Jrs V09 I27



Just a reminder, the 2004 Afterburn Report is now online!

It’s gettin’ hot in here…40 days, yee gads! There’s a hot tip this week on what kind of trash bags to choose for your playa trash management…plus tips on how to light your art, Leave No Trace, and more about this year’s grant projects.

And, find out how to participate with other Airstream officionados at the Burning Airstream camp, or how to be a Temple Guardian, spin at Starlust Lounge, write for Piss Clear, share a truck to Portland, help find a photo…or count down to the Burn right there on your Mac desktop. Plus two upcoming events!

Speaking of events, don’t forget the Beyond Black Rock screening/Mutaytor shows coming up in Portland and Seattle on August 5th and 6th. Find out more at http://www.goneoffdeep.com/journal/.

We’ll leave you with this one: in last weekend’s San Francisco Chronicle, a funny tale of Burning Man art’s emergence into the Default World, as an appreciative fan of David Best’s sculpture on Hayes Green finds himself arrested for writing on the sculpture, as is our tradition (don’t worry, the whole thing is cleared up, but kinda funny nonetheless!)



Contractor Bags For Your Trash – Almost Indestructable!
Turn On Your Art Light
Earth Guardians’ Leave No Trace Tips #2
Spotlight On The 2005 Grant Projects: Kinetic Art
Burning Man Artists Join Nevada Triennial

Call To Burning Airstreamers
Temple Guardian Angels Needed
Starlush Needs Spinners
Piss Clear Needs Ranters
Countdown Widgets Available, Mac
Portland Trucking Partner Wanted
Photographer Seeks Photo

Borg2 in SF August 6
Magic Glasses in SF July 29

{============================================================} ===================BLACK ROCK CITY NEWS====================== {============================================================} **/**/**/**/**/**/**/***/**/**/**/**

Our favorite tip we heard from many directions this week:

– Heavy Duty “Contractor Bags” are a little more expensive, but pick some up at your hardware or building supply store, and your trash (the non-recyclable kind) can be carried out of the event without leaking all over nor stinking up your car!



It has been said that “art is hard”….and this is particularly true when one crashes a bicycle into it.

This year the event falls on a new moon, so it’s going to be super dark on the playa. And if you’re creating art for the playa, it’s your responsibility to light your installation so it can be seen at night by drivers, bikers and pedestrians who might otherwise smack right into it. Nobody wants to see people get hurt, and you certainly don’t want your installation damaged!

Blinky lights, LED’s, flood lights — whatever you choose to use, it should be visible on all sides of your installation and your support infrastructure (guy wires, rebar, etc.) and secured in such a way that it cannot be nefariously removed (people on the playa seem to have a strange affinity for things blinky … go figure).

Get the full scoop on the “Lighting Your Art Installation” webpage: http://www.burningman.com/installations/light_art.html.



Pick an LNT MOOP Czar for your whole camp. You can start by identifying a Leave No Trace leader within your camp. This person will work LNT into your planning and preparing, help plan to set up the camp so that it doesn’t blow away, help to plan your camp’s cleanup and break-down ahead of time, handle the question of stinky trash, gray water disposal, what to burn and what not to burn and generally keep people feeling good about how well they are treating the playa. In many small, practical ways, these efforts will make your camp easier and more pleasant to live in. http://earthguardians.burningman.com/tips.html

Camp Structures and Shelters. Stake your tents and structures so they will stay secure in the heavy wind, rain, and dust storms that are sudden and usual on the playa. Consider using materials that can be reused or repurposed at home or at next year’s event. You’ll have less cost and less disposal headaches at the end of the event. You’ll also save money when preparing for next year.

Do not dig holes in the playa. Small postholes (6 inches or less in diameter) used for structural support are the sole exception. When digging such a hole it is best to use an auger or a posthole digger, NOT a shovel. Refill the hole by carefully tamping the soil (which you’ve saved in a bucket or bag to keep it from blowing away) back into place. Repeat this process every few inches while dampening the soil. Experience has shown that larger holes used in the past to sound-insulate generators, or for pools, easily erode within a year’s time even when carefully backfilled. They leave a visible mark and create a serious safety hazard.

