Burning Man Update: The Jack Rabbit Speaks
Volume 10, Issue #16
March 23, 2006
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The days are getting loooonn-geer…this morning I’d swear the sun was up extra-early and it’s only the third day of spring. Sheesh. We’ve but 163 days to the burn, and almost like clockwork we’re watching your JRS submissions pick up for regional events and upcoming projects and record-breaking attempts on the playa.
And spring means it’s time again for our annual Volunteer Recruitment Town Meeting! The annual kickoff to the busiest planning season is a perfect chance to join in the fun by plugging into a volunteer opportunity (one of the best ways we can think of to give a gift at Burning Man without spending a dime), but this year it’s also a chance to visit our San Francisco offices, see the heart of where staff and volunteers work and plan the event, and check out years of Burning Man history. This year is our first hosting it at our headquarters, so we hope you’ll join us. We’re excited to make new friends and see those that we miss, so come on by, browse the tables and say hello.
Plus, join us that night for the season’s first Flambe. Yep, that evening, Sk’Bowling strikes (har) again in ’06 at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Think you can break 200 under blacklight? Been practicing your spins? It’s sure to be a heck of an evening to top off a heck of a day, so check it out in BRC News.
And what better reasons have we to celebrate than that which comprises the rest of this JRS…like the latest news for Burners Without Borders (including a last chance to score some schwag while you help send the BWB gang home from their six months of relief work) ; a new book on the desert you know and love that we thought we’d share; and an upcoming film about David Best from the folks that brought you “Beyond Black Rock”. (And find out where both of these films will screen April 19th in SF!)
Regional events galore and oh, the playa projects already underway! Read all about it…and stand by tomorrow for a special JRS about the feedback we received from you about the 2005 event!
=================================================================================TABLE OF CONTENTS==================================================================================
BLACK ROCK CITY NEWS: Volunteer Recruitment Town Meeting & Pot Luck 4/8 First Flambe of 2006: Sk’Bowling April 8 Burners Without Borders: In the News, Update Black Rock, The Desert: The Book New Movie “The Temple Builder” Needs Your Best/Temple Pics
PARTICIPATE: Musicians of Burning Man: Announcing the Black Rock Philharmonic Tape Me to Your Leader! Playa Unicorn Looking to Wander Burning Tribe to Organize World’s Longest Chinese Dragon
EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS: TOAST! Get Yer Tix for AZ Regional Burn May 4-7 Los Angeles & Las Vegas Joint Regional, “The Singularity”, May 11-14 Utah Regional Burn, Element 11, June 2-4
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Burning Man’s annual Volunteer Recruitment Town Meeting & Pot Luck BBQ is being held in our San Francisco home offices on Saturday, April 8th, noon-3 pm.
Spring Volunteer Recruitment Town Meeting & Pot Luck BBQ: Saturday April 8th, noon to 3 pm at BURNING MAN HEADQUARTERS 1900 Third Street at 16th, San Francisco, CA (http://www.burningman.com/office.directions)
Limited parking. Enter from 16th Street behind U-Save Rentals. Location served by SF Muni Bus #15 – see 511.org for trip planning.
Mark your calendars now! This year’s Volunteer Recruitment Town Meeting is just around the corner, and YOU are invited. Come and see where it all happens!
As you may know, Burning Man is a volunteer-driven event, with over 3,000 people pitching in to make it happen. This is your opportunity to meet the behind-the-scenes superstars and find a way to become one of them.
Meet the Project Managers and Volunteer Coordinators who bring it all together. Ask questions and sign up to learn more or to jump right in. Meet over 20 departments that need your help!
o Help build BRC with the DPW, & join them post-event to erase any trace of the city o Ride the edge of chaos with the Black Rock Rangers o Welcome folks home at the Greeter station o Support artists through our Artery o Join the Geek Squad and help with tech support o Illuminate BRC by Lamplighting o Become an oracle of knowledge at Playa Info
Don’t be a spectator – become a participant! It’s a great way to meet people, and become more connected to the Burning Man community. This meeting is open to the public. Check it out!
