Jrs V07 I18


Reply-to: jackrabbitspeaks(at)burningman(dot)com


Unsubscribe info at the bottom.

Folks –

Hello from a new voice – a longtime behind-the-scenes bunny, covering for your hostess, Ms. Andie Grace, while she deals with the huge spike in activity that always results from the first full staff meeting of the year. Last week also saw the first media team meeting of the year, so not surprisingly Actiongrl is all Action these days.

The big news this week is the announcement of our upcoming Town Hall meeting, on Sunday April 6th. For anyone curious about how the event comes together every year, and/or how you can be one of the hundreds of volunteers who helps it run smoothly, this is a great time to drop in, ask some questions, get some free barbeque, and see a lot of smiles. There are worse ways to spend an afternoon. Also of note is the availability of new Black Rock Arts Foundation grants, to support the creation of interactive art specifically for off-playa venues. We think you all have Black Rock City pretty much taken care of :).

Without further ado – on to this week’s newsletter. Don’t worry, Andie will be back next week, and when I do write again, you know I’ll try to include that Action flavor. I’ve had a crush on her for longer than all of you, and I can prove it – we grew up on the same street in St. Louis, Missouri, and I still have a copy of the mix tape I made her back in 1987!

Cabe Franklin
Associate Jack Rabbit

*************TABLE OF CONTENTS************




***********BLACK ROCK CITY NEWS**********

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Black Rock Arts is a nonprofit founded by several Burning Man organizers. The foundation has an extensive mission, part of which is to fund interactive, community-based art displayed in a civic context at venues other than Burning Man (The foundation is not the funding source for art at Burning Man.).

The Foundation is in its second year and the grant cycle is opening this Saturday. Whether you need funds to complete a project you are currently working on, you are about to embark on a new project, or need funding to get your interactive piece to a venue, you may be eligible for a grant from the Black Rock Arts Foundation. They are giving out a series of grants in $100-$500 allotments. If you think your piece falls within the mission, please fill out the Letter of Inquiry application online starting March 1: Grant Application If you have any questions, please contact us via email ( info(at)blackrockarts(dot)org).

For more information about our foundation, please check it out here: blackrockarts.org

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Beginning Saturday, March 1st, Burning Man tickets can be purchased at several Bay Area outlets. We’ve done our best to have a variety of types of stores and geographic locations. Please remember that the kindly folks who run these stores are part of our community and deserve your courtesy, love and respect! Be sure to leave yourself extra time to peruse, these are really great shops! Please allow the stores a half an hour after opening and before closing before you rush in to buy those tickets. It will help them better be able to help you!

The nitty gritty:
– tickets are $225 each.
– tickets will be on sale via outlets through the Friday before the event starts (that is 8/22/03)
– you must have EXACT change, or a money order made out to Burning Man.
– each outlet has different hours, please see the list below for outlet locations and hours of operation!
– please do not call outlets; if you have any questions about anything, either visit the Burning Man web site or call our hotline at 1-415-TO-FLAME.


1552 Haight Street
San Francisco
hours: Monday-Saturday 11:30am-7:30pm, Sunday 11:30am-6:30pm

Ceiba Records
463 Haight Street
San Francisco
hours: Tuesday-Sunday 12:30pm-7:30pm, closed Monday

241 Columbus Avenue
San Francisco
hours: Sunday-Thursday 12:30pm-10:30pm,
Friday and Saturday 12:30pm-11:30pm

Berkeley Hat Company
2510 Telegraph Avenue
hours: Monday-Thursday 10:30am-6:00pm,
Friday and Saturday 10:30am-6:30pm, Sunday 12:00pm-5:30pm

Cheap Thrills
1217 21st St
hours: Monday-Thursday 10 am-6pm, Friday & Saturday 10 am-7pm
Sunday 10 am-5pm

And with that – it’s back to the envelopes!

