Burning Man Update: The Jack Rabbit Speaks
Volume 16, Issue #11
February 7, 2012
{============================================================} ====================TABLE OF CONTENTS======================= {============================================================}
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{============================================================} =======================INTRODUCTION========================= {============================================================}
**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/** Greetings everybody … we wanted to bring you this special edition Jackrabbit Speaks in order to allow the Burning Man organization to address the current ticket situation.
The message below was also posted on our blog last Friday afternoon, and we welcome your thoughts in the comments section there:
We realize this is a tough situation for everybody, and we encourage you to hang in there while we sort through what’s happened, look at the options, and develop solutions. We’ve been working hard on this problem, and will continue to do so until we make this right.
{============================================================} ========================LATEST NEWS========================= {============================================================}
(This message comes to you from Marian Goodell, a Founding Board Member of Black Rock City LLC, and Burning Man’s Director of Business and Communications.)
Participants, friends, Burners, community:
The Burning Man organization recognizes that the ticket registration and random drawing process has caused many participants frustration and concern over whether they can attend the event this year.
A team of Burning Man staff and organizers, who have been working on the ticketing process since August 2011, met Thursday to review what happened and what can be done moving forward.
The organization is looking at short term fixes and long term solutions to improve the ticketing process to make it work as well as possible for as many people as possible.
Following phone conversations with major theme camp and art group organizers, we determined that only 20%-25% of the key people needed to bring those projects to the playa had received notifications for tickets. A number of people also told us they’d used multiple credit cards and asked friends to register for them as a way to increase their chances of getting tickets. Those who received more tickets than they need said they are considering how to redistribute them.
We believe we need two weeks to let the dust settle to see how much redistribution happens. Even with that redistribution we know that key people and projects may not get confirmations in time to move forward with their plans. We are looking at options to keep that from happening.
Burning Man’s most important priority is to make sure the community stays intact in the face of the current challenges. Combining what we learned from the phone conversations and what we’ve heard from the Burner community, we’ve come up with some ideas to address the short term issues. We will continue to gather information and listen to your feedback as we work towards announcing our plans within two weeks.
In the meantime we urge our community not to buy from scalpers or from large resale sites. We will have the Secure Ticket Exchange Program (STEP) activated on February 22. This is the most secure and hassle free way to enter the re-sale system. Please use it.
Those registrants who received rejection letters should keep an eye on your email as information about STEP and any other options will be made to you first.
Not everyone who wants a ticket this year will get one, that is clear — the demand clearly exceeds supply. But we are going to do everything we can in the coming days to ensure that we preserve and respect the community that supports and creates this event both in the short term and long term.
We will be reaching out to you and working with you to make that happen. We recognize that we have work to do to repair the faith in the organization. We are very sorry for the frustration, anxiety and deep disappointment this year’s ticketing experience has caused for so many citizens of Black Rock City.
All of us here at the Burning Man Organization
{============================================================} =================CONNECT WITH BURNING MAN=================== {============================================================}
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The Official Burning Man Facebook Page:
Official Burning Man Twitter Account – All Things Burning Man:
Black Rock City Twitter Account – All Things BRC:
{============================================================} ==================ADMIN ON AND OFF THE JRS================== {============================================================}
Email questions to questions (at) burningman (dot) com anytime. Email post requests to jackrabbitspeaks (at) burningman (dot) com with the words “POST REQUEST” in your subject line.
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questions (at) burningman (dot) com
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Soundtrack for this JRS: The Low Anthem