TOWN MEETING TICKET NEWS from the scalawags aboard the ticket ship:
Ahoy there! – Yar, do ye mateys have yer tickets yet? We will be selling tickets at the Town Hall Meeting! CASH ONLY at $250 each. No service fees! Look for the pirates to buy your ticket. Note: we cannot answer in-person questions about previous orders placed online — different system, different time. For questions about online orders, go to his link and select your question from the pull down menu: http://tickets.burningman.com
The BARBEQUE needs you! Bring something for the grill. You are encouraged to bring a pot-luck dish, snacks, or drinks to share.
We’ll see you there!
Come to SKiBowling night, the first Flambe of the year!
April 8th, 2006 (after the Burning Man Volunteer Town Meeting earlier that day) 8:30pm-12:00am (See breakdown below) At Yerba Buena Ice Skating & Bowling Center (near Zeum): Take elevator/stairs on Folsom St. side bet. 3rd & 4th up one level (http://www.skatebowl.com) Cost: $12 in wacky/furry/black-light attire; $15 in street clothes Skate rental is included, add $3 for bowling shoe rental (You can bring your own bowling shoes or figure skates if you have ’em) All-ages!
Enjoy COSTUMED ICESCAPADES, BLACKLIGHT BOWLING, and non-stop BLACK ROCK CITY DJ’s including Black Rock Roller Disco, Otis Fodder of The Bran Flakes, DJ Pantshead, Princess Frillybottom, The Neon Bunny Experience and more! There will be playarific pageantry, silly games, swap-a-lane-bowling, Olympicky judges, and random emergency broadcasts from a burner-jacked PA system. Join us for this extravagargantua mixed-up mixer!
7:30-8:30 Gather w/friends in playground outside rink 8:30-9:00 Rent skates early and fluff your earmuffs 9:00-11:00 Ice Skate to funky BRC DJ’s (Skating ends at 11pm, so get there early!) 9:30-10:00 Rent your shoes for Bowling 10:00-12:00 Black-light Bowling games and lane changes
Ice Rink notes: We all know how to survive on a cold playa night and still look fabulous; ice-skating off the playa is no different. Fluff up your faux-fur, slide into your sparkly spandex, and wear thick socks. We’ll be giving a prize for the Most Original Earmuffs!
Alley notes: The bowling alley is limited to 110 people/hr so get there early and get wristband at the ice rink. Wear your Black-light best, as the alley will be black-lit! We will be playing survival bowling and other games for a two-hour mix and MIS-matched championshipwreck bowl-off!
Save the Date(s)! Art on Fire!: SF Fire Arts Exposition 2006 – May 18, 19, 20 Flambe Lounge: June 3 Golden Gate Park BBQ: June 17 Desert Artists Preview: July 12 pARTiciPARADE!: July 31 Decompression: October 8 More info & more events to follow!
We’ve had a few stories hit the press lately about the burners who headed to Louisiana after last year’s event to help the Hurricane Katrina recovery effort. Thought you might like to see the latest on these “Burners Without Borders”!
Burning Man vets bring Wi-Fi to Katrina region (URL will take you to msn.com)
Our “Burners Without Borders” were also included in an NPR story by Noah Adams on relief efforts in Hancock County.
Six months, and a bit. That’s how long our friends have been down working in the Hurricane Katrina relief zone. Put another way, they’ve been living in “theme Camp Katrina” for more time than all the Burning Man events — combined.
But all good things have to end, if only so they can happen again (sound familiar?) So, with that in mind, check out the latest blog entrees at http://www.burnerswithoutborders.org, and consider grabbing one of their few remaining t-shirts and hoodies (a great way to support their final days there, and getting all those peeps back home, plus the camp’s gear back to Gerlach for storage, before heading out again). You can also read there some of the half dozen or so news stories they’ve been featured in, check out dozens of great photos, and read about BWB work going on in Thailand, too. This story’s far from over, it seems–stay tuned.
Paul Starrs and Peter Goin, at the University of Nevado-Reno, wrote in about their new book, BLACK ROCK – a close look at the nature that alternately cradles, batters, and all-around permeates our little event in the desert:
“If you don’t know BLACK ROCK, you should . . . there are more than a dozen photographs in the book of BM through the years, and there is also an entire chapter of photographs — and text — about the playa itself. Many other spots that are near and dear to Burners appear — and the country known to only a very few Black Rock travelers features large. It’s not a “guidebook,” it’s a book about a place and the attachment that people form to a place — pretty different from the usual academic press book. It brings to life the WHOLE place — and does it through photographs (140 color plates) and maps — many of them difficult to find historic documents — and a rather lyrical text by both of us.
