Theme Camp Archive

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)'(Ooligan Airways

)'(Ooligan Airways is back this year, and boy is it going to be the trip of a lifetime.
00L1GAN2 experienced heavy turbulence whilst airlifting supplies into war ravaged Turkmenistan. Going down in a ball of flames (again), the )'(Ooligans find themselves stranded in the desert along the route of the old silk road.

URL: London

)*(Aloha = H'Aloha

A Playanesian Paradise! Get Lei’d and stay for the conversation!

Hometown: Kilauea + Orange


Come on by for cool water and a solar powered charge of your electronics! Ask us for a hands on look at how you can build your own solar power system and power a swamp cooler or evapotron with it.

Hometown: Denver

Habitat for Insanity

Habitat for Insanity focuses on novel burner technology/ideas and live performances. We encourage radical thinkers and doers to join.

Hometown: Pittsburgh


Hack-a-Cola will provide a meeting place for residents of Black Rock City to congregate over cold, hand crafted sodas during the hot, sunny days and then warm themselves at night around the bar with a cup of hot chocolate.

URL: http://hack-a-cola.orgHometown: San Francisco

Hair of the Dog

You bring the drinks and music….we’ll supply the drinks and music! Your friendly neighborhood dive bar and live music venue returns! Our infamous HOTD stage features daily Open Mic, variety acts, poetry slams, and the latest, greatest, and famous unsigned bands daily and nightly. Come by and figure out what else HOTD means and get a free drink!

URL: San Francisco Bay Area

Hammer And Cyclery

Hammer And Cyclery is a full service (with limited parts from donations at Burning Man) bicycle repair shop with a full complement of tools plunked down on the Playa to help Burners everywhere have the smoothest, sweetest, safest (reddest) week possible on their Burning Man bike. We are open from 10am to 6pm every day.

URL: http://HammerAndCyclery.comHometown: Minneapolis

Hammock Hangout

We offer a giant 12,000sqft public chill space with 90 hammocks, a bar and karaoke. Relax, sing, have a drink, a snack while racking is a hammock. See for details.

URL: http://thehammockhangout.comHometown: San Francisco

Hammock Heaven

Come rest and relax and meet some new friends in our artful hammock structures.

Hometown: Reno

Hamster Camp

From the group that brought you SparkleSpaz. Body paints, black-light dance parties, photo booth, mischief, and millions of hamsters.

Hometown: Various towns

Hang-Out, the

Hammock you say?! Check! Shade? Check! In-the-know? Check! Bards, poets, dusty-nymphs, lost souls, found children and your inner child. We also offer dirty-deeds, innuendos, propositions, desert quests, random libations, and a visual euphoria for that recently opened third eye. There’s more than one way to catch a sparkle pony…let explore what lies beneath those dusty layers!!!

URL: Chico

HAPi Experience

“Our mission is to become a Healing Art Performance installation space encapsulated i the beautiful HAPi Experience lotus flower structure…open to all cultures, empowering new rituals and techniques we can incorporate into our daily lives. This will be achieved through the multiplicity in Healing Art and Performance. gathering a visionary collective combining each medium and discipline together in a traveling mobile dome environment, ensuring all the participants that enter the HAPi Experience, leave with

Hapless Genies, The

No Description

Happy Clap!

Happy Clap! wants to spread joy with hi-fives and pat-a-cake style games. Let’s take it back old school and make those hands clap, schoolyard style.

Hometown: San Francisco

Happy Hour

Hard day on the playa? Unwind at Happy Hour, where you’ll be greeted by one of a kind refreshing spirits served with smiles! Enjoy our lounge, bar, and gigantic jungle gym! Climb, dance on our Kaleidoshade structure or groove on tallest rotating “exotic dancing” pole! Start your evening with Happy Hour!

URL: We are Global!


This is hardly the place for Whiskey drinking, Salsa dancing, welding your art car, getting locked in jail, or impersonating Michael Jackson.

