2024 Art Installations

All artworks in these listings will be presented by these artists on the open playa in Black Rock City. Honoraria Art H has been awarded a grant by Burning Man Project. Registered Art includes all other projects that have registered for placement on the open playa in BRC. You can learn more about the BRC Art program here.

2024 Art Search for "a seat on the throne"

A Seat on the Throne

by: Chelsea Odufu, Tech Afrique
from: Newark, NJ
year: 2024

A Seat at the Throne harmoniously merges tradition with futurism through an installation crafted from weather-resistant aluminum and steel. Symbolizing resilience and grandeur, the throne features large geometric shapes, seamlessly blending past with future aesthetics. Its towering backrest evokes ancestral connection and celestial grace, while its warm golden hue adds a regal touch to the piece’s allure. As an interactive work, it prompts contemplation on traditional societal power dynamics. It challenges us to examine who is entitled to occupy positions of power, which typically excludes individuals from marginalized communities. This throne represents a reclaiming of that power, disrupting the notion of eligibility when considering access, and status. This sculpture invites individuals from all walks of life to take a seat on the throne with the goal of contributing to a regenerative future of inclusivity and empowerment.