Don’t bring cheap trinkets for gifts or barter. Thousands of these ‘gifts’ end up as trash. And feather boas, or ANYTHING that sheds, is a no-no; the trash fence tells us so. Try giving a smile, a helping hand or a joke. Help a neighbor set up camp. You are the best gift.

Promote LNT neighborhoods. Be proud of your neighborhood: work together with your neighbors to keep your part of the city clean. Every year some camps get overwhelmed and need help. One principle of LNT is “be considerate of others,” which in our city includes helping neighbors to leave no trace. We all enjoy the generosity and gifts of our theme camps, artists, and fellow citizens. So look around and pitch in to help keep things clean: offer a tool, an extra hand, a gesture of thanks. And carry a MOOP bag and water as you walk around your part of the city.

If it doesn’t come out of your body it doesn’t go into the Potty. Always use a potty for your body waste – not the playa. Only toilet paper, single ply, and human waste, can go in the potties. Everything must be pumped through narrow pipes before being trucked to the treatment plant


PS Some of the URLs in LEAVE NO TRACE TIPS #1 were 404 – here are the right ones:




(This is the third in a series of six articles focusing on our funded installations. You can view all 31 funded projects at http://www.burningman.com/installations/05_art_grant.html.)

This year two of our funded projects are large-scale installations featuring movable components, put into action by participants. The first project, Colossus, continues Atlanta artist Zachary Coffin’s work with boulders. Zachary brought us the Temple of Gravity in 2003, the Spinning Rock in 2001, and the Rock in 2000. Colossus will be located in the Keyhole, at the top of center camp at the start of the walkway to the man. You can view an animation of Colossus here: http://www.corbettgriffith.com/colossus/ .

Colossus is a monumental sculpture that will stand nearly seven stories tall. Mounted atop a steel pole and base, a large industrial bearing with three arms will suspend three eight ton boulders about 9 feet above the ground. Each rock will have a thick shipyard rope attached to allow participants to pull the boulders in a circle. These boulders will trace a 20-25 diameter circle and build up tremendous rotational inertia. The sculpture will be crowned with three large steel “spikes” that rise and fall in response to the centrifugal force on the boulders. Colossus is an exploration of themes that Zachary Coffin has been working on for years: massive sculpture that is interactive, kinetic and visually compelling. This piece will invite you to become an active participant and will absorb as much enthusiasm and energy as you have.

The second kinetic project is by Henry Chang and Eric Stauber of San Diego. Henry and Eric are members of Soul in the Machine:http://www.soulinthemachine.com. Their metal sculptures/musical instruments will be set up in front of their esplanade camp, Pangea, and several performances will take place during the event. Their funded installation Concentric Aphasia will be set up on the playa near the camp. http://www.burningman.com/installations/05_art_grant.html#concentric Henry writes: Four concentric twenty foot stainless steel levers are suspended high in the air, rotating leisurely, back and forth, slow at one end of the motion, speeding up to fast in the middle, then slowing again on the other end before coming to a rest and heading in the other direction. Over and over, they move out of phase, mostly, but once in a great while the phases sync up, and they all move in unison for a brief instant, like those rogue waves that rise out of nowhere in the ocean, gradually lose each other again, and continue in their strange, dissonant dance. At night the stainless steel takes on different hues from the programmed lighting shining on it from the ground, fading from one color to the next, like a dream. Energy is added to the system from wind, or by humans via hand pulls. The sculptural elements connecting the sculpture to this year’s theme of the Psyche will be left to the viewer to interpret. These artists enjoy seeing how other people’s thought processes differ from their own (or not).

Only a fraction of the art installations on the playa are funded. See other 2005 projects here:



CORRECTION: In last week’s article, “Explore Your Psyche”, Kate Raudenbush was listed as the artist who created “White Noise” in 2004. In fact Kate’s installation was “Observer/Observed”:
http://www.burningman.com/whatisburningman/2004/04_art_theme4.html#observer . Emily Trutt of Los Angeles is the artist who created “White Noise”: http://www.burningman.com/whatisburningman/2004/04_art_theme4.html#white . Apologies to both artists!



