Theme Animation
Directed by Hugh D’Andrade, animation by Jonny Thomas. Organ loop by MisterTood. This video includes a number of images, each of which is either in the public domain or available under a Creative Commons license. Information included below, with many thanks to the creators.
Marilyn Monroe, postage stamp, art by Michael Deas
Guy Fawkes mask, photo by Enrique Dans
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
Ouchy the Clown, photo by Scott Beale
African mask, photo by Cesary p
Queen Elizabeth, postage stamp
Totem pole, Saxman Totem Park, photo by Jerzy Strzelecki
Saint Adamantini of the Eastern Orthodox Church, photo by Vasilou
Balinese mask, photo by Hugh D’Andrade
Margaret Hamilton as the Wicked Witch of the West, publicity still
Burning Man by Duncan Rawlinson
Sofina and Spud
Original art by Nina Kempf for Defenestration
Man base design by Larry Harvey and Andrew Johnstone
Illustration by Andrew Johnstone with Hugh D’Andrade