Jrs V09 I21



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Hey gang! Been a while, no? After spending parts of May travelling across Texas visiting several burners there, and otherwise scrambling as we gear up for 2005, we’re back in the saddle (or, rather, we’ve climbed down OUT of the saddle to get back to our computers.) And just in time – May flowers have given way to June’s gale force madness blowin’ through the office. And since that the burn is 85 days, 6 hours, 25 minutes and 16 seconds away from *rightnow*… you can expect to be hearing a lot more from us.

Since the Miss Meow caught us up on a lot of news with a double dose of JRS last week, one might think this JRS would be brief. One would be wrong. Witness: a story about burn night etiquitte, Burning Man in the news, deadlines approaching for Theme Camps, Villages, Low Income Ticket Applications, the What Where When, AND Press registration…opportunities to join in the creation of Theme Art this year, or to greet or join the Love Army or get together at the local level. There’s also some info about submitting to the JRS and the upcoming resources issue. It’s all straight from our laptops and into your inbox. Hey, you’re welcome.

(Oh…and don’t forget that Cafe Craft Party Saturday June 11th at the Burning Man offices 1-6pm. http://www.burningman.com/officedirections )

Ready for it then? Walk this way.

{============================================================} ====================TABLE OF CONTENTS======================= {============================================================}

–BRC News–
**Hayes Green: David Best Temple Is Up! (SF)**
**Burning Man in the News**
**”SIT DOWN!!!” “I DON’T WANT TO!” Standing vs. Sitting at a Burn?**
**Call for Designs for Burning Man Stickers!**
**REMINDER: Time is Running Out To Register Theme Camps and Villages!**
**What, Where, When on the Playa**
**TICKET UPDATE: Deadlines, Walkin Outlets, and MORE**
**SUBMISSIONS TO THE JRS – A few notes from the Rabbits**

**THEME ART TAKE ONE: Synapses Project invites you! (SF, CA)**
**THEME ART TAKE TWO: Inner Mind Invites You to Participate! (FROM ANYWHERE!)**
**JOIN LOVE ARMY – Worlds’ First Theme Cult**
**Healing Map of the Playa – Be listed!**

–Events and Happenings–
**OPULENT TEMPLE FUNDRAISER – 6/11 San Francisco**
**DISORIENT FUNDRAISER** 6/17 Brooklyn Heights, NY


{============================================================} ===================BLACK ROCK CITY NEWS====================== {============================================================} **/**/**/**/**/**/**/***/**/**/**/**

**Hayes Green: David Best Temple Is Up! SF**

A few photos of that beautiful David Best temple at Hayes Green in San Francisco:


OR…come see it for yourself at the DEDICATION:

You are among the people who made it possible to bring this amazing, beautiful, community-based project to fruition. We very much hope you can join us in celebration:

Thursday, June 16th 5pm
Dedication of the David Best ‘Temple’ Project at the new Hayes Green

(The Hayes Green runs along Octavia between Hayes and Fell Streets in San Francisco.)

David and his crew, members of the San Francisco Arts Commission, donors and supporters, members and directors of the Black Rock Arts Foundation, and Hayes Valley neighbors will be there. All are welcome, and light refreshments will be served.

If you have any questions, please call us at the Black Rock Arts Foundation office, 415.626.1248.


**Burning Man in the News**

BURNING MAN AT 20: Rev. Billy warns of rampant consumerism’s eternal price Leslie Fulbright, Chronicle Staff Writer Saturday, June 4, 2005 San Francisco Chronicle

(To keep up with the Chronicle’s ongoing series on Burning Man, visit http://www.sfgate.com/burningman )


**”SIT DOWN!!!” “I DON’T WANT TO!” Standing vs. Sitting at a Burn?**

Zoe shares her story with us, and we share it with you:

“Last year I attended Burning Man for my 7th straight year. The night of the burn I arrived at the circle of people crowded around the man, found a nice spot, not too close, not too far. My friends and I waited as people filled in both in front of and behind us. Eventually we were all packed in. There were two other groups next to us, one of them included an elderly gentleman being helped to his spot by his friends. Eventually people started sitting down. We chose to stand.