Three members of our community have been juried into the Nevada Triennial exhibit at the Nevada Museum of Art in Reno, which opened recently. They are:

Judith Selby Lang, Bay Area painter, who has done a series of portraits of people on the playa, and who created the costume for the Human Poetry Jukebox : http://images.burningman.com/index.cgi?image=20591 , whom she also married last year at David Best’s Temple. See also: http://www.artheals.org/news_2004/sep2004.html

Jeff Johnson, Reno neon artist and Bruka Theater member: http://www.newsreview.com/issues/reno/2001-06-28/cover.asp

Pete Froslie, creator of the giant etch-a-sketch board in 1997: http://images.burningman.com/index.cgi?image=2588

Congratulations to the artists! If you’re going to be in Reno over the next few months – or if you can manage it on your way to or from Burning Man – stop and see the show.

**/**/**/**/**/**/**/***/**/**/**/** {============================================================} ========================PARTICIPATE!======================== {============================================================}



Since 2002, Airstreams and aficionados have parked together in a in spiffy mandala at Burnstream Court. This year we hope to make the court even larger! If you have an Airstream, or you just think they are cool, check us out: Cocktails and croquet! Trailer culture! And this year, a polishing workshop! Join us at the trailer park in the suburbs of Black Rock City.

For more info, please visit http://www.batmo.com/burnstream or email the text “subscribe burnstream” to requests (at) caravanlist (dot) net.



Calling all Guardian Angels!

This year’s Temple of Dreams is well under way! Mark Grieve and the Temple Crew are working diligently to carry on the tradition started by David Best with the Temple of Tears in 2001. The Temple of Dreams will be built in the Japanese Shoji screen style reminiscent of Mark’s previous playa artwork. As in previous years, the Temple will be a peaceful space where you can pause to rest, reflect, and dream.

As all precious dreams, this one also needs to be lovingly guarded. As a Temple Guardian you’ll be entrusted with the safety of the Temple, its structure and participants, for merely 3 hours. During your shift, you will simply keep watchful, stepping in when your help is needed. Shifts are available between 6pm and 6am each night (beginning Tuesday). The only requirements to be a Temple Guardian are a desire to volunteer at the Temple and a dedication to meeting your shift.

Bring along your friends, better yet, sign them up as Guardians too. Entire theme camps have in the past taken charge of a whole night of Guardianship.

To receive an invite to join our exclusive yahoo club where you can sign up for a shift of guardianship, email: talltom1978 (at) nycap.rr (dot) com.

Note: shifts can fill up quickly, act fast!



StarLush Lounge is looking for a couple of Funk and Hip-Hop DJs. We’ve got the Glowing Go-Go Pods, the Light-Up Dance floor. We just need YOU! E-mail us at sheriffmarty-at-martingran-dot-com.


Sheriff Marty StarLush Lounge



Just a little reminder that the deadline for advance submissions to PISS CLEAR, Black Rock City’s favorite alternative newspaper, is about a month away. If you’re planning on writing something, please let the humble editor know!

Also, if you want to help contribute in smaller ways, without actually writing an entire rant or article, we are still looking for submissions for the following regular features:

* Items for the “What’s Out/What’s In” List
* Playa Lingo (words, expressions, catchphrases exclusive to BM)
* I Remember When…
* Ways To Fuck Your Life Up At Burning Man
* Things We’d Like To See At Burning Man
* Black Rock City Rumor Mill
* Random Quotes about Burning Man
* Haiku
* Top 10 Albums for the Black Rock Desert

Get those submissions in! Thanks!
Adrian Roberts, Editor
Black Rock City’s favorite alternative newspaper
Burning Man’s snarky reality check since 1995
pissclear (at) pissclear (dot) org



Following up on the Screen Savers post from last week (http://www.bmscreensavers.com), now we hear about the latest in BM technology: widgets for your Apple dashboard.

burnin’ steph writes: There are some great little apps with apple that you can download called widgets, and Burning Man has not been overlooked.


