All artworks in these listings will be presented by these artists on the open playa in Black Rock City. Honoraria Art
has been awarded a grant by Burning Man Project. Registered Art includes all other projects that have registered for placement on the open playa in BRC. You can learn more about the BRC Art program here.

2024 Art Search for "whirl"

The Whirl is the 11-foot diameter merry-go-round built to evoke pure, childlike joy in participants of all ages who get to ride this recreation from times long gone. The center is a colorful abstract representation of “whirl of art” concept, submerging colors to create a still visual representation of movement through a smooth blending. The outer edges display a phenakistoscope design: a series of pictures showing sequential phases of the animation, creating a fluent optical illusion of motion. The Whirl will foster a sense of whimsy and wonderment among those who engage with it.