Theme Camp Archive

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The Playa Fairies present Fairyland – a fun and frolic filled camp where poi spinning, tutu wearing fairies teach you the finer arts of sock poi, white trash fashion and the elegant art of tutu creation.

URL: www.playafairies.comHometown: Oakland, CA

Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter is going full tilt this year with large military tent, couches, large over stuffed pillows, carpeted, Hippie Den like with rock & Roll music, colored lights flashing to the beat. This year we are going to extend our party area to out behind the tent where there will be more lights music, chairs, tables and a 10 x 10 movie screen showing rock videos. there will be morning music for the hurt and a variety of Heavy Metal, Rock and Techno. And Yes, the bar will return with Frank, the Master Mixer at the controls. Party with discretion into the wee hours.

Hometown: Sparks, NV

Fallout Shelter

Looking for a place to “Fall out” and rest on your journey? Stop in, chairs, tables,board games,pillows,rock music set to movies on 6X6 screen like Fritz the Cat, Heavy Metal,Wizard of Oz, Young Frankenstein, The Holy Grail,Rocky Horror,The Doors,The Wall,etc.Hours of Rock videos. colored lights activated by sound chasers.Free Rum bar and other stuff.Our feature night will be “Totally Tool” night. An Entertainment Menu will be posted in front

Hometown: Sparks, Nevada

False Profit, LLC

as the most advanced company on the planet, false profit’s most valuable asset is our brand. by using our logo and our slogans (and inventing new taglines and catch-phrases for our new products and services), we will present a cohesive face to the world as it moves by along the esplanade. with the simple application of black and white paint and clever mind-twisting words, no one will wonder how all these various elements go together… instead, they’ll be scratching their heads and asking themselves how the life they enjoy could really be their own.

URL: http://www.false-profit.comHometown: San Francisco, CA


Welcome back to Black Rock City, a sub-division of the Fandango Village. This year we’ll once again be hosting the Slowburn Lounge, (come on by for a nice, strong, barter-free drink, or a morning beer-bong), as well as serving as home-base for the Moonshine Saloon Car, The Orbitals, Stargazers, Butterzone, and dozens of other well-known playa personalities. In addition, the Artists-Formerly-Known-As-Funkcamp will be rejoining us in force, but with a different spin on entertaining us, in the form of “The Roadhouse; featuring house-band Southern Frost”. Oh, also, Fandango will be hosting ‘Bootie; Black Rock City’, on Thursday night. In short, you need to swing by Fandango’s nightlife district, or you’ll be missing out.

URL: San Francisco, CA

Faux Forêt Cabaret and Fabularium

There is no single word in English that encapsulates the breadth of meaning inherent in the French word “faux”. The French use it to describe any of the following:

adulterated, apocryphal, artificial, awkward, bent, buckled, copied, counterfeited, covered, derived, disguised, distorted, doctored, erroneous, fabricated, fabulous, factitious, fallacious, false, falsified, feigned, fictitious, fiddled, fixed, fooled, fooling, forged, hidden, illusory, imaginary, imitated, inadmissible, incredible, indefensible, inexact, invented, mimicked, parodied, pastiche, perjured, plagiarized, pretended, rigged, secretive, sham, simulated, specious, strained, surreptitious, unbearable, unpunctual, untenable, untrue, warped, wrong

At the Faux Forêt Cabaret and Fabularium it can mean any, or all, of the above.

The forest; the woods ; symbolically, it’s the dark creepy place that represents the unknown or the unfamiliar; it is the abyss, the precipice, the cave, the jungle, the heart of darkness, unspoken love, untested experience, unreached potential, unexpressed anger, hidden truths; it is a place that only the heroine or the healer can brave; home to creatures and crawly things, dastardly deviants and satans and satyrs and sirens and satirists, critics and crapauds, polemical poltergeists; it is Ann Coulter’s brain, Dick Cheney’s smirk; it is fear.

