Happy 100 days until Burning Man. Nice benchmark! The countdown intensifies, we are into double digits.
Short but sweet JRS.
- Law Enforcement @ BM2001
- July Flambe Lounge
- Magic Glasses event
- Exploratorium/Ylem Bman preview event
- Café Help needed
Larry Harvey at Grace Cathedral on Sunday, May 20th 9:00 am. See last JRS for more info.
Danger Ranger seen driving through Arizona:
Keep up to date on Danger Ranger’s road trip, by reading his journal entries. He has already modified his original path and has by-passed Flagstaff. He called a few hours ago and is in Wickenburg, AZ on his way to Phoenix where a gathering will be held tomorrow (Sat. May 19th). If you’d like info on attending that event, please email: arizona@burningman.com
In the near future we’ll post the results of our past 2 meetings with the BLM and other agency “cooperators”. (the most recent of which was last Friday in Reno) We’re pleased with the overall outcome, except for some financial issues that are yet to be worked out, but suffice to say we’ve been put in a cash position that makes us none too happy. More to come.
We’re making plans for a big July Flambe Lounge event. Dates under consideration are July 7th and July 21st. Likely location is Pier 35 in San Francisco. We’ll know in a week which day. We’d prefer the 7th (works with the 7 Ages theme on 7/7!), but it’s dependent upon the arrival of a ship the morning after the event. This would force an early morning take-down after a long day/night, so we’re still waiting for word. HEADS UP TO ARTISTS, ART CARS, AND THEMECAMPERS. This is an amazing space. We will have lots of room for art, toys, art cars, and self expression of the varied kind. Fire performance is also allowed. We will probably NOT have a stage, however. If you’d like to help us make this a great re- compression party please email your thoughts and contributing ideas to flambelounge(at)burningman(dot)com.
“Magicglasses reveal that things on the playa are exactly as interesting as you think they are late night rave nomads and twilight’s silent wanderers welcome to walk the tunnel of optic revelation. glitter sparkle optic tingle spangle blink and shiver. myriad funny accents confirm global glasses conspiracy. eye doctors in endless honeymoon shocker. four eyes are better than two, three years are better than two and third time extra lucky number twenty three. two continent’s worth of magic journeys dancing to what light sounds like blink and you’ll miss it so don’t…”
Theme Camp benefit event:
date: 27th May 2001
time: 9.00pm – 6.00am
place: Club 238, 238 Columbus
door: $20 ($15 with magicglasses)
details: http://www.magicglasses.com
details: party(at)magicglasses(dot)com
details: 415 272 0694
During the event:
August 27th to September 3rd
The Café offers 4 hour shifts 24 hours a day starting 7am Monday, August 28th and ending at 3pm Monday, September 3rd.
- Trained Baristas: Baristas who can handle chaos, insanity and the elements while providing quality beverages.
- Counter help: Individuals with lots of personality to interact with participants, run registers and serve drinks.
- Night of the burn: Looking for able bodies to work in the café on 9/1, during the hours of 7pm-11pm. So if you don’t like the crowd havoc around the Man, come work in the Café!
- Café Criers: Big lung loud mouth individuals needed to direct line traffic and provide information to participants concerning coffee shop.
- Support team: Individuals with strong arms needed for stocking, setup, cleaning and beautification.
- Trash and Recycling teams: Individuals interested in keeping the trash system running and committed to recycling (leave no trace).
** Contact Mama C , Café Volunteer Coordinator
Exploratorium/Ylem: Burning Man Festival 2001 Preview
Tuesday, June 12, 7-11:30 pm
McBean Theater
The Exploratorium
3601 Lyon St.
San Francisco, CA 94123
Co-sponsored by the Exploratorium and Ylem: Artists Using Science and Technology
A sculptural potpourri of fire, lasers, mazes, art installations and playground art for children of all ages!
Ylem and the Exploratorium will host the Burning Man “Pre-Compression 2001” which will be a preview of spectacular art intended for this year’s desert festival. Meet and great current Burning Man artists and learn about some of the art destined for the Black Rock playa, 2001.
Louis M. Brill, special event coordinator for YLEM, Lady Bee, art curator of the Burning Man Festival and Steve Raspa, Festival artist will introduce the presentation and the speakers:
- Sue Glover: The Chamber of Creation, a walk through fire installation.
- Todd Dworman and Charles Trapolin: The Maze – A multi level interactive art project.
- Russell Wilcox: The Laser Grid Game.
- Michael Christian will discuss new desert sculpture works for 2001.
- Jenifer Giles will discuss her forthcoming installation on manadala art
- Radiant Atmosphere will discuss a large-scale lighting installation inspired by “The Afterlife.”
Free, open to the public, wheelchair accessible.
Questions: Contact: lmbrill(at)earthlink(dot)net
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