Unsub at the bottom…
We’re at the 73 day mark, and the other day I got my first real playa-butterflies. You know, the ones that live in your stomach? I giggled out loud. I actually did.
The news is coming quick and fast. Next issue: resources for the playa from your fellow citizens of Black Rock City! This time, though, a reminder from Theme Camp land – registration time is nigh! Plus the San Francisco Chronicle brings us a piece on the Temple in Hayes Valley. (JRS tips its hat to David Best and Crew for a delightful and incredibly exciting step in the public art realm!) The Chron also spotlights the incredible people of the Black Rock City DPW — just in time to catch the Bay Area crew members before they start disappearing, one by one trickling off to Nevada to tuck into another hardworking summer. Yeah, it’s that soon! Then, there’s important news about the News in Black Rock City – so, we thought we’d tell you about that in BRC NEWS, if you can believe that staggering logic.
The Participate section revs up with a swift kick in your Preparation behind from the Meow, and moves on to a few opportunities to get involved with creative projects, or to help program Burning Man Information Radio…or show your stuff if you’re a bellydancer, a scribe, and/or bringing a mutant vehicle to the event. And if you’re not hip to Playatech yet, then brace yourself – your camp’s truck loading party may never be the same. (That’s on the way TO the burn, and on the way OUT of BRC, so check it out.)
PLUS! By the time you read this, you should be able to view the online version of this year’s Summer Newsletter, The Burning Man Journal 2005. (I just mistyped “3005” there, and let me tell you, that was a weird sensation too.) Newsletter URL:
{============================================================} =====================TABLE OF CONTENTS====================== {============================================================}
Hayes Valley Temple Lights up the Chronicle
DPW Spotlight in Latest Chron Piece
Changes to Black Rock Gazette for 2005
REMINDER: Theme Camp Deadlines!
Mermen Update
BMIR WANTS YOU!!! Help Program the Radio Station
Piss Clear Seeks Submissions
Cafe Correction
Clockworkers Wanted
Playatech and the Radically Cool Playa Loveseat
Burning Bellies Wanted
Mutant Vehicle Parade
Firefly in Vermont July 1-3
Windburn! Part of Carnivale, Venice Beach, CA 6/25
{============================================================} ===================BLACK ROCK CITY NEWS====================== {============================================================}
Alongside the San Francisco Chronicle’s series on the 20th anniversary of Burning Man, we recently saw an article celebrating Temple artist David Best’s creation of a temporary temple in Hayes Valley. The funding for this project came from hundreds of individual donors to the Black Rock Arts Foundation.
The DPW (Department of Public Works) are the hard working volunteers and staff that set up and take down the physical civic infrastructure for Black Rock City. As you’ll note in the 2005 Burning Man Journal article, “Dirty Dishes”.
Tony “Coyote” Perez reminds us all that without the commitment to Leave No Trace from each and every participant, we’d not be able to complete our obligation to the Bureau of Land Management. Do your part at the event. NEVER LET IT HIT THE GROUND and CLEAN UP AS YOU GO about your daily routine. Wind and dust are part of our daily life in Black Rock City. Secure your camp. MOOP can be prevented with forethought. Pack it in, and Pack it out. It is up to YOU.
‘Desert rats’ transform desolate playa into festival city — then back from wild land to badlands without a trace Meredith May, Chronicle Staff Writer
Sunday, June 12, 2005
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For many years, the Black Rock Gazette has served as Black Rock City’s official newspaper, producing a Gate edition prior to the event and five on-playa editions, produced and published daily by a hardworking team of volunteers, and printed in Reno each day for delivery at the event.
This spring during our budget creation cycle, we have reexamined the newspaper’s mission and production process, and have made a decision to make some changes. In 2005 we will produce only the Gate edition of the Black Rock Gazette. We will no longer produce the five on-playa editions.
Historically, the Black Rock Gazette has served as a medium for the sharing of news, entertainment, information, and sometimes, emergency issues. It has, among other things, helped us accommodate the needs and desires of supervising agencies at the event. However, as with all expenditures, budget items such as the BRG are assessed annually. We looked carefully at our organization’s current communication needs and our expenditures, not only for printing, but buildings, golf carts, radios, staff support, and computers. We polled our regional contacts concerning the usefulness of the Black Top Gazette in the Spring and Fall, and we considered the volumes of feedback we get from people who read the Gazette on the playa. We also considered the role of our city’s radio stations, signage, the Burning Man Journal, the Survival Guide, word of mouth, and other mechanisms, and found that there are many methods that have proven effective in communicating to a mass audience on the playa, and a number of other new avenues of communication that are also ripe for exploration. Having taken all these things into account, we decided we will limit our expenditures in 2005, and forego a daily newspaper. The Black Rock Gazette will still do a Gate edition and will remain an important organ for the organization, and may still be called into action as necessary.