“Why read it? Simple: because for the Burning Man attendees, the Black Rock world they see is only a partial one. This is a 365 day a year book, about the trees, the springs, the ranches, the roads, the dust devils, the buildings of Gerlach or the fences at Empire, Doobie Lane and hunters at Stevens Camp. And those who attend — we think — should know something more of the whole place, not the playa alone.”
We agree!
Gone Off Deep (Beyond Black Rock) and Purple Productions (Dust Devils) have finished up their co-production entitled “The Temple Builder”, telling the story of David Best and his family and crew and the amazing Temples 2000-2004. They are looking for your GREAT still photos of David and/or the Temples, especially from 2000-2002, for use in the new film’s website, DVD cover art, posters, etc. If you have some stills that are high enough resolution for printed materials, and you’d like to send them in for consideration, please email them to production(at)goneoffdeep.com.
Both Beyond Black Rock and Dust Devils are still available (exclusively for now) through the marketplace on BurningMan.com and both come highly recommended.
Victoria Theater, 2961 16th Street, San Francisco Wednesday, April 19th “Burning Man: Beyond Black Rock” screening at 7 PM Special Sneak Preview of “The Temple Builder” at 9:30 PM
The Santa Cruz Film Festival, the Film Arts Foundation, and the Black Rock Arts Foundation will co-present a screening of “The Temple Builder” and “Beyond Black Rock” on April 19th. For those who haven’t had a chance to check out “Beyond Black Rock”, this is a great opportunity to catch it in a fully immersive theatrical venue…plus, be the very first to check out Gone Off Deep/Purple Productions’ “The Temple Builder”. Producer Mike Wilson will be in attendance.
ALSO: Beyond Black Rock continues its festival march into Del Ray Beach this weekend; Ashland, Oregon in April; and Santa Cruz in May! Stay tuned to Burningmanmovie.com for updates on this fine film… it’s a great one to bring your friends and family to who you’ve been trying to explain Burning Man to for years.
April: Ashland Independent Film Festival (http://www.ashlandfilm.org) Boulder Adventure Film Festival (http://www.boulderadventurefilm.com)
May: Santa Cruz Film Festival (http://www.santacruzfilmfestival.com) Berkshire Independent Film Festival (http://www.biffma.com)
Keep tabs on the progress of both films at http://www.goneoffdeep.com and http://www.burningmanmovie.com.
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Check this one out, band geeks! “A new project is starting on the playa and we need you. The Black Rock Philharmonic is putting together their orchestra for this year and is looking for members. We need everything from strings, brass and wind players to be a part of BRC’s largest music group ever. BRC Is the forth largest city in Nevada for one week out of the year isn’t it time we have our own symphony? You don’t need to know how to read music just to be able to keep in time with the rest of the orchestra — we will teach you the music. Be apart of something bigger this year and join us on our stage for evening performances of refined culture and creating a new sound of the playa.
We are also going to try to do a few performances in the Bay Area before this years Burning Man to raise money for the project and to help fund or at least part of the members’ tickets.
Our members consist of a composer/conductor who has a doctorate in music and is composing an original piece just for the playa (he has also worked with the opera group on the playa and knows what it takes to keep a large performance together). Our stage manager was one of the managers who built the Man for four years. The sound engineer owns his own professional music studio in LA. and was apart of the funhouse crew last year and other playa musicians who are ready to participate in this new project.
If you are interested in being apart of this please contact Shebatt (at) gamil (dot) com for more information.”
…or rather…lead me to your /taper/…
TradeMark G. writes: “I’m looking for TAPE RECORDERS! Yes, old cheap portable cassette recorders. What for? Lemme tell ya just like I said it on BMIR radio this year:
I’m TradeMark G., and years ago I had an idea: get cheap tape recorders from thrift stores, put a blank tape and fresh batteries in each one, and paint instructions for people to do two things: Record something, and pass it on. I also put my camp address on each one so people could return them when the tape fills up.