The gentleman in front of us could not sit on the playa due to his bad knees, so we all grouped together, the standees (there were about 15 of us), to minimize our impact on the sitters’ view. A few people began to ask us to sit down, we politely explained that we could not. Someone on a megaphone began to chant ‘Sit down, sit down.’ This turned into a mob of approx. 250 people chanting ‘Sit down, sit down,’ in unison. We declined. They formed a leadership group and sent emissaries. My partner and I happened to be standing at the back of the group, so we received the delegates, explained to them that it was a matter of free choice, and that we were not going to sit down.

After my partner explained this, the next thing over the megaphone was ‘Asshole, asshole.’ It bummed him out, to say the least, to hear a group that size chanting that at him. Another person was sent to talk to us.I explained again that our participation included standing, and apologized if it interfered with their view. The delegate could not understand our point about choice, and claimed that we chose to do this out of spite. He went back, and the next thing over the megaphone was ‘Cunt, cunt,’ (directed at me). I have never felt so much hatred on burn night.

Of course, these things escalate, and eventually people started throwing things (what happened to LNT?), including a full 1 liter bottle of water which hit the elderly gentleman in the head. He was bewildered. It was his first burn, and, as a veteran of many Grateful Dead shows and the like, he claimed he had never felt such animosity. I assured him that we just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that mob mentality can happen anywhere. I witnessed a fist fight break out between a member of the standees and a member of the sitters. Blood was flowing from both of their noses. Once the sitters realized they had injured an old man they all stood up. ‘Stand up! Stand up!’ came out over the megaphone.

I am writing because I am still amazed that this happened at Burning Man. A point of view, a place to look at something — this is called ‘spectation’. The sitters were complaining because their spectation had been interfered with. That this escalated to litter and violence is unbelievable to me. I do not want there to be (rules) created to deal with this. I’d be horrified by zoning for standing vs. sitting, but I believe that it should be made known that if you want to sit and watch the man burn, if you want a good view, GET THERE EARLY. It should also be made known that Burning Man is not hippie happy fun land where everyone can come to the same agreement and live in utopian harmony. If I’m not mistaken, tolerance for other’s choices of self-expression is one of the core values of our fair city. I want to stress that we were not standing so close to the man that it was ridiculous for us to be standing; we were a good way back, even behind a few art cars. I feel my participation was definitely interrupted by a mob screaming “Cunt” at me. This kind of violent hatred is a little disturbing when the perpetrators have access to flamethrowers.

Thanks for listening. – Zoe”

Actiongrl says: We know Zoe’s not the only one who’s had such an experience, because we’ve heard similar stories, and we’ve seen it happen ourselves. In the case of this story, it’s clear that Zoe and friends were a fair number of rows back from the front – behind some art cars, even. (For what it’s worth, if you’re in the very first few rows at a burn, a Ranger will ask you to sit down – this helps create a barrier against surging crowds shoving or nudging the first few rows into the burn circle perimeter. Thus, if you KNOW you want to sit down, and get a good warm view, show up early and get a spot in the first few rows.)

And if you’re farther back and some folks are choosing to stand, because they got there early or they have a bum knee or a sitting-prohibitive garment…for that matter, if they just choose instead to stand…well, rather than hurl insults or bottles, perhaps have a moment of reflection: as soon as the action starts, folks have a tendency to stand up anyway. And it’s probably never worth it to let things get so nasty that people are still stinging 9 months later from the emotional upset…or kindly gentlemen are pegged in the head with heavy objects.

Normally, mind you, I only preach etiquette when asked in an advice column, but since I’ve seen this (I became overwhelmed and ran away in tears to escape the nasty vibe of a similar occurence at the Temple burn) Zoe’s story struck home.

Your faithful rabbits would like to call a moment for us all to reflect on whether this particular phenomenon at a burn isn’t something we might handle differently the next time we are faced with it.


**Call for Designs for Burning Man Stickers!**

Hey, if you dig those stickers we pass out at the greeters with the map, BRG, etc., you know, the clear vinyl ones, and you’re interested in contributing a design…now is your chance. Each year we take design submissions for the window sticker decal. We always have wonderful submissions, and a few years ago we printed 3 or 4 more of various shapes and sizes to be randomly distributed throughout the event and the year. It’s time once again to submit your sticker designs!