Burning Man extends its special thanks to Mike “Durgy” Durgavich for his hard work and enterprising efforts in leading the publication of the paper since 2001. Durgy was the most recent in a line of publishers that included Vicki Olds (Shibumi), Barbara Carlson (Rusty Blazenhoff), Stuart Mangrum, and Michael Mikel. We also thank the entire staff of the Black Rock Gazette, a stalwart team of writers, editors, designers, photographers, distribution volunteers, and other supporters who have proved that the impossible is possible by producing a daily newspaper in a temporary city in the middle of an empty desert. We salute you, and thank you for all your efforts.
– The deadline for THEME CAMP submissions is rapidly approaching!
Carpe Diem. NOW is the time! – fill out your questionnaire. Draft your camp map and cleanup plan and mail them to us immediately thereafter. Remember, the deadline for having all this in is June 30th, 2005 11:59 PM. Get your placement in Black Rock City 2005.
You can go here to find out more about creating your Theme Camp or Village or check this link to make sure you’ve got all the necessary submission pieces. Take special note of the map requirements. Click here if you’re already in the know and want to go straight to the registration form. It will take you approximately 30 minutes to fill it out. This is your camp’s key to placement, being mapped, and other goodies, so be sure to register ASAP. (Many participants have found it useful to print a copy of this questionnaire to fill out while off-line. We have provided a PDF version of the Theme Camp questionnaire for this purpose).
And, if you’re not sure how to write up a clean up plan, here’s a handy guide: http://earthguardians.burningman.com/clean.html.
Don’t lose your opportunity to have your Theme Camp placed on the Playa.
Last week, we gave you a heads up that press registration deadlines were coming up. (That’s July 15th for video/film, and August 5th for all other press/media.) This time, we’re actually giving you the URL you’ll need to fill out the press form.
MERMEN update
Several of you have asked for more information about how to help the Mermen, since their gear was stolen recently – so here you have it:
Anybody who would like to donate and help the Mermen replace their stolen instruments and equipment can do so by going to www.mermen.net and making a donation.
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Marian on the mic:
How goes the preparation? With only 75 days until we hit the playa I’m sure you’re either starting to get that list together, or if you’re an old timer you’ve gone to your storage unit to dust things off.
The Survival Guide for 2005 just came off the presses today, and current ticket holders will find it in the mail shortly. The rest of you will be able to see it online within a few days.
In the meantime, did you know we have a plethora of interesting articles in the PREPARATION section of our web site?
How about hints from Playa HELOISE? Compiled quite a few years ago, they’re still valuable experienced insider-ideas for the playa.
Removing glass bottles from the playa sucks big time. We encourage cans. What about the list of drinks that come in CANS?
There’s not an experienced Burner that won’t admit that the playa puts your RELATIONSHIPS to the test. Take a look at this bit of advice:
What’s PLAYA FOOT? You’d know if you got it, and you’ll be sorry. It’s avoidable, so newcomers should read:
HEY, if you’re driving from the Bay Area you’ll appreciate the Botantical Travelogue – SUPER cool info about the plant life along the way.
Wind is a factor at Burning Man, and those with experience know rebar works wonders. One of the most helpful articles in the Preparation section is about REBAR.
And, HEY…Save a Shin, CAP YOUR REBAR, Please.
And FOLKS, it is a violation of our Special Recreation Permit to dump any sort of GREY WATER on the playa. NO NO NO…Grey water is water that you might want to throw out…and it could include food waste, or any waste that’s been used to wash hair, mouths, etc. Here’s info on how to dispose of grey water
All these pieces were contributed by experienced helpful participants. Thank you to the authors.
Tune in next week for the URL for the 2005 Survival Guide.
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BROUGHT TO YOU BY BMIR 94.5 FM (now with 98% fewer porta potty announcements!!!)
