Theme Camp Archive

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J.C.M.C.'s Lost City of Flatlantis

Welcome to our island oasis on the playa, chill out, have a fruity melon drink, listen to some music, play a game, or thumbwrestle in our Thumbderdome. The lasers from our lighthouse will guide you our Flatlantis art bus that will be parked in the center of our camp when it’s not out cruising the playa. J.C.M.C. is John Cougar Melon Camp.

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Jaded Camp

Jaded Camp is a reincarnation of last year’s Satan’s Lair. We’re striving to celebrate the jade in everyone. For jade symbolizes good health and what could be healthier than having good times with your friends. We also use a little tongue in cheek humor with our take on the Green Man theme. Stop by to see what we’re up to when we’re there…This camp is dedicated to helping create the infrastructure to our Village and for service to the Playa departments like Greeters, Lamplighters, Rangers, EMTS, etc.

Hometown: New York, NY


Come experience a meeting with your Destiny through Spiritual Journeys, Readings and Dream Intrepretations. We have the gift to help you unlock your destiny.

Hometown: Las Vegas, NV