Of course, Burning Man being what it is, some of them never found their way home… more than usual this year. Perhaps you ended up with one? If you did, I’ve love to get it back. It probably has some beautiful burning moments recorded on it, and if they’re anything like the fun, funny, and touching things I’ve heard from past recorders, they shouldn’t be forgotten. Oh, and uh, my camp address isn’t valid anymore — so email me and we’ll arrange something.
PART TWO!! Like the idea? Have an old unused tape recorder? C’mon, in this day of iPods and Palm Pilots. You know you’ll never use it again. I’m seeking any portable, battery-powered cassette recorders with built-in microphones. Give it to me, and I’ll give it its last chance for glory by putting it into circulation for BM 2006. It’ll make the rounds collecting people’s stories, songs, wisdom, and sacred moments before it goes to the big Play+Record in the sky!!
And if you wanna hear some of those moments, tune in to BMIR (94.5 FM) when you get to the playa. See ya there!”
– TradeMark G. BMIR / The Evolution Control Committee ecc (at) evolution-control (dot) com
From Mardi Storm: “Dear Community: Twilight Anima Rising – the Playa Unicorn from 2005 – needs a new home starting May 15th. She’d love to be on display either indoors or outside, I can set her up with lights and stained glass, in her metal version without the mud. A temporary installation of at least six months requested. She is 5.5’wide by 13′ long by 10′ high. If you have a potential good home or any great ideas, please contact me at stormy “at” mardistorm.com or 415-515-7995. Note that I will be out of the country March 22-April 26 so it may take me a little while to get back to you but I will.
Thank you all for the beautiful pictures you have been sending me, I love them and welcome more! I have been working on collecting them for my webpage but have only had time to put a few up so far, www.mardistorm.com. We are still seeking video footage of the unicorn at night or in the evening for a documentary on the art at burningman this year if you have any please contact me.
Thank you!!”
– Mardi Storm
The Burning Tribe Presents: Be A Part Of The Two Mile Dragon!
“In 2006 The Burning Tribe (Eyes of Gawd) will be returning to the playa with an ambitious project. We would like to invite you to join us in this endeavor. The Year of Hope and Fear. We HOPE you will join us and be a part of the world’s longest Chinese Dragon: The Burning Dragon
First, a bit of cultural history. Chinese tradition dictates that the Dragon is mascot and the embodiment of power, dignity, luck, strength and success. The Chinese Dragon is often seen as the symbol of divine protection and vigilance. It is regarded as the supreme being amongst all creatures.
It has the ability to live in the seas, fly up to the heavens, and coil up in the land in the form of mountains. Being the divine mythical animal, the Dragon can ward off wandering evil spirits, protect the innocent, and bestow safety to all that hold this emblem. The Chinese Dragon is looked upon as the ultimate symbol of good fortune.
This year we’ve registered with the Guinness Book Of World Records to create the worlds longest Chinese Dragon. The previous record is 1.65 miles at the Great Wall of China, so we’re going for two miles! We’ll build the flaming head and tail section in Colfax, CA., and then participants and burners everywhere are invited to participate by building the body sections.
Check out our website at http://www.burningtribe.com for details and sign up to create a 10 foot section (or 2 sections, or 10!) Get your whole camp involved! This is your chance to participate in large scale playa art.
Our primary goal is to get 530 people to bring two very simple 10 foot sections. If we can do that – we’re over 2 miles. If we don’t hit the mark, we’ll have a hell of a lot of fun with our “3/4 mile long” dragon performing “hit and runs” all over BRC. Then, we’ll try again in 2007.. with the momentum already established.
The key is SIMPLICITY. The only materials “required” to create one 10′ section is, 3 standard hula hoops, bed sheets (or muslin) and cheap pvc sprinkler pipe…. that’s it. Of course we will encourage (and reward) creativity and added dEcor.
We WILL bring the Burning Dragon to life on the playa this year! Join us! Sign up today and be part of something ambitious, fun and exciting!
