Burning Man Update: The Jack Rabbit Speaks
Volume 13, Issue #25: RESOURCES EDITION
July 17, 2009
{================================================} ===============TABLE OF CONTENTS================ {================================================}
+ Burning Man on your favorite social networks
+ Want to unsubscribe from the JRS? Srsly? OK, here’s how: http://tinyurl.com/2rwqzx
{================================================} ==========BURNING MAN BUSINESS RESOURCES======== {================================================} **/**/**/**/**/**/**/***/**
OK, remember that part where we said we weren’t going to do a Resources Edition this year? Yeah, well, turns out, we’re not, but we’re still sharing the info another way. So here it is.
Let us take a moment for some caveats. Burning Man is NOT anti-commerce … some might say it’s commerce that makes the world go ’round, but at the very least, you can’t even come to the event without engaging in commerce (you do, after all, buy a ticket to attend). What we’re against is commodification, which is a very different thing altogether. Says so right there in our Ten Principles:
Additionally, we believe in supporting our community with info they need, and supporting the entrepreneurs in it who wish to serve the community. Hence, we bring you the Resources Edition as a single weblink, a listing of Burner-owned or of-interest-to-Burners businesses that may help you in your preparation for Burning Man.
And while we wish to support these folks, we also encourage you to reduce, reuse, and recycle, and to rethink what you NEED to buy for Burning Man versus what you can do without, or do in another way. That said, for what you NEED to buy, we present this offering of businesses to consider. We are not endorsing any of them or guaranteeing the quality of any of these services. Buyer beware, caveat emptor, and all of that.
And with that, click here to visit our Resources Edition web page:
(Associate Rabbit)
p.s. those playing the Burning Man drinking game are probably hammered about now.
{================================================} ===========CONNECT WITH BURNING MAN============= {================================================} **/**/**/**/**/**/**/***/**
The Official Burning Man Facebook Page:
Official Burning Man Twitter Account – All Things Burning Man:
Black Rock City Twitter Account – All Things BRC:
{====================================================} ==============ADMIN ON AND OFF THE JRS============== {====================================================}
Email us or questions (at) burningman (dot) com any time with questions. Email jackrabbitspeaks (at) burningman (dot) com by 11:59 PM PST on Sunday for post requests. (We don’t post all requests, however.) Please type “POST REQUEST” in your subject line to make it past the SPAM.
For questions:
questions (at) burningman (dot) com
Old rabbits:
On and off this ride:
bman-announce-subscribe (at) burningman (dot) com
bman-announce-unsubscribe (at) burningman (dot) com
If you are having trouble, troubleshoot at http://tinyurl.com/2rwqzx
Soundtrack for this JRS: A bubbling fountain to soothe the soul.