The clear vinyl 2005 window sticker is circular and will be printed in two colors. The design should contain the name Burning Man, the year 2005 and have something to do with the Psyche theme. The URL for www.burningman.com is an optional element in the design. The final sticker will be 2.5 or 3 inches in diameter depending on cost.

To be considered for the other (non window) stickers you can submit designs that might fit well within constraints of 2.25″ x 5.5.” or 3″ x 3″ or somewhere in between. Those can be square, rectangular or circular. We’d like to see elements that will make the sticker recognizable for this year. This includes the year 2005, words Burning Man (optional if you use the logo), the Psyche (not imperative), the logo, etc. Two color are the easiest to work with due to costs. Designs with more colors WILL be considered as we allocate the print runs based on the design/color/staff preference, etc. So, go crazy, but understand what the limitations are.

We’d MUCH prefer the designs to be printed on a web page, but will also consider submissions via email. Here’s how to share your stuff with us. Send your URL, or your designs as an Adobe Illustrator file to bex(at)burningman(dot)com. PLEASE put STICKER DESIGN in your header so we don’t think you’re spam! We’d hate to miss seeing your cool stuff.

Your deadline? June 23rd. Get on it!


**REMINDER: Time is Running Out To Register Theme Camps and Villages!**

YIKES!!! ? The deadline for THEME CAMP submissions is rapidly approaching!

NOW is the time! – fill out your questionnaire and get your map and cleanup plan in to us by June 30th, 2005 11:59 PM for placement in Black Rock City 2005.

You can go here and access the theme camp form. It will take you approximately 30 minutes to fill it out, so be patient and prepared to answer tons of questions! This is your camp’s key to placement, being mapped, and other goodies, so be sure to register NOW!

(Many participants have found it useful to print a copy of this questionnaire to fill out while off-line. We have provided a PDF version of the Theme Camp questionnaire for this purpose).

Don’t miss the deadline!!


**What, Where, When on the Playa**

Deadline: Wednesday, July 20th, 2005 LOCATION: http://burningman.com/calendar/playa/

Howdy! Many of you have known that the Playa Calendar is open and accepting submissions for the What Where When guide. The What Where When is the printed version of the Playa Calendar that is handed to every participant who comes through the gates of Black Rock City. This guide is a great way to publicize your participatory event. If you want to make your on-playa event known and encourage Black Rock citizens to attend, now’s the time to get your text ready and submit it. We will be taking submissions for the printed version up until Wednesday, July 20th, so you only have a few weeks left! So far, we’ve received a good number, mostly from the early birds we hear from every year (thank you!!) but I know there are those of you out there who like to wait until the last minute! Of course, this makes the What Where When crew insane, so the earlier the better. Here are some things to think about when preparing your entry:

1. Keep the descriptive text short and to the point. (We edit the printed version for length.) There is no need to include the time and location in the descriptive text, there are fields for that. Extraneous text like “See you there” or “We’re so excited!” can be left out.

2. There is a “Hosted by/Camp Name” field. Put in the name of your camp (or the camp where your event is hosted). If the name of your camp matches the name we have in our Theme camp database, it makes putting your physical location (city street address) in MUCH easier. We will know your address from the theme camp mapping team and will put your address in alongside your entry. If your camp is NOT mapped (not a registered theme camp), please include the location you plan on camping. If you don’t camp there, there’s really nothing we can do about it once the guide is printed, so please be sure to check this years map taking note of the new areas that are reserved for theme camps. If the place you’re used to camping falls into one of these reserved areas, you will need to consider an alternate location. See the map below for reference:


3. If your event happens on several days at the same time and location, it can be entered as a repeating event. If your event has the same description, but its time and/or location varies, you will need to enter a separate event for each.

4. If you have a problem with your event and you need something changed, feel free to send a note to the email address listed on every page of the playa calendar. We’ll be happy to correct something.

5. Oh, and finally, be sure to take special note of the AM/PM buttons. That is the most often requested change. People just forget it’s there and need it changed from AM to PM all the time.

6. The WWW does get handed out at the gate in a printed version, it’s true. However, because of print deadlines, it only holds items submitted (of course) before the July 20th deadline. Thus, some folks choose to print out the most up-to-the-minute version and staple the pages right before they hop in the car. Up to you!