Becky Workman (aka Bex)
Ticket Minion

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The JRS thanks Tony “Coyote” Perez for these fantastic issues of the “Coyote Nose” newsletter – they keep us smiling every week. Future issues of the “CN” will be posted on the web site, and we’ll send you the URL each week so you can stay in touch. Watch the next JRS for the URL, and keep up on all the happenings in the wide world of the DPW.

“And it’s only February –

During last year’s clean-up, we were all sitting at a mechanically separated work ranch breakfast, when Winnemucca Dave, or better known as WD 40, (he just turned 40), started telling of a nightmare he had. We where in the thick of clean-up, mind you, and the end of our rainbow was solely to have every trace of us off the Playa. Mr. Dave, at the time, had been bailing our butts out by spending his hours of the day dragging a chain-link ‘dune buster’ behind his big ole’ truckety-truck, when his dream put him back out in the field working, (I hate when dreams do that!). And what did he see?! A big fat line of cars, trucks, and campers marching toward us, and in to Black Rock City ’03! Horror of horrors, he sat up bolt right in a cold sweat! Well, he didn’t actually tell me that, but I’ll bet he did! With the wheels of our event spinning ever earlier, It made me think of some of the lore of Burning Mans past, when Danger Ranger Mr. Michael Michael and company would trek out to the playa just a day before to set things up for ‘the big weekend!’

Well, part of my job descript out there is to orient and survey the city, and lord knows, even trying to find true north can be a city-altering fiasco. So after hearing about how when Danger used to ceremonially orient the original city camps so that the sun would rise right smack over the man’s head, I had to ask him for his secret method of Boy Scout mapping. I mean, did it involve an almanac, a sextet, and daily observations?!
‘Well no,’ he replied with a well-seasoned chuckle, ‘We just went out there the day before, looked to see where the sun was rising, and then stuck the man there!’ Now there’s some last minute civic planning!
And now, the BRC ’03 city plan is sitting on my draft board in February. — Hope I can find true north —

Though it’s hard to imagine doing it all over again so soon after doing it all, ‘tis a good thing, I think. People are motivated, man. I’m thinking that the city is happening earlier and earlier every year because folks like their lifestyles in Black Rock City, and want to live like that for longer periods of time. ‘Why can’t we live like this all the time?!,’ is a common cry amongst our good citizens. A long ago weekend in the desert has quickly bloomed out to a week, and now with so many large scale projects and camps with scheduled early arrivals to allow for the needed extra set up time, (some villages are now bigger than all of Black Rock City used to be!), our population numbers have been growing exponentially even as far as two weeks before the burn. Makes you wonder what might happen if there were no government restrictions… Hmmmmm.

It was eerie sifting through DPW crew rosters from last year in the dead of winter. Was it possible to even phone some of these people? Do they keep emergency wake-up pagers in their hibernation dens? It’s crazy, but I have some solid friends and fellow crew members that live just a few blocks from me here in San Francisco, and we only see one another in the desert. Does this happen to you? Guess we’ll have to start thinking more about that winter burn in the southern hemisphere… It could happen —

Speaking of eerie wintertime out-of-desert experiences, I had some late night cocktails with Larry Harvey the other night. Never have I had an ordinary conversation with this man, and a recent essay that my mother wrote about her bizarre experience of ‘shopping around’ for her own cemetery plot darkened our line of talk considerably. We started talking of different stipulations people had attached to their funerals and such and we had both heard of some wild ones. You know, things like spreading ashes here and burying bodies there. (I was thinking that for myself, I would maybe like to somehow preserve my tattoos as a lampshade, or maybe a drum head, or something. Why should good art perish with me?) I’ve recently heard of another wild one where a mother had her son roll her ashes into a ‘cigarette’ of sorts, and smoke ’em! Well Larry had some unique thoughts surrounding his own mortality, and he told of a running joke he’s got going with his ex-wife. Apparently, she is to actually – DANCE – on his grave! Providing she outlives you, Larry. ‘I mean in a good way,’ Larry says. ‘Dancing is a good thing, right?’ I’m wondering what ‘special music’ she might pick. James Brown?