Yet, once discovered, or breached, or embraced, the forêt is a fantasy, a dreamscape, a serendipitous seraglio, a cornucopious carnival, a sanctuary, a hearth, a shelter, a community; it is Artemis and Gaia, a stage for bacchanalia and magical discourse; it is attainment and courage and harmony; it is a gathering place and a heartfelt hug; it is experience and knowledge and sharing ; it is the campfire and the copse and the glen; it is the experiment, the leap, the reach for the apple; it is the sensual shiver along the shoals, the slippery sensation of new tongues, new connections in the midst of calamity, new courage, new tastes, new voices; it is change it is momentum and radical expression; it is hope.

It is the Playa.

So what is a Faux Forêt?
It is the stories we tell, the webs we weave, the knots and unknottings we humans create to scare ourselves, bolster ourselves, manipulate ourselves are faux forêts. It is the fairy tale and the ghost story; it is disinformation and intentional fibbery; it is the spin; it is the jingle; it is pompous circumstance, tribal dance, tipsy tattling, spurious speculation; it is poetry; it is fact broken into a million little pieces, fiction erupting from a million monumental truths; it is the silly; it is the sacred; it is the diverse and the deviant, the delightful and the dark; it is what you make it.

The Faux Forêt Cabaret and Fabularium . . .

. . . is a theater of the performed word or other forms of emotive expression that tell a story. There will be scheduled and unscheduled readings, a well-stocked library of folk-, fairy-, fantasy-, epic-, trippy-, silly-, luscious-, subversive-, erotic-, psychotic-, hypnotic fiction for the folks. We will have costumes and proppy things, amplification and audience participation, plenty of pillows and party favors, and occasional sippies and savories. We are a fictive forum for bubbly Bunburyists and bombastic burners, a place to speak up, flop down, or flop around. Bring us your stories and your voices, or your story and our voices, or our stories and your voices, or . . .

URL: www.fauxforet.comHometown: Seattle, WA

Faux Tattoo Parlor

Hometown: Sunnyvale, CA

Fear No Martini

Is your Martini half full or half empty? Come join us at Fear No Martini and relax while pondering what the future may….or may not hold. We will be hosting 2 happy hours (Wednesday 4pm-8pm & Friday 6pm-9pm) and one morning reprieve (Saturday 11am-1pm). Please bring your own Martini glass and enjoy the festivities.

URL: www.fearnomartini.comHometown: Reno, NV


Join us to experience a “Developmental Transformation”: An imaginative embodied encounter within a mutual agreement of pretend. Participants will improvise movements and roles within an evolving series of structures provided by the facilitator.

Hometown: Montrose, Co

Fig Leaf Playhouse III

Back by popular demand AGAIN, is the one and only Fig Leaf Playhouse. We were the talk of the playa and we all had so much fun last year and the year before that it is going to be another great big do over. And just like the last two years, we will be giving away the hottest clothes and costumes on the playa. So, if you missed it, do not get left out again and if you did come by last year, we look forward to seeing you again.

Hometown: Napa, CA


The Fimbulvinter theme camp represents the Norse lore of the three long winters that precede the final battle between the giants and gods that ends our world. Come enter the Fimbuldome, a large, chilly igloo providing comfort and fun before the end of time…or will our offerings of revelry, music and toasts at our winter bar appease the gods and giants so we will survive another year? Bring your hopes, fears and energy to find out…

Hometown: Boise, Idaho

Fire Camp (Station 3)

Fire Camp, the semi-official home of the Black Rock City Volunteer Fire Department. We are Volunteer and professional firefighters from across North American contributing our skills in service to the lovely citizens of Black Rock City. All are welcome to visit Fire Camp and observe the firefighter in their natural habitat, a fire station, eating, sleeping and acting just like real firefighter in the wild.

Hometown: Deming, WA

Fire Conclave Convergence

Convergence & Gathering location for all members of the Fire Conclave. All Member of this must checkin By Friday at 6 PM

URL: Oakland, CA

Firemuse WOW! Circus

The Church of WOW meets the spark of the Fire Muse Circus. Fire muses and
sirens will be holding private and public encounters in the “Fire Muse
Grotto” daily. Resident muses will enliven your soul with creativity and
of course fire! By day the fire muses stoke the fire with their unique bags of
tricks intended to inspire, enrich and comfort. At night the fire muses and WOW Drummers turn to fire toys and implements, igniting the imagingations and souls of playa residents who have been drawn to the warmth and glow of the fire. The muses may take seekers on a trip through the playa, or maybe we will travel together into our hopes and fears, our inner wowness, our outer phantasmagoria. We’ll seek what inspires, create and foster the expanding consciousness of art and love, and harness the power to make WOW!