OK, so now that you know all about WHAT to do, you need to know WHERE to go:


and you’ll need to know WHEN to submit your event by: Wednesday, July 20th is the last date for submission for the printed guide. We will still accept events for the online calendar up until the day the event begins, but events submitted after the deadline will not be included in the What Where When guide. Thank you for your submissions and I look forward to proofreading them!

*Spanky, Bex, and the Playa Calendar crew



The Media Team reminds you that the deadline for registering your video/film project with Media Mecca is coming up – July 15th!

All other non-video related projects are asked to register by August 1.

What? You say you’re not sure your project qualifies as “press”? Here’s the 1-2-3 test: if you’re going to capture video, photos, or film that you plan to show *beyond* just your friends and family (for example, in a film festival, at a regional event, in a magazine, on a non-personal website, etc.) you must register in advance and tell us about your project. You know the drill, so say it with us: “No commercial use of images obtained at Burning Man without specific written permission.”

Questions? press(at)burningman(dot)com


**TICKET UPDATE: Deadlines, Walkin Outlets, and MORE**

The deadline to apply for Low Income tickets is fast approaching! We still have a good number of tickets at this level left so if you were considering applying do it today. The deadline to apply for these special tickets is July 1st or as long as supplies last.

For more info check out this page.

The deadline to order tickets by mail is also upon us. Mail Order sales end June 30, 2005. After that time, please order your tickets online.

To order by mail, CLEARLY print your first and last name, mailing address, contact info (either an email address or phone number), how many tickets you would like to order and mail with payment (MONEY ORDER OR CASHIER’S CHECK ONLY!!) to the address below:

Burning Man PO Box 884688 San Francisco, CA 94188-4688

If you wish to have your tickets sent to you by secure delivery, please clearly indicate so on your order and add an additional $10 to your order.

We are psyched to announce our WALK IN OUTLETS for 2005. They won’t come as a surprise – we have been working with these fantastic folks for years now. They have offered to donate their time and their stores to help our community have a different way to purchase tickets. Please remember these businesses are owned and run by members of our community, we should treat them with understanding and respect for opening their doors and helping out.

The Melting Pot 888 Virginia St Reno, NV Hours: Monday – Saturday 10:30 AM – 7:00 PM, Sunday 12:00 – 5:00 PM

Cheap Thrills 1217 21st St Sacramento, CA Hours: Monday-Thursday 10 :00 AM – 6:00 PM, Friday & Saturday 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Distractions 1552 Haight Street (Upper Haight) San Francisco, CA Hours: Monday-Saturday 11:30 AM – 7:30 PM, Sunday 11:30 AM – 6:30 PM

Berkeley Hat Company 2510 Telegraph Avenue Berkeley, CA Hours: Monday-Thursday 10:30 AM -6:00 PM, Friday and Saturday 10:30 AM – 6:30 PM, Sunday 12:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Outlets are selling $250 tickets. Outlet sales are CASH or MONEY ORDER/ CASHIER’S CHECK ONLY – no other forms of payment are accepted.

Need to buy tickets online? Go here.

Questions about an Online order? Go here and use the pull down menu.

See y’all on the playa! The Ticket Team


**SUBMISSIONS TO THE JRS – A few notes from the Rabbits**

Short and sweet here – a few notes about submitting to the JRS:

1. The deadline is changing to accomodate an updated weekly schedule. The new deadline is Sunday nights at 11:59 PM.

2. Send to jackrabbitspeaks@burningman.com and TYPE:


in the subject line! See, if we’re racing with a JRS deadline, and you’ve submitted an item by replying to the last issue or just typing “Hey!!” in the subject line, then your post looks like a hundred other emails we got that day and we might miss it. And, dig it: “POST REQUEST (with a reference to your post here!)”

is even BETTER, in case we need to reference your email later and can’t recall who sent it to us.

3. The RESOURCES ISSUE is coming up at the end of June….we do a once yearly issue of the JRS with links to special deals and offers for playa preparation. Why one issue? Easy reference, natch…plus, this way, those that don’t want any resources peanut butter in their JRS chocolate may simply take a pass and skip that issue. For those who appreciate it, it’s coming to you earlier this year so you can plan ahead… and for those who seek to be listed in it, the DEADLINE for the Resources Issue will be Sunday, June 19th at 11:59 PM.

