Theme Camp Archive

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Bad Idea Theater

Bad Idea Theater returns for another year, bringing Cheesy Cinema and Licentious Libations to the playa. Come on by for a visit, We won’t tell your friends!

URL: http://www.badideatheater.comHometown: Garden Grove, CA


The campaign of shock and awe left Baghdad under construction in 2003. The Regime change has allowed for improvements in this scenic, decadent city where all are welcome, provided they like goats.

Hometown: Gerlach, NV

Banned Rogue Terrorist Association

During the past year, The friendly, hospitable Agents of the Black Rock Travel Agency (BRTA) were successfully infiltrated by Al Qaeda operatives. The original membership has now been brainwashed en masse, turning them against every value they once held dear. The deplorable result of this despicable takeover? The BRTA has been morphed into… the Banned Rogue Terrorist Association! “BRTA” now represents an Agency of unthinking destruction, wanton mayhem and general surliness. From its secret base of operations just across the border from Black Rock City, the new, evil BRTA will scheme and plan towards the subversion of patriotic, right-thinking, god-fearing citizens wherever such might be found in the unsuspecting City of Black Rock.


The Banned Rogue Terrorist Association – “Blame It On US!”

URL: Washington, DC

Beat Farmers

The Beat Farmers. Dedicated to harvesting the best beats in the playa. All that matters to us is peace, love, and (house) music. Providing Burners with all kinds of House: Sexy, Progressive, Deep, Funky, Bangin’, etc.

We will have a mobile sound system called The Beat Farm. Our intention is throw parties at various art installations around the playa each night. Sunrise sets at the man with DJ Yossi spinning SexyHouse each morning.

Hometown: Denver, CO

Beaucoup Bucks Camp

Home of those wacky but loveable New York social climbers and socialites that love to burn money as much as they love to spend it! Be sure to drop by for the various events scheduled, including the 2nd annual White Party (held at the legendary Chez Moi Da Mone’ nightclub), The Second Annual Black Rock City’s Next Top Stripper show, and much more!! The Beaucoup Bucks Camp… Where the Vault of Heaven opens daily!

URL: Ridgefield Park, NJ

Belly Dance Boot Camp

Our prime directive this year is to bring belly dancing to the people and camps of Black Rock City in need of some serious shimmying. Classes, workshops, sneak attacks and invasions are all part of our initative.

URL: Long Beach, CA

Best Genitals

This will be a contest of the Best Genitals. Prizes will be awarded to the winners. Many different catagories and opportunities to win. Stop on by. We’ll fill you in!

Hometown: Chatsworth, CA

Big Puffy Yellow Camp

There will be a Full Moon this year on the playa!!! Visit BPYC during the day and play with our theramin or give Big Puffy a hug! By night we will shed light, as a beacon, upon all of those seeking. Rumor: BPYC will be mobile this year.

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Big Time: The Final Frontier

Out on the edge of the universe you’ll find the last trading post before the outer galaxies. Make sure to bring your pistol, because the two-bit cosmonaut whores, hard-drinkin’ space gamblers and robot mechanical bull will try and throw you for all you’re worth. This border town, an illegal settlement, takes the law into it’s own hands. The moonshine flows freely, there’s a new sheriff very day, and there’s definitely gold in them there hills. Make sure to keep your back to the wall in the in the Deep Space Saloon, watch out for tequila swilling racketeers, and hang on to your saddle.

Hometown: San Francisco, CA


For each body in the heavens there is a secret. Luminous beings are we, the Bioluminati. Worthy participants in our Quest will be initiated in the deeper mysteries and gain knowledge to unlock the Vaults of the Heavens.

URL: http://www.bioluminati.orgHometown: Seattle, WA

Birds of Playadise

As the Birds of Playadise we are the modern day techno pagan version of the Phoenix. Arising from the ashes of our ancestors collective past, we evolve one step beyond them with a heightened technology infused with the subtle transmission of their wisdom and traditions we take flight. As the Phoenix himself, we fly into the realm of paradise or Playadise as the case maybe, in glorious sound and lights we soar through the ethereal a spectacle of divine play and beauty, before returning to the nest where we crash ourselves, like our ancestors, in flames, only to rise again and again in a solar samsaric cycle of rebirth, death, transformation and evolution.

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Birdz o' Bliss

The neo-mythological Birdz o Paradise fire performance group can be seen in collaboration with pyrosutras “Snow Queen” production, and the fiery flock will also perform nightly at the Center Camp hearth. Come by the camp to contribute your art and poetry to nine canvasses dedicated to exploring the planetary associations of ancient mythology and the philosophies of the Kabbalah and Wicca.

URL: http://hazardfactory.orgHometown: Victoria BC

Black Rock Arts Foundation Camp

The BRAF camp will educate people about our mission, which includes: Artist Grants, Community development, Exhibitions, Educational Outreach and Career Development.