It’s that time of the year, and Burning Man Information Radio is gearing up to announce your Psyche-Shattering event or theme camp on-air to the entire Black Rock City community. But we don’t want to announce it only once; we want to get it out over the air waves throughout the week. So crank up that home studio, record those MP3 spots, and send them to: bmir(at)burningman(dot)com.
Sooner is always better, but be sure they arrive no later than August 20 to guarantee they get on the air. Or drop by the station during the week to hand deliver your hunka hunka burned CD into the receptive and waiting hands of your friendly BMIR DJ.
Speaking of which….
BMIR 94.5 FM seeks DJs and on-air shows that, paradoxically, represent the spirit of the Burning Man community by playing what you typically don’t hear everywhere else on the playa.
Allow us to expand on this seemingly self-contradictory request: What we’re after is a theme of ubiquitous uniqueness, wondrous one-of-a-kindness, subtle strangeness, and all the great elements that make the Burning Man community so lovably unpredictable, even to itself.
What we want to avoid is what you know you can find elsewhere, both in and out of Burning Man. What styles of music are we talking about? WE WON’T TELL! No laundry lists of what’s okay and what isn’t! Just one piece of advice: If you’ve already heard it all day (or all night) at another camp, it’s probably not for BMIR. Our non-exclusive musical guiding light is to focus on what doesn’t get play elsewhere–whether it’s a specific artist or a specific piece of music or an eclectic mix the likes of which would send commercial radio executives screaming to their mamas. This doesn’t mean your mix needs to be a sonic jambalaya of intentional obscuritanism; it just means that we’re shooting for programming as diverse, dynamic, and energetic as the citizens of the city.
If you’re interested in joining our on-air team, please send us a mix CD of the kind of soundscapes in which you envision enveloping the playa. Better yet, send us a sample show with your own beautiful banter mixing it up with the music.
And by the way, we’re not just talking about music — you wanna have a talk show about art cars? (“Art Car Talk”, anyone?) Playa fashion tips? Burning poetry slam? If you have a show idea you’d like to birth on air, please forward us a description of what you imagine hearing.
You can always email us at bmir(at)burningman(dot)com
CDs and other physical artifacts can be mailed to:
212 Divisadero St.
San Francisco, CA 94117
We look forward to hearing from all 35,000 of you, and we look forward to tickling your ears and stimulating your *&!%$! once again on the playa.
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PISS CLEAR, Black Rock City’s favorite alternative newspaper, will be back for its 11th consecutive year of publishing on the playa! And now that the Black Rock Gazette won’t be producing on-playa, we are looking forward to fulfilling our duty as the playa’s lone beacon of truth … and sarcasm*.
We starting to seek advance submissions. Here’s what we’re looking for: interesting articles, rants, photographs, comix, items for the Out/In list, whatever. To get an idea of what we do, check out the PISS CLEAR web site at: www.pissclear.org.
Think of us as the Vice magazine of the playa. We’re Burning Man’s snarky reality check, so keep it sassy, saucy, and fun — and specific to the ‘Burning Man Experience’. Sorry, no long-winded, self-serving articles about your personal theme camp or art project. We’re less of a company newsletter and more like a Black Rock City lifestyle magazine.
Deadline for advance submissions is Wednesday, August 3. If you’d like to submit something, or for more information, e-mail Adrian at: pissclear(at)pissclear(dot)org
(*AG note: the opinions expressed above are solely those of those delightful hotties at Piss Clear; yay, verily, we do love them…but they have charmingly neglected to mention the publication of Spock Mountain Laboratories’ daily, which we find to be awfully tasty…. AND of two brand-newspapers on the radar for 2005, The Black Rock Beacon and Fahrenheit 451!
In other words, “The people said, ‘Let the news be printed in Black Rock City!’ And the news was printed, and it was good, and the people rejoiced. Then, they boogied.” Something like that.
There should be plenty to read over your morning coffee in BRC!)
We, the Cafe, posted a call for Stage Managers to help with the performance stage in the Center Camp Cafe in the last JRS, but we had the email address incorrect. If you emailed us and got an “undeliverable” reply, please try again by emailing cafe-stagemgrs (at) burningman (dot) com, or simply fill out our Volunteer Questionnaire:
Sorry for the mixup and confusion. We hope to hear from you!