4. Reminder: we love your stories, your questions, even your complaints…it’s good to know you’re out there and reading and care enough to hit reply. Really.

**/**/**/**/**/**/**/***/**/**/**/** {============================================================} ========================PARTICIPATE!========================== {============================================================}


**THEME ART TAKE ONE: Synapses Project invites you! (SF, CA)**

Step right up! Step right up! Charlie Smith and Jaime Ladet are doing a national fire caldron building tour that encompasses six cities. The sculptures built in these workshops are coming together at Burning Man 2005. The San Francisco Synapses Project workshop = July 8-11.

This is a call for participation on a project that involves hands on metal fabrication and sculpting of large scale wood burning fire caldrons. The workshop is geared toward all skill levels from beginner to advanced. We are looking forward to working with you all in the bay area! Please visit our web site www.howhowhow.com to learn more about this project and how to become a participant. Thanks for your time and energies toward this adventure!

Charlie and Jaime
Synapses Project

**THEME ART TAKE TWO: Inner Mind Invites You to Participate! (FROM ANYWHERE!)**

Gary Stadler of San Diego is creating the Inner Mind with a grant from Burning Man. He’s looking for participants to help generate content for the installation.

Gary says:

“I have a little request. For our InnerMind project, I need a ton of photos from burners, pictures that are favorite moments or memories taken preferably at Burning Man, but not necessarily taken there. I’ll be taking the photos and turning them into little ‘sphere’ shapes (a bubble) and loading them all into the computer that will ultimately project these little “memory bubbles” on to the central column of our installation. It will look like infinite numbers bubbles of thoughts or memories rising up and going out (via the light beam out the top) into the vast universe. So the more of you that send in photos the merrier.

I have created a URL to my site that gets you to a simple browse/upload utility; burners can use it to load their photos on to my server. I will only use them for the Burning Man project, nothing else, and I need to reserve the right to edit them to suit the project’s purpose.

Here’s the upload URL: http://www.heartmagic.com/InnerMind

# Only JPEG files
# Filesize # Image dimensions no larger than 800 x 800
# Maximum of 1MB of uploads for each user, based on IP address of sender

Send Gary photos and see yourself in the Inner Mind on the Playa!


**JOIN LOVE ARMY – Worlds’ First Theme Cult**

What?s a Theme Cult? An experiment in viral participation. Think of it as a de-centralized, open source, guerilla theme paradigm?or ?the kind of thing they did in Fight Club (but without the fighting).?

What?s Love Army? A Theme Cult whose objective is to spread LOVE at Burning Man ?05 by any means necessary. We are a mighty yet mysterious alliance. Our uniform is pink, green, hearts and camouflage. We go on inventive, self-directed missions like: graffiti squads, love song sing-along, lipstick kissing ambush. Form your own troop or go rogue ­ it?s all good.

Who should join? You buster! Love Army Theme Cult should be especially awesome for: wide-eyed 1st timers; folks involved with other projects (volunteers, artists) who still like to dress up and cause chaos; vets who want to participate in a theme without the commitment of a camp.

We have no idea how this will turn out. That?s why you must join: http://www.lovearmy.org


**Healing Map of the Playa – Be listed!**

From Amani: “Hello fair rabbits! This year, I am doing the Second Annual Healing Map of the playa! Last year I had about 30 camps mapped out, all across the city. My goal is to provide a map for people who might need a little tending to, while they’re in Black Rock City. I’m seeking camps who provide healing of some sort or another. Reiki, acupuncture, chiropractic, misting tents, counseling, Anon-meetings, foot rubs, whatever is meant to soothe and/or heal the participant. Can you help me by putting out the word to your local camps? I’ll need camp name and address, and services offered.

A little history: In 2004 I was in a car accident that left me with 13 bulging discs in my spine. The only way I could go to Burning Man with my doctors’ approval, was to promise I’d be treated well (like that’s hard in BRC!), and if I could, get some sort of treatment while I was there. I set out to find out who offered healing on playa. I got so much positive feedback, from all kinds of people, that I decided to make it my gift to the community. Every kind of person contacted me- from disabled people, scared people, injured or addicted or just nervous, and many others! When I took the maps around here and there, some people had already heard of them! The Rangers expressed interest in having them on hand, as did the Medics. I myself used the map, and had some amazing experiences. I met people I wouldn’t have otherwise, I did get treatment, and I survived BRC without further damage. I dare say that I heal faster because of my experiences on-playa, specific to healing, or not. I believe that others can benefit from it too, on many levels!

