If your past experience as a Census volunteer qualifies you to join our team as a Sampling Shift Lead or Data Entry Shift Lead, congratulations and thank you for all of your past hard work!
This page contains links to the training materials for volunteers leading other volunteers in BRC Census shifts while on-playa.
We have several Shift Lead Guides available in PDF form.
The documents linked below have been updated for Burning Man 2019!
- Gate Sampling Shift Lead Guide (PDF)
- Airport Sampling Shift Lead Guide (PDF)
- Data Entry Shift Lead Guide (PDF)
In addition to familiarizing yourself with Shift Lead responsibilities, be sure to visit the main Census page to review the training materials provided for the volunteers who will be working on the shifts you lead.
In addition to the resources provided by our team, Rangers and ESD have provided two resources with information about radio usage. Please note that some details, such as exact radio makes and models and assigned zones and channels, may be out of date.
- ART of Radio (PDF)
- Radio Training Video (7 min., external Vimeo link)