DPW commander and chief, Will Rodger asked that I include this powerful quote from Theodore Roosevelt in this column. It’s called ‘Courage’ and we believe that it captures at least some of our spirit in the long months of planning, organizing, setting up and tearing down Black Rock City. It’s a wonderful thing to experience the many departments of our event come together like cogs to create that thing that we create.


It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena;
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;
who strives valiantly;
who errs and comes up short again and again;
who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause;
who knows in the end the triumph of high achievements;
and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly;
so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither defeat nor victory.

Theodore Roosevelt, April 10, 1899′

I guess spring is around the corner – you know, mating season. And here comes another wedding announcement. The big surprise of last week’s Staff meeting was Ada Chester and Mike Durgavitch ‘popping’ the news. Yup, another big ol’ sparkler has been put on another pretty finger, (it can be seen from across the zocalo), and let’s have some more parties! Plenty-o-time to plan, though, the date is set at April 4th, ’04. I love it! Durgy and Ada Dego Bay. Ada Durgy go Dego Bay Durg Day Go… or something. All for now”

The Coyote Nose

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Sunday, April 6, 11am-3pm
SomArts Gallery
934 Brannan @ 8th, San Francisco

Save the date for Burning Man’s annual Town Hall Meeting, a VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT FAIR. Outdoor BBQ at SomArts included. Everyone is invited to this free event.

Find out how you can volunteer with Burning Man! Thousands of volunteers are needed to make Burning Man happen. Meet great people and start the fun before you get to Black Rock City. Representatives from all teams will be present to show you how!

Barbeque and drinks will be provided. Bring your own side dish to add to the potluck!

TOWN HALL MEETING! April 6, 11am-3pm, SomArts Gallery, San Francisco

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Does anyone out there have video footage of the Madagascar Institute’s “Creature of the Deep” from 2002? It was the large, partially-submerged octopus out in the deep playa, made of rebar and white fabric, which flamed and could be climbed. Please contact Hackett at me(at)madagascarinstitute(dot)com. Any format is fine but DV is preferred.

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“Picture this: a fire truck filled with burners arrives in front of the Man. The driver emerges, puts on a Santa hat, and everyone strips down to what god gave ’em. Now, picture this: you are Santa, and you end up with NO usable pictures of the event.

If you are one of the dozen or so photographers who took advantage of this photo op, please let me know. I can be reached at janycer(at)charter(dot)net (please make the subject ‘fire truck pic’) or P.O. Box 70626, Reno, NV 89570. Any usable pictures would be most appreciated and rewarded with priority access to the pool at Black Rock Beach Club at Burning Man 2003: no bs, I am the official pool monitor 🙂

We are very hopeful that some good pictures exist! Make good days… see you at Burning Man!”

Janyce Rossall

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“Does anybody have any photos of the ‘Truck Of Trampolines?’ Day or night shots welcome. It was part of Artcar Camp.

Maybe you were one of the hundreds who jumped on the five tramp jumparama. Send pics to Dolen(at)wt(dot)net or museumwierd.org,

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Crackle writes:

“We would like to get the word out about our camp this year. We are planning on hosting a used sex toy exchange and calling it the Temple of Misfit Sex Toys. We are playing off the ‘Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer’ concept of the Island of Misfit Toys. Our slogan is: ‘Every Naughty Toy deserves a Loving Home.’ The concept relies heavily on people bringing in their underutilized toys and offering them up for exchange, so would like to put out a request for people to begin collecting and sanitizing their contributions.” (JRS note: On-playa, you’ll find this camp with the Solo Collective.)

You heard him, people! Utilize ’em or lose ’em! 🙂

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This from the current San Francisco State U. Catalog (didn’t know SF was a state, didja) for those of you looking for academic underpinnings to your playa experience!

CLASS: Experiments in Participatory Performance
When art is viewed as a gift making process that encourages participation, it is able to circumvent the commodification of art and culture. This class will explore art making in terms of gift giving and participation. We will look at the work of Allan Kaprow, Fluxus, Environmental Theatre and Burning Man. Class members will be involved in a series of projects that allow them to explore gift giving and participation as part of their own art making process. The class will culminate in creating a daylong participatory experience as a gift for one person.