Spanky & the Cafe Performance Team
Liam McNamara of the funded ClockWorks Project is seeking a few crew members. He writes:
We could still use a few good hands on the project. Good crew members are hard to find. Ideally they should have one or more of the following: lots of spare time, wood working skills, carpentry skills, mechanical skills, a good sense of humor, and dedication. The project is based in Berkeley, CA.
If this is you, contact Liam at liammail(at)gmail(dot)com.
Playatech is Black Rock City’s leading home furnishings brand, and a massively scalable art project that spawns art projects to fund more art projects. Playatech is a dot com with a real business model and real products you will love. While we offer a money-back guarantee, we don’t actually sell anything because then it wouldn’t be art.
Playatech offers you seating and such, but don’t let your psyche live in a plywood box – in under an hour, Playatech’s proprietary production process can turn you into an industrial artist, fine artist, performance artist, carpenter, philanthropist, philosopher, art collector, nouveau furniture owner, and seriously prepared playa host all at once! No wonder we’ve already been awarded the cheapest art grant in playa history.
Playatech supports the Black Rock Arts Foundation’s vision of participative art everywhere, and our radically twisted marketing goal is to instigate a real art installation that lives in every camp at every burner event in the world. So participate now as an early adopter – get yourself some plywood, and visit www.playatech.com today!
Want to play with playatech? Live near the Bay Area?
You are invited to explore the factory as performance art on Thursday, June 30, by creating the world’s first high volume playafurniture art factory and experiencing its synchronicity – or lack thereof. BMHQ will be the stage for a choreographed Factory Dance, and you will be the ensemble dancers. We will not play musical chairs because we will create twice the seating we need, and you will take it Home with you. We will do this for a laugh, and for BRAF, the Black Rock Arts Foundation.
The Factory Dance performance will begin at 4PM and the dance itself should take under an hour per person. The last dancer will start their dance by 7PM, and at 8PM dangerous power tools will be shut down. As each dancer completes their dance they will proceed to celebrate at our opening night cast party from 6-10PM. There we will share booze & BBQ we each bring to gift each other, and we will decorate our new Playa Love Seats and Playa Pews together. A new Playatech product IKEA can’t even imagine might be unveiled to celebrate the occasion. Then we will all join in to leave no trace.
Playatech: better living through plywood since a few weeks ago.
Calling all Belly Dancers and Middle Eastern, African, Flamenco, Moroccan influenced musicians!
It is time for the 3rd annual Burning Bellies invasion at Center Camp Cafe and the Man. We are looking for dancers of all ages, shapes, sizes, styles and skill levels for a large group performance in Center Camp.
This year, after a number of requests we have decided to go back to our roots a bit and do an invasion based on the 2002 Dancin’ up a Storm that inspired the Burning Bellies invasions of 2003 and 2004. We are looking for a couple of strong dancers or troupes for’spotlight’- type dances, while the rest of us wind our way through Center Camp for a brief performance in the circle, then we will head out to the man.
For the performance in Center Camp we will have recorded music, then for the trip to the man to pay our final respects we would like live musicians. We have done this in years past and it has been a lot of fun. Live musicians are vital to the dance at the man, unless of course you don’t mind undulating, ummying, and mayaing to the music in your head or mine.
If interested in the ‘spotlight’- type dance please contact Kat at bellies(at)burningman(dot)com with the following information:
Name/Troupe Name If you are in a Troupe and you all want to do something (how many members will be there); Camp (where I can find you on the playa); Email address, so we can chat before the playa; Type of dance you want to do for the ‘spotlight’; How much space you will need for the dance Specialty (Sword, Flamenco, Skirt, etc); Other requests?
If you are interesting in participating in the invasion and want more information please go check out our tribe at http://burningbellies.tribe.net. That is also the place I will post the date and time and any other events in regards to the Burning Bellies.
“Have Freak, Will Travel” (or “Have Freak, It Travels”)
~Black Rock City Mutant Vehicle Parade~
When: During Sunset, Friday, September 2nd, 2005
What: A Counter Clockwise Show of Mutant Force (clothing optional)
Who: Engine, Motor, Wind, & Human Powered Day & Night Vehicles
Where: Right next to the Esplanade
BRC is something different to everyone. For me, its citizens are my support group; they support my deviation from social “norm”. Some say that BRC has lost its flavor as it has grown to over 35,000 (and maybe it has in some aspects). But for me, to see, to FEEL a whole city of people supporting mental diversity, it recharges my will to break out of the invisible prison of society?s rules that I often willingly lock myself into. So Friday evening, as the sun is setting, raise your “Freak” flag and navigate your mutant vehicle counter-clockwise next to the Esplanade. Feel confident that no one will frown at you or your creation, and charge yourself up with the knowledge that you’re not the only one out there who enjoys freedom from society’s rules.