Hometown: Mountain View

Harmonic Convergence Camp

Drop by the Harmonic Convergence Camp for a coffee and a chat, a massage or a group energy healing…no set hours.
We’re also your home for the College Football Tailgate & Viewing Party on Saturday.

URL: Santa Monica


HATEbar is a refuge from the free love, PLUR, hippies, ravers, sparkle-ponies, and shirt-cockers. Come by for shitty whiskey, shitty vodka, shitty beer and the honest truth about how you really look in that pink tutu and body paint.

Hometown: Denver

Haus of Toniq

Hause of Toniq Returns for it’s second year offering a Shady Oasis for weary Travelers, Burlesque Lessons, and Non Alcoholic Refreshments.

Hometown: Mendocino Coast

Haven of Burgeoning

Upon arriving to the center piece walls and a elaborate gate guard the center piece. In the center stands a lone being walking out of a sort of quick sand, quick sand being confusion and doubt. And from that into clarity. The being in the middle is grasping an orb with one hand that glows. The being, having reach inner peace is also glowing from the eyes and body. The other that have not fully risen are much more grey and lifeless and lack more vibrant colors. It’s surrounded by rounded walls and benches to

Head Space

Stop by for a hammock and share a story, join us in the yurt for a round of spaced-out head games then grab a slice of pizza for the road!

Hometown: Vancouver

Healing Foot Wash Life Truth Love

Come have your feet washed in a quiet, safe and loving environment. You may come back and wash other people’s feet after you’ve had yours washed, all are welcome!

URL: http://spiritualplaya.orgHometown: Berkeley

Heart of Bok Choy

love, laughter, and stir-fry.

Hometown: Los Angeles

Heart Phoenix Color Caravan

In 2013 Heart Phoenix brought a one-of-a-kind experience to the playa bringing together music, art, mobility, and community. This year the Heart Phoenix crew has even more incredible music and art planned, and lots of fun in store for our playa family.

URL: http://www.heartphoenix.comHometown: San Francisco

Heart Tribe

Heart Tribe is part of a village called Honeysuckle Hood, which embodies the heart through body, mind and spirit. Our main offering to the playa is our Healing Sanctuary, which includes a shaded chill space to relax while you wait for your massage.
Our healing modalities include massage, reiki, sound healing, chiropractic and more, so come by during our open hours of 12-6pm for a relaxing healing session.

Hometown: Bay Area


Everyone loves a Heart-On! Multiple Heart-On!s are good!

Hometown: South SF Bay Area


Break into your own feeling and human connection and come visit HeartNSoul camp. Our main dome is filled with interactive art and colorful light&sound surprises. Come rest during the day for a stimulating mind and body soul breath. Stay into the night hours to have your sense and spirit turned on like it deserves. Retro soul music hour every dusk and custom leather pieces will accompany you upon departure to take a piece of our heart on your caravan journey.

Hometown: Portland

HeeBeeGeeBee Healers

HeeBeeGeeBee Healers is a grounded oasis that creates a nurturing environment and provides healing and personal growth services for the HeeBeeGeeBee community and all of Black Rock City. Our community’s intention is for the healing energy we cultivate to spread into the greater world, promoting love, healing and a higher state of being for everyone.

URL: http://www.heebeegeebeehealers.orgHometown: Boulder / San Francisco / New York


The British Empire’s primary outpost in Black Rock City. Come for the clocktower, stay for the tea.

Hometown: San Francisco

Hellfire Society

Intrested in fire spinning? Here is the place to meet fire performers. We will be hosting workshops daily, come check us out.

URL: http://www.hellfirecamp.comHometown: Orange County

Hen House, The

The Hen House Presents: Speed Dating, Twerk Shops, and a Tang Bang Block Party. Come visit the Hen Den where you might meet the love of your life, learn the greatest dance move, and enjoy tasty tang bangs with new friends.