URL: http://www.blackrockarts.orgHometown: San Francisco, CA

Black Rock Bedwetters

Black Rock Bedwetters offer safe haven, free of redicule or condemnation, to all the bedwetting citizenry. Essentialy nearly every mortal being has suffered that devastating, socially ruinous indicient in their life that has doomed them to a lifetime of cowering trauma: menses first arriving unanticipated and baring a crimson beacon of shock and embarrassment on white fabric (of course!) while in church; mayhaps a wet dream while spending the night at relatives; or a speculated inconsequencial fart the trecherously manifests into a liquid evacuation of the bowels while out on a date! It is almost always biological — part of the human condition is that we all have been betrayed by our biology in one degree or another at some juncture in our lives. So we offer brazen opportunity to share, and even celebrate our biological commonality. Sheets are available in the hamper. Extract one – site in sanctuary and scribe on the supplied sheet – conveying your personal experience of damning biological faux pas. Then place it back in the hamper, or, proud and liberated, pin the sheet to the clothes-line for viewing by fellow BRC citizens.

Hometown: San Diego, CA

Black Rock Boutique

Fashion Meets the Playa!

We are back and better than ever with a new structure and more clothing! Make a daily stop at the Black Rock Boutique a priority on your “to-do” list. Create your wildest playa persona with one of our hundreds of funky fashions… work your tail off in our plush sweatshop, and after your transformation, strut your stuff on our runway!

URL: http://www.blackrockboutique.comHometown: Portland, OR

Black Rock Burner Hostel

Playa Home of the Black Rock International Burner Hostel and Reno-to-Playa Rideshare Project.

URL: http://www.blackrockburnerhostel.comHometown: Sparks, NV

Black Rock Cemetery

Die in style and reserve your plot in the Black Rock Cemetery of the Deceased & Deranged. We’ll kill you, judge you, accept confessions, send you to Heaven or Hell, punish or reward you, entertain or bore you, accuse or pardon you, photograph you, mist you, relax you, and costume you for the inevitable afterlife (not exactly in that order).

Hometown: Santa Clara, CA

Black Rock City Hardware

We are the Black Rock City Municipal Hardware Shoppe and have been helping th eplaya since 1999. If you are building a camp and find out you lack something or that something needs to be fixed, come to us and see if we can help. We’ll have power tools, hand tools, materials, fasteners, and people to help you when you are in need. If we can’t fix it, we can at least drown your sorrows in whiskey and provide an ear to listen. Disclaimer: We are not a secret front for the Church of Volis [praise be his name], the god of control although we will have a shrine to Volis [praise be his name] dedicated to the virtues of science and duct tape and how it relates to the foundations of the universe.

URL: http://www.brchardware.orgHometown: Seattle, WA

Black Rock City Zendo

The Zendo will always be open for meditation. Zen meditation instruction and occasional bursts of song and poetry. Located within the Shangri-La Village. We will also show up for sunrise meditation at the Man.

Hometown: National City, CA

Black Rock JCC(Jews in the desert)

What if your local YMCA or Jewish Community Center offered Kabbalistic visionquests through the heavens and mind-expanding ecstatic sabbath services? What if there were summer camp for grownups? What if people of all and no religions came together to unify Heaven and Earth? Welcome to Bnai Hamidbar’s Black Rock JCC. With frequent programming in our Syna-Dome, our 4th annual Shabbos on the Playa Friday-night potluck, and of course, plenty of Hebrew Dodgeball, the Black Rock JCC is the place for spiritual stimulation, kosher snacks, and plenty of turned-on Jews.

URL: Brooklyn, NY

Black Rock Lemonaid Stand

Lemonaid for humans. At the Black Rock Lemonaid stand, the lemonaid is free, the air is dusty, and the savages are thirsty. Bring a cup and a smile. Cold lemonaid on the playa… a little drink of heaven.

Hometown: Truckee, CA

Black Rock Oar House

Black Rock Oar House is a gathering of several friends – some old and some new. It is an resurection from the ashes of the Lake Lahontan Yacht Club, which was always known as a laid back and wonderful place to chill on the playa. We don’t want this to be too complicated, but we would like to share three common beliefs: We believe in Santa Claus. We believe that sometimes everyone needs a good paddling. And we believe that heaven is in your mind. Interest you? Check us out.

Hometown: Shelbyville, TN

Black Rock Paper

Transform unwanted paper from moop into treasure. Enjoy dipping your hands into cool water while creating something out of the dust.

Hometown: Ottawa, CANADA

Black Rock Real Estate

Have you ever dreamed of owning your own parcel of land? Have you felt like you’re ready to settle down and really put some roots down into the playa? Well then you need to head on over to Black Rock Real Estate where we’ll apraise, deed and then mortgage your property up to your eyeballs. Just think of the sense of pride you’ll have when you finally have that piece of paper that says I own this here dirt!