Where: SFSU Extension Program in Arts, Culture & Community Engagement
When: Thurs. March 27, April 3, April 10 & April 24th; Sat. April 19
Where: 425 Market Street

For more information, visit cel.sfsu.edu or email mp(at)matthewpurdon(dot)com.

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**********EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS********

San Jose Repertory Theater
101 Paseo de San Antonio, San Jose, CA
Friday, March 7

Check out a sneak premiere of CONFESSIONS OF A BURNING MAN, a new feature-length movie featured in the Cinequest San Jose Film Festival “special screenings” section.

Ticket prices: $9/person; For group rates, call 408-295-3378.

FREE WELCOME EVENT: Friday, March 7th, 9:00 pm
Join an outdoor public gathering with street performers and drum circles.
LOCATION: San Jose Repertory Plaza (next to the theater)

(All performers and drummers must be listed in advance on the performance permit; contact confessions(at)belegato(dot)com for permit information.)

FREE BONUS EVENT: Friday, March 7th, 7:00 pm
“A Chat with Confessions Filmmakers and Burning Man Founder Larry Harvey”
LOCATION: Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Pruneyard Shopping Center, 1875 South Bascom Avenue, Campbell, CA

“Confessions” Second Screening: Saturday, March 8th, 11:45 pm
Saturday will be a screening-only event (tickets required)
LOCATION: Camera 3 Theater

Audience expression is encouraged – dress is “burner” chic!

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10 PM – 4 AM

Contact Joel Parker Henderson, joel(at)litebrite(dot)org

Take a trip with me if you will. To a hot August night, deep in the heart of Black Rock City. The music is pounding in time with the beat of your heart. It just sounds better out here. The dust in your hair, the familiar taste of playa on your lips. The girl dancing next to you in hot pants and fuzzy cat ears catches your eye and in a wordless moment worlds are shared. A world of connection, creation, interaction. Where participation and expression are the highest forms of worship.

“Come with me” she says “to a world beyond belief”… She takes your hand and leads you to a magical space with soft lounges and thumping grooves. You know this place. We call it home.

LiteBrite throws its Playa Launch party – a night of play, dance, celebration, ambience, and community. We need you there – it won’t be the same without you.

Saturday, March 1st
10pm – 4am
2430 3rd Street @ 21st
Details and tickets at litebrite.org

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All tickets for Flipside at the $45.00 level have been sold.

However, online ticket sales have resumed. Current ticket prices are now at $55.00 for an adult ticket, children (ages 7-12) are $30.00.

Snail mail ticket prices are now also at the $55.00 level. So any mail order sent in postmarked with todays date, or after, should include a money order calculated at the $55.00 level. Both forms available for download now indicate the new price.

Check the website for updated information:
Event Tickets

Tickets are really selling fast this year folks, so if you haven’t purchased yours now, don’t wait too long. Remind your friends and neighbors. And if you can, purchase an extra one for those who may not be able to afford one now. “Gifting” eh? Think about it…

Flipside ticket printing should begin within the week, and we are still pushing for the first mailout of tickets, first week in March. So get ready to check your mailbox, the ticket design looks fantastic. =)

As always, if you have any questions, please email tickets(at)burningflipside(dot)com

Thank You
cHAmpa and Melody

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****************ADMIN ON & OFF****************


Don’t hit “REPLY” to this email to reach us. ( The address to write us is jackrabbitspeaks(at)burningman(dot)com – not bman-announce@burningman.com.)

jackrabbitspeaks(at)burningman(dot)com (for questions and post requests)

old rabbits: www.burningman.com/blackrockcity_yearround/jrs/

On and off this ride – DIY:

If you are trying to unsub and it doesn’t work, please send us an email and give us as much information as possible. Are you sending from a different address?

You’ll get an email to which you must respond to complete the request.