Hometown: Reno

Henna Hut

Henna art in ancient style, African waist beads to rock on the playa, and daily morning yoga to get your mind body connection

Hometown: Richmond

Heroes & Super Villains

Heroes & Super Villains is an exploration of Light & Shadow in individual, group & societal behavior. We offer hospitality for those on their Hero’s Journey & hench men for aspiring Super Villains with visions of taking over the world. Open from noon til sunset, drop in for yoga, our sophisticated slow bar, sexy soulful music, missions, therapy and storytelling. Friday is our epic SOUL BRUNCH with world class DJs & delicious breakfast treats.

URL: http://www.heroesandsupervillains.comHometown: New York/LA


Hiburnia , a desert dwelling tribe from the ancient island of hibernia manifests the gift of fine Irish whiskey tasting each day an hour before sunset.

Hometown: San Francisco

High Tide

Camp High Tide provides an interactive beach experience with a surfing game, silent surf movies, the big pool and shake-your-bootie dance lessons. Ride the waves with us at Camp High Tide!

Hometown: San Francisco


Everybody loves to trampoline, one problem with our world today – there are not enough trampolines. People cannot legally get high easily enough – we want to set out to change this – by encouraging burners to use our trampoline to High-High-Five our 5 big hands.

Hometown: London


Hippocampus is the place to make your playa memories stick. Find our mobile cafe as the sun rises over Black Rock City for the best coffee on the playa.

Hometown: Various

Hive, The

A buzzing mass of madness from the East descends upon the desert, full of burning light and energy. Is the Hive full of honey, or stings? Bathe in our glow, and discover!

Hometown: Boston


Attention! All able-bodied berry grabbers, oyster glommers, apple knockers, and spud diggers! Escape the smog-holes of the east and climb aboard the rails of freedom: the world of tomorrow awaits at the end of the line out west in the bright land of Hobotopia. We gots beans, we gots cold tonic, and we gots sweet melodies. Come shake the dirt off your ass and share your strange tales of railway adventure around the fires of our hobo jungle.

Hometown: Santa Cruz

Hokey Pokey Oasis

Join the conscious arena daily at 12 noon to dance the Hokey Pokey. Dance or watch as we turn ourselves around. All ages welcome. Friends of Bill W. Meeting daily at 5 PM. This is the Oasis to just hang out if you wish.

URL: Calexico

Holi High Camp

Holi High Camp brings the madness and color kaleidoscope of the festival of Holi to the boisterous masses of the playa through body-paint blasting cannons.

Hometown: San Francisco

Home Brew 4A Home Brew

A Home Brewers community hub where brewers of the Playa come to meet and share. Enjoy a cold home brewed beer, mead or soda served daily from noon to dark. We have a pool table, games and daily events including our world famous pickle party! Bring your keg and we will refrigerate and tap it.

Hometown: Sparks

Home Free Dome

Home Free Dome is a community of encounter, designed to amplify the transformative cultural forces at play in Black Rock City. We turn spectators into participants, virgins into veterans, and veterans into virtuosos.

URL: San Francisco Bay Area

Home Rule

Hometown: Washington

Home Sweet Dome

Home Sweet Dome is a chill space located at the heart of Hushville, with shade in the daytime, lights at night, power to recharge batteries and general merriment.

Hometown: Redding CA


HomeBrauHaus is a collection of scientists, artists, and rabble-rousers who all have a passion for making and drinking beer. HomeBrauHaus is devoted to upholding the longstanding traditions of beer culture by providing a wide variety of home-brew toBlack Rock City. This will be HomeBrauHaus’s third year on the playa. Last year we brought out 300 gallons of home-brew and served it all! This year we plan on bringing just as much beer plus batches of home-brewed cider.

Hometown: Reno

Homeless Jangles Halfpipe

The overlaying plywood of this mini ramp (halfpipe) is essentially covered in artwork from local artists of central Kentucky. This blanketed canvas is a symbolic representation of the spark of creativity that one undergoes when cruising on a bmx bike or pushing a skateboard. It’s an art form. Just as chords combine to make a lick, maneuvers conjoin to create a symphony of sorts. Ramps, to all shredders: skateboarders, and “pedalers” alike are blank canvasses to which we can express boundless journeys of fre

Homepage: Human Powered Internet Camp

Our camp is gifting the internet to the good people of BRC while encouraging the principal of communal effort! Take a turn riding our exercise bike router! As long as the pedals are spinning the internet connection keeps working. Come get a sweat on while checking work emails.