URL: http://blackrockrealestate.tripod.comHometown: Berkeley, CA

Black Rock Spatial Delivery

Spatial Delivery uniformed bike messengers have served our community with playawide delivery services for your missives, parcels, letters, schwag since 1999. This year we are recruiting the stout of heart and the sturdy of sinew to join our legions of deliverators… more riders, more bikes, more deliverators, soon I will be the Queen of summer!!!

URL: Portland, OR

Black Rock Unified School District

Black Rock Unified School District, where it is recess all the time! Come join us for all of the old recess and grammar school games you used to play (or would have liked to have played)!

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Blacklight Aquarium

SQUIDS IN SPACE – Stella Maris will be a beacon for all surrounding camps to enter the Blacklight Aquarium; to enjoy its existing decorations and to add their own to this collective art project. Thirsty? Stop in at Inky’s Star Bar for some luscious, lunar libations served up by a bevy of heavenly bodies. Captain Inky’s on deck to complete his mission of providing all space travelers with live entertainment, relaxation pods and plenty of fuel for your rocket.

URL: Folsom, CA

Blackrock Bookmobile

The Blackrock Bookmobile. Back by popular demand Blackrock City’s (un)official mobile Library!!! Where reading is fun for the mental! Remember to burn the man not the books! We are a totally free library, no barter, no returns necessary, no fees, no fines no strings attached, experation- eternity! Just come and get em… Librarians, Shyvonne, Rolin, Corrine, April, baby Sierra.

Hometown: Washoe Valley, NV


Blinkingman camp returns to the playa! Come and experience the interrogation by icon Joe Friday from the old Dragnet show. He will grill you, question your whereabouts, and you lifestyle habits as you respond to the 20 foot tall legend. Interact and react to just the facts as you act out your skills at the interrogation station… When you finish, meander out to the fence past the man and enjoy the fish that swim the perimeter, lurking on the fence stakes, partaking the playa and all its somnambulent synchopations, name one, give it a story, be part of the PHENCEFISH. And remember, Joe Friday needs to talk to YOU at blINkinGMancAMp! While the others are thinking, we’ll be blinking.

URL: http://www.blinkingmancamp.comHometown: Manhattan Beach, CA


Bluehouse returns to the playa with our renowned Interaction Bar and Shady(+) a pyramid shade structure featuring 1700 square feet of live grass to recover on. The bar will be thumping and the roof of this years Shady(+) will be lowerd every evening in a ritual of community and the sky, to allow for an interupted view of the Vault of Heaven.

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Blyss Abyss: The Blyssatarium

Come play in the inner sanctum of the Blyssatarium where you will have an incredible view of the solar system, and delight in a divine atmosphere filled with celestial sounds and heavenly beings. Be ready for our blyssful creatures to perform a preliminary check at the portal to ensure that you are prepared for the finest chillin on the playa.

URL: http://www.blyssabyss.netHometown: Oakland, CA

Booty Camp

Home of the whiskey-drinkin’ rockin’ roll band: Original Booty Burglars and to those girls and boys who dig a fine a booty! We are here to provide BRC with good music, a frickin’ fun atmosphere, and to pamper your ass!

URL: http://www.originalbootyburglars.comHometown: Huntington Beach, CA


Bopcamp is a platform for chicago area community hosting everything from The amber healing project to the Indigo sound experience and the bi-babes banquet. At the heart of it all lies bop: Enter the arena and bop your way to heaven.

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Borrachos Y Bicicletas

Borrachos Y Bicicletas Bike Repair… and shade… and tequila… and no hassles.

URL: http://www.borrachosybicicletas.orgHometown: Concord, CA

Box Office Crew Camp and Meeting Place

Meeting place for Box Office crew.

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

BRC Animal Control

BRC Animal Control will make daily collections of those pesky playa creatures who are running free causing disturbances to camps, streets and or persons of the City. These captured animals will be documented and tagged for scientific research and easy recognition. Some animals may need to be spayed/neutered, or given shots. Our trained staff will use the latest in animal reform practices to allow these potentially dangerous animals the chance to be reintroduced to life on the playa. If our staff concludes that an animal has achieved reformed status they will have the opportunity to be adopted by/auctioned to a responsible Black Rock City citizen.

URL: http://www.brcac.comHometown: Seattle, WA

BRRN Station

Take a break and take a ride. BRRNing can get you where you want to go. Bench seating and shade, location signs, network maps, and timetables will help people navigate through the BRC Vault of Heaven. Wooden structures will allow you to contemplate your place in the realm of the unfamiliar and our trains will pick up those lost or otherwise found to transport them to places other than where they are. The many faces of the universe are vast and we all must consider the vehicle which will move us to from our current state to the next, and we must have a place for it to pick us up.