URL: www.firemusecircus.orgHometown: Redwood City, CA

First Church Of Blistering Evil

When those who claim to stand for good and justice are evil, what does that make those who stand for good? We at FCBE aren’t positive, but we do believe that evil is the new voice of good. We want to change hopes and fears for the future. Fear: in today’s mainstream media, those who stand up for peace, chastise hurtful corporate practices, question organized religion, ect. are usually vilified or completely ignored in the corporate media, and likewise by rest of the nation. They get written off as radicals, trouble makers, or even ANTI-AMERICAN. Now that said, we are political, but also fun. Hope: we wish to subvert the “Good” with our poetry, art, music, and humor. We welcome new crew who wish to set sail on our quest! Is this journey is for you? Do you identify with pirates? Would you rather hurl grenades at Wal-Mart then your hard earned cash? Do you have an appreciation of metal, punk, goth, or straight up rock n’ roll music? Then come aboard with our motley zombie/vampire/cyborg/pirate/ninja crew and ride the wave of hope for the future

URL: Hometown: moraga, ca

Fixation Station

The Fixation Station offers the sensual, refreshing and creative experience of body casting. Finished casts will be joined into an effigy of hope and fear and then immolated to release our collective fixations.

Hometown: Portland, OR

Flight to Mars

The Flight to Mars funhouse is once again mobile. A new addition, code-named Dodecahedron, is the “can’t miss” experience on playa this year. The funhouse will be moved every 6-12 hours from point to point on the playa, transcending space and time and requiring active participation from the general public.

URL: http://www.flight2mars.comHometown: Seattle, WA


FoodLab is the edible arm (or leg) of the Irrational Geographic Society. The Irrational Geographic Society’s 2006 mission to Black Rock City disassembles your future with powerful computers, and rebuilds it, better. The sick will be healed by 14kW of LED’s.

URL: Brooklyn, NY

fort wenty

The future of humanity if it is to exist needs evolutionary and creative healers. We help cure the world with our new fuels and the body with our crystals, vibes, and killa grinds.

URL: www.veggiebus.comHometown: slc, UT

Free Photography Zone

Free Photography Zone for the 11th year will again be photographing the participants of Burning Man and giveing each person photographed a print to keep as a more permanent reminder of thier Burning Man persona. Since beginning Free Photography Zone eleven years ago John has photographed several thousand participants of Burning Man and given each a print. Couples have been photographed as friends, as man and wife, as pregnant and finally as a family with children over the course of this decade project. Additionally a gallery of large prints from the previous year is displayed and the people in the photographs are welcome to take the print on the last day of Burning Man. This giving away of the previous year’s photographs makes room for the coming years photos which are again given away.

Hometown: Santa Clara, CA

Free Photography Zone

As the Free Photography Zone I have been photographing the Participants of Burning Man since 1996, giving each person photographed a print as a tangible reminder of thier experience at Burning Man. All the photographs are made in my studio against a white seamless backdrop concentrating the entire photograph on the person/persons photographed. Since its beginnings I have given prints to thousands of participants to help them remember thier time at Burning Man. Without your participation in this project I would not have been able to accumulate this archive of portraits which my be the largest collection of Burning Man portraits in black and white as yet assembled. Additionally, each year a gallery of prints from the previous years are displayed and given away at the conclusion of Burning Man.

URL: http://www.johnbrennanphoto.comHometown: San Jose, CA

Freedom Clan

FREEDOM CLAN!! A San Diego based group of high spirited beautiful FREE people! Here you are encouraged to think outside of the box with a posative, friendly spin. No hard looks here! Please come by and enjoy one of our green concoctions at our chill bar, and cool yourself down in one of our two automated misting stations, service with a smile! 🙂

Hometown: Lakeside, CA

Freedomcommunity - Infinite INquir

Infinite Inquiry is an expression of Freedomcommunity on the playa as mirrors and spaces for our own and others’ inquiries into matters profound and mundane, silly and serious, personal and political, playful and provocative, concrete and abstract.

