From September 6, 2008 to December 13, 2008, the Black Rock Arts Foundation proudly collaborated with five different artists collectives to present The Mangrove, a collection of tree sculptures.
The Mangrove by Kitty Gordon, David Boyer, Ryan Jackson, Jennifer Forbes and Jessica Reeder, and the Iron Monkeys art collective
Sierra St and Island Avenue, Reno, Nevada
September 6, 2008 – December 13, 2008
Reclaimed materials
Five sculptures ranging in size from 5’ to 10’ tall.

About the Project
First exhibited at Burning Man 2007, The Mangrove is an eclectic collection of artworks sculpted by five different artist collectives. Each work offers a different lesson, rendered with exquisite craft and detail, in how discarded materials can be reused to create beauty out of ‘trash’. The Mangrove quickly drew the attention and appreciation of the Reno community.
For more photos of the Mangrove, visit our Flickr group or read more about the Mangrove’s opening reception on our blog.

About the Site
In Reno, Nevada, in 2007, a BRAF Advisory Board Member Maria Partridge sought out the owner of an empty lot in the downtown area with the intention of developing it into a new venue for large-scale works of art. BRAF worked with Reno’s vibrant community of Burning Man enthusiasts, local businesses and City officials to redevelop the parcel into an inviting public space featuring rotating exhibitions.
The Mangrove was the first installation at this site. The art park has since become a popular performance venue and community gathering space, and has hosted such celebrated works from the Burning Man event as Spire of Fire, by Steve Atkins and Eric Smith, Duel Nature, by Kate Raudenbush, and Celtic Forest, by Laura Kimpton.

About the Artists
Read more about the individual artists and collectives.
This project was supported by Black Rock Arts Foundation’s Civic Arts Program, the City of Reno Arts and Culture Commission, The Freight House District LLC, Burning Man LLC, Sierra Arts Foundation, and local businesses.
BRAF also extends our sincerest thanks to United Rentals, Fernley Electric and Peppermill Hotel Casino Reno and the Sierra Arts Foundation for their support of this
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