Hometown: Yosemite, CA


Let the sun and the moon provide you with wealth, for that is all that is necessary. From dust you came and to dust you will return, meanwhile you may as well visit Budgetcamp.

URL: Eugene, OR


Burnersville – a place to live on the playa to remind you that this is the way you can live year round. VoterDrive Art car resides in this camp.

URL: http://www.voterdrive.comHometown: New York, NY

Burning Bride Camp

On Dec. 28th XLT led his beloved Uberblonde into the backyard and lit a blowtorchone by one he lit the letters (wrapped in magnesium ribbon) Julie will you be my Burning Bride. Burning Bride camp is the homebase for the Vogt-Chase wedding. Come by camp, meet our parents and leave a dedication at the wedding wreath! The wedding is Friday 9/3 in Infinite Oasis Village; gather at 6 p.m., ceremony at dusk.

Hometown: Madison, WI

Burning Drummers Camp

Burning Drummers invites all to join our afternoon drum circles and sun-down processions to the playa. Drum with us in camp or join us as we walk the playa drumming.

Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT

Burning Friends aka the LAFers

We’re former SOLO’s and more! Paint your vision of the VAULT OF HEAVEN with us, beginners and experienced artists welcome. Plein-aire painting, create your own work of art or help paint the large community canvases. Express your visions with us.

URL: Coos Bay, OR

Burning Geisha

Burning Geisha is a self-service Geisha House (“You Are Your Own Geisha”). A small theme area, it is a lounge installation that includes a 16′ long air conditioned cave that will be attached perpendicularly to a 10′ X 20′ covered and walled lounge area. It will be built within Disorient.

The interior walls of the air-conditioned cave will be lined with blue, yellow & purple crushed velvet, the floor will be padded plush fire engine red fake fur, and a dozen fake fur floor pillows will be scattered around (yellow, green & burgundy) with Japanese fans. Lighting will be low voltage hanging bamboo fixtures. The interior of the 10’X20′ covered & walled lounge area (a white fabric strong carport structure) will have a padded red fur floor; the walls will be lined with tapestries, fabrics and crushed velvet; and the couch and all seats will be covered in bright plush fabrics. There will also be an outside area being created by Japanese confederates from LA, and Asian theme wall hangings, fans, kites and anything people want to contribute. Lighting will be 50′ of multicolored rope lighting.

There will be no shoes allowed inside, but there will be self-service ice-cold Sake and Japanese snacks. The idea of Burning Geisha is that no other person can really make you happy, you have to decide to be happy. Here is a beautiful and comfy small place for you to do it in, and share it.

Hometown: New York, NY

Burning Silicon

Visit Burning Silicon Camp for a morning coffee, an afternoon drink, or a late night spin around the dance pole at the Cult-of-E.R.I.C. bar. If you live in Silicon Valley or just love those who do, stop by on Friday 7-9PM before hitting the town as we bring our First Fridays tradition to the playa! We look forward to sharing with you the wonderful community we’re creating year-round. And we can hardly wait to burn our giant Pagoda for you on Wednesday night!!!

URL: http://www.burningsilicon.comHometown: San Jose, CA


SKYDIVING is one of the most amazing visual experiences of Black Rock city that any human can possibly dream of.

For 3 years the BurningSky camp has offered the possibility of savoring the playa in a way that others can only imagine. For experienced skydivers there is the opportunity to participate in aerial exhibitions and play with others over the skyz of BRC. For others, BURNINGSKY has offered observer rides by way of gift tokens and by a gift drawing. BurningSky has assisted several photographers and videographers to capture breath-taking views of Burning Man for upcoming documentaries. Some pictures and videos can be seen on our website at Please visit our camp, we’ll love to share the experience everyone possible.

URL: http://www.burningsky.orgHometown: West Hollywood, CA


Do you gape when you see a shiny aluminum streamlined RV on the road? Does the name “Airstream” summon images of retro-coolness and camp at the same time? Please stop by Burnstream Court, the trailer park in the suburbs of Black Rock City, to see Airstreams from every decade since the 50’s. Join us for cocktails, house tours and trailer park culture, complete with pink flamingoes!

We have a trailer park philosophy where you can talk trash, eat trash and look like trash; just don’t dump trash or we’ll be screamin at ya. We’re all about Airstreams of all vintages. Our goal is to chill, travel and be neighborly. Many of our Burnstreamers travel across the country to attend this gathering. We’ll be hosting cocktail parties *(BYOB!)*, croquette games and trailer tours. Stop by anytime and visit us. Who know’s what wild animals Chris will be riding or grilling… *and you’re welcome to grill with us, too (BYOM!)

URL: San Diego, CA