It provides a place and context for all to explore their hopes and fears about the future and the present, through the process of asking questions, playing games, attending classes and participating with the members of our camp.

URL: http://freedomcommunity.netHometown: New York, NY

Freek Factory

Freek Factory is an artist’s collective consisting of an interwoven tapestry of DJs, Dancers, Musicians & Visual Artists based out of Brooklyn, NY. We incarnate on the playa as a sub-camp of Disori6nt interweaving with their iridescent glam-tech aesthetic our own brand of tribal, sub-bass throbbing, arboreal, mythic eros. One of our main gifts to Black Rock City is our epic Friday night party launched from the platform of Disori6nt’s mobile sound system the DeX. Expect your favorite Freek DJ’s, the stellar guests we’ve become known for and both sounds from the bleeding edge of next year to ancient sonic memories of primordial funk. If you look FAR out at 12:00 towards the perimeter fence, you will see the familiar orange LED “DIS” of the Disorient sign. We are going DEEP into the playa this year. Join us.

URL: New Paltz, NY

Friends and Family

Friends and Family was founded twelve years ago on two main ideas: 1) That a vibrant, effective and meaningful community of artists and freaks could be built around the practice of throwing underground, not-for-profit, participatory art and dance events; and 2) That the experiential environments created at these events were fundamentally positive: creative, celebratory, transformational spaces where we could truly be ourselves, together.

URL: http://www.fnf.orgHometown: Menlo Park, CA


FRIENDSHIP seven, Join us on a musical & multimedia journey into fear of the unknown, and hope for the future.

URL: www.friendshipseven.comHometown: pahrump, nv

Fundalini Rising

open up yer elbow chakra and raise that fundalini with beatbox puppet shenanigans and interactive tomfoolery in a super lush yummy krystal unicorn fortress tea house filled with inflatable furniture, new friends of all species, group toothbrushing ritual (after the cereal), and eyes on boobs and boobs on eyes and eyes on boobs on eyes. oh and lots of crazy live performances, secert special guest dj throwdowns and sunrise fundalini metatations.

URL: www.funginears.comHometown: San Francisco, CA

Funkee Monkey Camp

Funkee Monkey Camp returns and will be serving up funky beats to move your feet as well as banana pancakes at 9:11 every morning after a night of monkeying around on the Playa. Come on down and git’ down y’all!

URL: http://www.funkeemonkey.comHometown: San Francisco, CA

Fusion Valley

Fusion Valley, will be offering an internet cafe, Shaved head painting daily from 2-4, stop by enjoy our carpeted 30×30 shade, and visit other geeks. We’ll have couches, computers, music, misters, games, Punch & Judy puppet shows, massage, and other fun activites. Stop by and say howdy to some long time burners.

URL: Gerlach, NV

Future History of Space Flight

A montage portraying the history of space flight as depicted in films over the years. From “2001” to “Serenity”, The best of the best and the obscure cut together in the order they appeared. A depiction of the artistry and creativity that has gone into rendering our imaginations wildest dreams into a photo realistic medium. So many of the ships created over time are truly as beautiful as they are thought provoking. Interact by trying to name the film each ship appears in. Guaranteed to stump even the most dedicated Sci-fi buff. This is a tribute to this underrated art form that has made us all look to the future and imagine with hope and fear what it will bring us. In many ways, space ships symbolize the future more than anything.

In addition, between showings, a live interactive star chart will display the current night sky. Black rock City’s place in the Universe. This ties in with my art installation, The Planetarium. A planetarium art structure and experience using the actual night sky as the screen.

URL: www.thefuturehistoryofspaceflight.comHometown: Redondo Beach, CA

Future Pickle

The scum of the universe pass though our saloon doors looking for that last great buzz, and we’ll serve ’em all. FUTURE PICKLE. All pickles, all the time.

URL: Los Angeles, CA