I hope to make an even more robust map this year, so I’m starting early. If you could send out a message to your lists, I would greatly appreciate it! You’ll be helping people on-playa, more than we’ll ever know! It’s nice to have a map in your playa bag, so if anything happens to you, mental, physical or emotional, you can just check the map to find that help isn’t ever far from you!

Thank you so much! Feedback is appreciated!
Amani Ellen Loutfy- Seattle, WA



Do you like challenges? The Dark Skies Arts Festival (Las Vegas regional burn) is looking for a Volunteer Coordinator. This person should have a working knowledge of Microsoft Access and Excel, be available and respond to email at least daily, and above all must play well with others.

Role Description: The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for pairing up willing volunteers into the jobs they are needed for. The VC databases contact information for volunteers, and where they are camping at Dark Skies. The VC is responsible for polling all departments as to their needs and scheduling people to help on an as needed basis. The VC is the clearing house for all volunteer based efforts at Dark Skies including front gate, greeters, perimeter, artist support, and clean up.

The VC is responsible for maintaining a call board in center camp during the event. Via this call board, event participants can see at a glance when people are needed the most and at what positions throughout the event. The VC is part manager, part mom/dad, and part cat herder. This is a volunteer position though we may compensate the VC for their time & trouble at the conclusion of the event. Living in Las Vegas is not a prerequisite to doing this job, we just need someone who will stay on top of it.

Please contact Cameron Grant of VegasArtists.com LLC

Thank you, and see you at Dark Skies October 21-23

**/**/**/**/**/**/**/***/**/**/**/** {============================================================} ==================EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS===================== {============================================================} **/**/**/**/**/**/**/***/**/**/**/**


Join Sound of Mind and celebrate our camp’s journey to the playa

Friday June 10, 2005 * 10 pm to 8 am (yes 8 am dirty fun!) * $15 presale (limited qty) $20 at the door * Playa wear encouraged * Blue Cube, 34 Mason Street, San Francisco

Full info: http://www.soundofmind.org/events.htm


**OPULENT TEMPLE FUNDRAISER – 6/11 San Francisco**

Pre-sales only $10 ! * Available at http:www.opulenttemple.org -OR- @ BPM Records, corner of Hayes and Fillmore!!! -OR- $15 before midnight in playa digs.

@ Paradise Lounge * 1501 Folsom @ 11th, SF * 21+ only
10pm-4am+ June 11

More info: http://www.opulenttemple.org


**DISORIENT FUNDRAISER** 6/17 Brooklyn Heights, NY

Disorient presents In association with Kostume Kult and Freek Factory

COMPRESSOR 2005 (you’ve heard of Decom… This is the opposite)

June 17, 2005 * 9pm – 5am * The Building, 156 Tillary, Brooklyn Heights (10,000 sq ft loft) * $25 admission $20 advance tix

**$15 super advance tix on sale now!!!**


All proceeds benefit Disorient 2005 at Black Rock City.

info: http://www.disorient.com
info: http://compressor2005@hotmail.com


{Soundtrack to the JRS: Robbie Fulks, “Fuck This Town”}

{PPS: Welcome back, Cabe-the-Rabbit!}

{============================================================} ==================ADMIN ON AND OFF THE JRS==================== {============================================================}

Email us or questions(at)burningman(dot)com any time with questions. Email jackrabbitspeaks(at)burningman(dot)com by 2 PM PST on Tuesday for post requests. (We don’t post all requests, however.) Please type “POST REQUEST” in your subject line to make it past the SPAM.

For questions: questions(at)burningman(dot)com

Old rabbits: www.burningman.com/blackrockcity_yearround/jrs/

On and off this ride – DIY:
SUBSCRIBE: bman-announce-subscribe(at)burningman(dot)com
UNSUBSCRIBE: bman-announce-unsubscribe(at)burningman(dot)com

If you are trying to unsub and it doesn’t work, please send us an email and give us as much information as possible. Are you sending from a different address?

You’ll get an email to which you must respond to complete the request.

Andie Grace, Actiongrl
Office of the Jack Rabbit