sound pattern experience. Bring your dancin’ feet.
MoonBase 2000
We have been sent by Zor to share the secrets of the ‘Awareness’. We have the protoculture.
Mooncalf's Casio Camp
Mooncalf’s Casio Camp is an aural playground for electronic music fans and Luddites. You are invited to participate in improvised music using primitive keyboards and to make live noise with an amplified and manipulated Atari 2600.