Where: Burning Man – Gerlach Nevada Record Attempt: Thursday August 31’st – 2pm – Meet at the Man Click here for more information! http://www.burningtribe.com If you have any questions please direct them to
Project lead Jim Bowers jimbowers (at) foothill (dot) net Public Affairs Barb Mclean lyingbare@hotmail.com”
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Toast the Arizona Regional Burn May 4th -7th 2006, Witch Well Arizona Step right up, tickets are on sale now, only 25 days left to order tickets. Don’t wait, you snooze you loose! Be there or Be square! All mail order tickets end April 15th. See http://www.toast-town.org for details. All Black Rock City customs and courtesies apply.
Salutations from the SINGULARITY ARTS FESTIVAL Event Team!
Here is the second official announcement! Included are some details you need to know in order to participate to your fullest potential!
In this blast, we’ll go over the who, what, where, why and how.
Who? Las Vegas and Los Angeles Regional Burning Man communities are coming together to create a larger event that together we can take higher and build stronger. We are very excited about this opportunity and venture.
What? The concept is simple. We will provide a well-supported empty space for you to come, express, experience and create. This event exists SOLELY ON YOUR PARTICIPATION. That means – WE ALL NEED EACH OTHER, AS WELL AS ALL OF OUR ART!
Where? Roach Lake, Nevada. (Southwest of Las Vegas, about a three hour drive from L.A., just across the California/Nevada state line ) Buy your tickets now! http://singularity.inticketing.com
Why? It is time for local Burning Man regions to reach out to one another. It is time to work together beyond our disparate regions and unite, expand, and gain strength. We want to stretch beyond our borders and integrate ourselves in the name of Art, Creation, and Community. This event is NOT about Las Vegas or Los Angeles. It is about community. It is about YOU! We look forward to seeing people from all regions taking part in Singularity. Tickets have already been purchased by participants in 8 states!
We are reaching out, and inviting diverse communities, not only burning communities, to join us. Expect large-scale pyro installations. In addition to the many styles of music that can be found at Burning Man, the Las Vegas Jam Band Society will create a theme camp to host live bands. Each community will add to the overall experience of this event. The significance lies NOT in the similarities, but rather in the diversities.
How? It starts by purchasing a presale ticket now. There are only a finite number of tickets available. This event will be limited to 1,000 attendees, maximum. This is part of our permit, and is a fixed number in accordance with an agreement with the BLM. When the tickets are gone, the event will be sold out. All participants, planners, & performers are buying a ticket. Every single one of us is paying, every single one of us is participating.
Here are 7 critical areas you can participate in at Singularity:
1- A CALL FOR ART: CONTACT: art (at) thesingularityevent (dot) com Do you remember the first time you saw a work of art that moved you in a powerful way? When you stood there in awe, and experienced it, remember how you felt your emotions wash over you? It felt good to be alive. Well, YOU are that artist now! So do the work, and BRING YOUR ART OUT TO THIS EVENT! People are coming from all over the country to be touched and moved by your creation. Sculptures, paintings, and fourth dimensional constructs, anything that is your art. It is worthy. It is special. It is worth bringing out. You never know who your art will touch and inspire.
2- REGISTER YOUR THEME CAMP: CONTACT: http://thesingularityevent.com/themecamps THIS EVENT IS ALL ABOUT THE THEME CAMP. The main organizational structure at Singularity is the Theme Camp Experience the joy of a large community made up of smaller communities. Wake up to the laughter of your friends. Get more quality time in with 20 of your friends this weekend than you will in 6 months of city living. REGISTER YOUR THEME CAMP NOW!
3. A CALL FOR MUSICIANS AND PERFORMERS: CONTACT: performance (at) thesingularityevent (dot) com Are you a fire spinner, hooper, performance troupe, drummer, band, dj, hawaiian nose hummer, Gregorian chanter? Do you play the Butt Flute? YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO SHARE YOUR MUSIC WITH EACH OTHER.
There are several ways to perform at the event. The first way is to host your own theme camp. Or, you can contact us, and we’ll connect you with theme camps that are hosting performance areas, where you can perform as their guest. There will be a small performance area at center camp for eclectic performers, spoken word, and fire troupes that perform to a CD.