Drop in for a cheerful “Slice of Home”—Arrakis-style. Climb the sky-high HomeSlice Tower’s inverted pyramids, warm yourself at the HomeSpice Beacon, upgrade or re-engineer your Playa duds at our Radical Alteration clinics.

Hometown: Altadena


A mirage appears in Deep Playa. The aroma of fresh icy Homojitos stimulates your hypothalamus. Giant bright puffy flowers belt out groovy dance beats. Leave it to serendipity and the boys of Homojitoville! The Mobile Homojito Dance Bar & Sound Garden of Eden appear randomly, erupting in a fabulous cocktail and dance party, then disappear. Never in the same place twice, this is no mirage. Shake your groove thing where spontaneity rules! Bring your cup we’ll fill it with love!

URL:!/pages/HomojitoVille/146746548673607Hometown: Santa Monica

Honeysuckle Hood

Honeysuckle Hood is a village of the body, mind and spirit with the intention of awakening the wisdom of the heart. We are comprised of Heart Tribe, Chakralicious Camp and Camp Mystic. We offer workshops, a daytime healing sanctuary, performances, dance parties, games, and love. We are rad. Come visit and awaken your heart!!

URL: San Francisco

HOO Camp

Friends telling fortunes and sharing art

Hometown: Seattle

Hookah Lounge, The

Come to the Hookah Lounge and enjoy our flavored tobaccos, coffee, and wide selection of teas. Our Moroccan style lounge serves up shisha filtered through juice and water every night. The plush seating, soft carpeting, and great people make this the ultimate Burning Man chill-out zone. If you have a favorite molasses based tobacco, you are welcome to bring it and share* with others. Karaoke sundown to midnight.

* Please respect: no illegal drugs.

URL: Jacksonville

Hooker Support Group

Hooker Support Group is the headquarters for the art installation Suspension of Disbelief, a large-scale utopia of crocheted hammocks.

Hometown: Seattle

House Of Skin

All your skin care needs!!! Let the lotion rubbings begin!!!

Hometown: Spokane

House of YES

House of YES! is a spontaneous and playful improvisation camp for games, adventures, sparkles, hugs and the kind of laughter that makes playa dust come out your nose.

URL: San Francisco

Houston CORE Camp

HOUSTON CORE TEAM has developed a great line-up IN CAMP!
YEEEEEE-SAW! You heard that right! A Texas sized see-saw that spans 32’! Far more than just a see-saw, it’s the perfect grown-up toy! You up for 14 riders at a time??—though like any see-saw worth its salt, it just takes two!
MEDITATION DEATHMATCH. 2 players with EEG’s strapped to their heads to read their brainwaves. “Show us your war faces!” Then we find out who can relax harder.

Hometown: Houston

Hua Biao

“Hua Biao” is a cylindrical structure, about 16 feet tall, on the top it’s a mythical guardian beast sitting on the cloud. It’s a totem of speech post for the ordinary people in ancient Chinese times going back 4000 years ago outside emperor’s palace. Later on it become the symbol of freedom of speech.


Your weird, overly-friendly, awkwardly naked, awesome neighbors. Shade, afternoon dance music, garage sales, cold micheladas, facepaint, and friends for days.

URL: Bellingham

Hungover Camel Hydration Station

A place for camels to rehydrate, hung over or not.

Hometown: Berkeley / Oakland


Hushville, an aural oasis in an undulating sea of chaos, is open to any camper who pre-registers and can abide our three simple rules: 1 )No Generators; 2) No Amplified Sound; and 3) Leave No Trace. Because Hushville is a village in Black Rock City, we can’t promise that it will be quiet… just quieter.


Hyphaesaurus One

Hyphaesaurus One is a 22′ geo dome made from wood and metal that provides refuge and amazement to all playa denizens who dare stumble upon it.