About Burning Man Countdown: Use this widget to count down until the exact moment the “Burning Man” is ignited. Although the default is set to this years event, you can change the date and time to accommodate the coming years. When the time is up, a message regarding the theme of 2005 and a Timothy Leary audio sample is played.

To which Spanky sagely added:

“There is also a version which rolls over for each year properly…because we made it!”




Waking Grounds theme camp is looking for other Eugene or Portland camps looking to share a 26′ Penske Moving Truck. If you have your own truck lined up but have extra room, we would like to share your costs to transport our camp. We primarily need our water (about 70 gal) and about 40-60 30′ lengths of bamboo transported. Total weight probably around 1500 lbs.

Contact Gabe Shaughnessy:
gabeshaughnessy (at) gmail (dot) com



For the past three years, John Brennan has set up his Free Photography Zone in center camp, where participants can pose for black and white photos, and take away a polaroid. Does anyone have any photographs of John working in his playa studio, taken over the past few years? John would very much like to get some of these photos. If you have them, please contact John at johnbrennanphoto (at) yahoo (dot) com. And look for John again this year in the Free Photography Zone!


{============================================================} ==================EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS===================== {============================================================}



Soluna Cafe & Lounge will host a “MEET THE ARTISTS” reception and party for the benefit of BORG2, on Saturday night, Aug 6. This event will feature the seven artists that Borg2 funded to meet & greet the people who contributed and display a representation of their projects.

The “Meet the Artists” reception begins at 10 pm, featuring hot & cold hors d’oeuvres and desserts, as well as Soluna’s full (no-host) bar and the chance to visit with the artists and explore their visions.

At 11 pm, the doors open at lower ticket prices. Music will shift to Bossa nova — provided by a genuine Brazilian — and then at midnight, the turntable yields to Ryel K. of Pink Mammoth fame, who spins until 2 a.m.

Ticket prices are:

Donor tickets – with early access to the reception, are $40 pp. We’re very happy to offer a special donor gift in recognition of these contributions — Patrick Roddie’s book, “Hips.” Published by Chronicle Books, “Hips” is a book of photographs, all taken at Burning Man, and all of people’s hips — from the nearly naked to the most outrageously costumed. http://www.webbery.com/galleries/index.html

Guest tickets – allow entry at 11 pm, are $20 pp. and will include a pretty cool party favor.

Donate + Dance tickets – for starving artists, students and those who grovel are $10 (sliding).

Tickets and more information are available at http://www.Borg2benefit.com
For questions or to volunteer, ping Borg2benefit (at) gmail (dot) com

Soluna Cafe & Lounge, 272 McAllister (@ Larkin), San Francisco



Corrected address for Magic Glasses fundraiser July 29:
Studio Z
314 11th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Dreamtime: A Burning man lingerie/pajama fundraiser & Magic Glasses light drive! Friday July 29th 10 p.m. ’til Late; $20 at the door, $15 in lingerie/pajamas OR with a working string of lights, $10 in lingerie/pajamas AND with a working string of lights.


{Soundtrack to the JRS: “God Give Me Strength”, Elvis Costello and Burt Bachrach.)

{============================================================} ==================ADMIN ON AND OFF THE JRS==================== {============================================================}

Email us or questions(at)burningman(dot)com any time with questions. Email jackrabbitspeaks(at)burningman(dot)com by 11:59 PM PST on Sunday for post requests. (We don’t post all requests, however.) Please type “POST REQUEST” in your subject line to make it past the SPAM.

For questions: questions(at)burningman(dot)com
Old rabbits: www.burningman.com/blackrockcity_yearround/jrs/
On and off this ride – DIY:
SUBSCRIBE: bman-announce-subscribe(at)burningman(dot)com
UNSUBSCRIBE: bman-announce-unsubscribe(at)burningman(dot)com
If you are trying to unsub and it doesn’t work, please send us an email and give us as much information as possible. Are you sending from a different address? You’ll get an email to which you must respond to complete the request.

Andie Grace, Actiongrl

Office of the Jack Rabbit