Talk is that we will all eventually end up at Pepe Ozan’s “The Dreamer” (located at 12-o’clock position) to join any festivities that might be going on there.
Mutant Vehicle Parade:
Also, our spies have informed us that rebel musicians, under the command of one Warpcosm23, plan to gather forces and invade the parade with the goal of “turning up the volume”. This Warpcosm23 is gathering any person willing to board the mutant vehicles and make noise. Consider yourself forewarned!!!
“Mutant Mutiny” Parade Attacker:
{============================================================} ==================EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS===================== {============================================================}**/**/**/**/**/**/**/***/**/**/**/**
SAVE THE DATE – Burning Man pARTiciPARADE! in SF!
Since 1998, by declaration from then-Mayor Willie Brown, July 31st commemorates NO SPECTATORS DAY in San Francisco. Burning Man celebrates with the 2nd annual pARTiciPARADE! mobile art parade at 1 PM. Save the date now…details coming up in a forthcoming JRS!!!
In association with No Spectators Day, The Black Rock Art Foundation is hosting a day of interactive art at Hayes Green (temporary site of the David Best Temple at Hayes and Octavia) from 12 PM – 5 PM.
If you’d like to PARTICIPATE in some way, email: flambelounge(at)burningman(dot)com.
A gathering in Vermont hosted by the Boston Burn community
Friday, July 1 – Monday, July 4
3.5 hours north of Boston
Rain or Shine!
Outdoor camping only.
FIREFLY: http://fireflyartscollective.org
Welcome to Firefly, a celebration of self-expression and community! Firefly is a participatory arts and music gathering in the woods of Vermont. Express your creativity and explore new possibilities through this experience of temporary community. Firefly operates on a strictly non-profit, participant-driven basis. Everyone who attends needs a ticket. Firefly is created entirely by YOU, the participant, with your creative talents and volunteered time.
Info: boston(at)burningman(dot)com
WINDBURN! Venice Beach, Saturday June 25 – FREE EVENT
It looks like you’ll see many friendly faces from Burning Man at this free gathering!
As a part of the Carnevale! Venice Beach, 500 feet of Windward Avenue will be dedicated to Burning Man camps and art. DJ’s spinning all day, drum circle, art installations, performances. Fiery finale by Mutaytor at 8 PM. Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Venice Beach. Free Admission. Parking at Windward and Main. COME IN COSTUME! Saturday, June 25th, Noon ’til 10 PM. Windward Circle (at Main Street) Venice Beach. Followed by MASQUERADE @ Club Carnevale, a costume party into the night in an 11,000 square foot warehouse, Actors Challenge Studio with more DJ’s, cabaret, food, booze etc. Organized by Esquire Jauchem of Bubble Lounge (Center Camp 99, 00, 01) and Travis and Lea of Cat’s Cradle. More info available at: http://www.carnevale.us
e-mail: celebrate(at)carnivale(dot)us
{Soundtrack to the JRS: bear witness to Theory Radio! – Craving eclectic ‘net radio? What about radio made by burners? …with ultra-good taste in music? Get to clickin’, sprout. www.theoryradio.org }
{============================================================} ==================ADMIN ON AND OFF THE JRS==================== {============================================================}
Email us or questions(at)burningman(dot)com any time with questions. Email jackrabbitspeaks(at)burningman(dot)com by 2 PM PST on Tuesday for post requests. (We don’t post all requests, however.) Please type “POST REQUEST” in your subject line to make it past the SPAM.
For questions: questions(at)burningman(dot)com
Old rabbits: www.burningman.com/blackrockcity_yearround/jrs/
On and off this ride – DIY:
SUBSCRIBE: bman-announce-subscribe(at)burningman(dot)com
UNSUBSCRIBE: bman-announce-unsubscribe(at)burningman(dot)com
If you are trying to unsub and it doesn’t work, please send us an email and give us as much information as possible. Are you sending from a different address?
You’ll get an email to which you must respond to complete the request.
Andie Grace, Actiongrl
Office of the Jack Rabbit