JRS Volume #5; Issue #18B


THIS IS PART 2 OF 3, see 18a for beginning….



Calling all Burning Man kids and youngsters!

This year the box office is going to be representing the first two stages of man: infancy and childhood. We need YOUR help in creating the coolest play environment for those that work hard in the ticket booth. Hey, parents of Burning Man children! We are looking for drawings, mobiles or any other art that can be hung from a ceiling or posted on a wall. Children need not have been to Burning Man. Burning Man related art would be great, but what ever your child would like to contribute would be great. Children are the best at expressing feelings and ideas in the simplest of ways. We can all learn from what they have to offer.

Also, if anyone has any weird and wacky toys or small games they would like to donate to the box office, it would help create our play environment.

Contact PlayaFrog(at)burningman(dot)com to arrange a drop off or pick up. Mail pictures and other art to:

Burning Man Box Office Attn: Frog
PO Box 884688
San Francisco, CA 94188-4688


Seeking Volunteer Veterinarian During The Event

Since Burning Man has the policy of allowing dogs (although we strongly advise against it if you have never been before), we would like to be prepared in the event of an animal emergency on the playa.

We are seeking a veterinarian to be able to brief the human medics on basic animal emergency care and to be available to be reached on the playa, should an emergency arise. This should not take up very much of your playa time as we have had NO notable animal health problems in the past. Basic requirements are that you stop in from time to time to see if there are any animal needs, and that your camp location is known in case we need to reach you in an emergency. (If there are any BRC Rangers that are veterinarians or anyone on radio contact, that would be ideal.)

Contact PlayaFrog(at)burningman(dot)com


The Coliseum Project in the Seven Ages of Man Needs You!

Directly from the organizers:

Heroes and Heroines, Performers, Slaves and Volunteers Needed for the Following:

  • Set-up/Construction — looking for 4 to 5 people who can commit to being on the playa 4-5 days early. (like from the 21st to the 27th range), for unloading, layout, building, etc. Perks for coming early with us, just ask.
  • Sound/lighting help — we have a pro A/V director with equipment, but we will need some help with that on setup, wiring, technical, etc. and during event for shifts, if you have some experience.
  • Video — We would like to hear from a video artist that can set up a monitor and tape loop of coliseum/arena inspired images. Old sword and sandal flicks, bloody battles, modern sporting events, etc. Still open for discussion in this area. We also would like to hear from a dedicated video person that would plan on recording live events in the arena.
  • Audio — need background sound for games or announcers, open to ideas. Would like a tape in interactive area that can sound occasionally with human sounds, sound effects and soundscapes, etc. to accompany artwork and performances.
  • Interactive — need people to create, organize, and play games, and performances. Props such as spears, bows, arrows, swords, axes, balls, shields, goblets, chairs, thrones, flags, etc, get creative. Bring your best gladiator, warrior, senator, slave, god or goddess clothes, helmets and costumes, and IDEAS! Want your 15 (or 10 or 5) minutes of glory?
  • Art and Decorative Needs —- Need people to interact artistically with interactive art area, wall collage, painting etc. Could use help in decorating and painting areas earlier in week. Bring Romanesque or classical sculptures, large urns, large lions or lion heads, etc.
  • An homage to the modern life arena struggle – The “Sacrifice to the Bottom Line” installation needs your worthless stock options! Did you slave away to the alter of the technology market recently for the illusion of a dream? We will have a slumped over, exhausted figure at a frozen PC workstation, ready to add your statement. Please either send us early, or bring out to the BM coliseum, copies of your pre-IPO stock certificates, for collaging onto our piece. Canceled, cut in half credit cards, and worthless foreign paper money will also be accepted for use.
  • Transportation —- need 1 or 2 riders and divers to go out early (Aug. 21st or 22nd) from the SF Bay Area, anyone have a truck or trailer?
  • Take down and clean up —- need 4 to 5 people to help us take the arena down, pack it up, and clean Playa to leave no trace, over the 3rd through 5th stretch.
  • Contact – Athena (Peri) or Charlie (Minotaur) to help at: bmarena2001(at)earthlink(dot)net For the director of the faux Olympics and alternative games, contact alt_games(at)email(dot)com Our web site (with volunteer signup forms)

See ya in the arena!


Seven Ages: Help with the Mausoleum!

From David Best and Jack Haye:

as part of the theme for 2001 of the seven ages, there will be a large-scale project called the “mausoleum” or the “temple of tears”. this project is under the artistic direction of david best (dirt devil) and construction co-ordination of jack haye (sultan). this is the same team that brought you the “temple of the mind” last year, which you may recall as a medium sized wooden construction of very intricate filigree on the playa opposite 9:30. david also was the builder of the “rocket car”, an extremely powerful 1968 packard amphibious truck originally created for military use, which served as a means of transport to many in the burningman community for the last three years. additionally, david designed and built the entrance to the center camp cafe last year. enough about the past… on to the future- the mausoleum/temple of tears!

this structure, upon completion is envisioned as a powerful engine for the healing of scars brought by loss. this will be a place where one will be able to openly celebrate and memorialize all death and loss- not just those passings that are condoned and sanctioned by society at large. death is very complex and it takes many forms… disease, old age, murder, accident, execution, suicide. Our hope is that participants will have a matrix within which they will be able to work their way through any kind of loss.

this environment, to be successful, will need the assistance of many in the larger burningman community. therefore, we are looking for a dedicated coterie of individuals who are willing to put aside their personal artistic vision toward the creation of a project that will be greater than the sum of it’s parts! we are attempting to be very clear about this up front, because a project of this scale would be compromised by “committee-type” discussions.

these are some of the tasks that we will need help with:

  • humping materials/unloading trucks
  • sorting materials (we have 2500 5′ x 5′ panels and 10,000 small deco pieces that will need to be sorted)
  • building the burn platform
  • heavy framing/carpentry
  • climbing/rigging
  • finish carpentry
  • lamp standard construction
  • burn clean-up (this is a serious commitment!)
  • docents/temple guardians (people chosen for this delicate task will need to undergo intensive training and orientation with david best in order to prepare them for the emotional difficulty of dealing with the variety of loss that participants will bring to the temple)
  • prep (we plan to have two “work days” at our studio in Petaluma ca, during june and july for prep. the dates are Yet to be determined and the “work days” could actually become “work weekends”.)

if you feel called to this project, please contact either or both of us with a summary of your skills or things you are willing to work at and dates that you are available.

david best 707 795 3888

jack haye 707 696 0465 jackhaye(at)home(dot)com


— david/jack



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Maid Marian
Burning Man

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