Theme camps with music should have works of art, decoration, and places to hang out. Do not just bring a stack of speakers and call yourself a theme camp. If you are doing a performance area, we want you to bring lights, decoration, and seating. Create your area.
* A few rules on sound: theme camps with music will be asked to give 3 one hour time slots each day to guest performers. This should increase the number of people dancing in your area. Plus, it’s fun to meet new people (and maybe meet your next and finest new Lover!), and creates a generous environment for performers traveling from far away. * A note on volume. If it’s after 3 am at night, go to half volume. * Be respectful of your neighbors.
4. VOLUNTEERS: CONTACT: http://www.thesingularityevent.com or email directly the department you want to help. Information available on the website. There’s a lot of juice in volunteering. Each area needs helpers. Contact us now so we can get you in the loop.
5-FIRE SPINNING AND LARGE SCALE PYRO: CONTACT: fire (at) thesingularityevent (dot) com We are encouraging all large-scale fire sculptures and fire performers to attend. Please contact us so we can explain how fire safety, equipment checks, and registration will work. You must contact us before the event if you want to bring fire gear of any kind.
6-LEAVE NO TRACE: CONTACT: your own trash bag !! Only with your help and dedication can we use this land again. By policing your own trash, and that of your camp mates, we will all be able to enjoy this event next year. This IS a LEAVE NO TRACE event!
Here is some info from the Burning Man website regarding Leave No Trace principles: http://tinyurl.com/qyvac
And more Leave No Trace from the BLM website: http://www.blm.gov/education/lnt/
7-TICKETING: CONTACT: http://singularity.inticketing.com We are allowed a maximum of 1,000 tickets: * The first 300 tickets will be sold for $50 or until April 1st (whichever comes first). * The second 300 tickets will be sold for $75 or until May 1st. * The final 400 tickets will be sold for $100. * Tickets at the gate will be $125 if there are any left.
A 10-15% portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Black Rock Arts Foundation (BRAF): http://www.blackrockarts.org
CONTACT INFO: THE MAIN WEBSITE: http://www.thesingularityevent.com/ BUY TICKETS: http://singularity.inticketing.com ARTIST CURATOR: art (at) thesingularityevent (dot) com THEME CAMP REGISTRATION: http://thesingularityevent.com/themecamps MUSIC AND PERFORMANCE: performance (at) thesingularityevent (dot) com FIRE: fire (at) thesingularityevent (dot) com ADMINISTRATION: lasvegas (at) burningman (dot) com and la (at) burningman (dot) com
Tickets are now on sale for the Utah Regional Burn : Element 11.
Tickets to the Eighth Annual Utah Regional Burn – Element 11 (formerly Synorgy) are now on sale through the end of May. The Burn will be taking place June 2-4 about one hour West of Salt Lake City. Our theme this year is ‘The WasteLand’. Think ‘Mad Max’ set in the West Utah desert rather than the Australian outback.
Element 11 Tickets are sold in a tiered structure, so get your tickets soon to take advantage of the lower prices. For more information on the event take a look at our website via:
http://www.Element11.org or alternately http://www.utahburn.org/
We’re Dreaming of the WasteLand even now..
Dave 23 and Queen Mab Utah CoRegional Peeps Utah (at) Burningman (dot) com
{Sountrack to this JRS: “Hospital Vespers” by the Weakerthans.}
{============================================================} ==================ADMIN ON AND OFF THE JRS==================== {============================================================}
Email us or questions (at) burningman (dot) com any time with questions. Email jackrabbitspeaks (at) burningman (dot) com by 11:59 PM PST on Sunday for post requests. (We don’t post all requests, however.) Please type “POST REQUEST” in your subject line to make it past the SPAM.
For questions: questions (at) burningman (dot) com Old rabbits: https://burningman.org/culture/stories/jrs/archive/ On and off this ride – DIY: SUBSCRIBE: bman-announce-subscribe (at) burningman (dot) com UNSUBSCRIBE: bman-announce-unsubscribe (at) burningman (dot) com If you are trying to unsub and it doesn’t work, please send us an email and give us as much information as possible. Are you sending from a different address? You’ll get an email to which you must respond to complete the request.
Andie Grace, Actiongrl
Office of the Jack Rabbit