Theme Camp Archive

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U See Me

“Uplifting Soul Massages” – a powerful healing process that assists in connecting to our Authentic Self. This process releases old stuck energies of fear, sadness and resentments and creates space for Self-love as well as a loving bond between the participants.

Hometown: Los Angeles and New York City

UFO Response Team

UFO Response Team will be the one stop shop to report UFO/Alien sightings in Black Rock City!

URL: San Francisco


Uhuru has the voodoo for what you do. Join us to explore curiosity, wonder, and adventure.

Hometown: Los Angeles

Uli Baba and the Horny Thieves

O illustrious merchants of the flesh and pillagers of the wealth of man. Our glorious master, Uli Baba, he who is magnificent and just, he who rules with the wisdom of Solomon and the might of Saladin, commands your presence at his slave auctions, belly dance competition & workshops.

URL: San Diego

Ultimate Celebration

The end is nigh! Eschatological salons (readings, discussion and dialectic) commence at 2pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Come prepared to probe the transcendental depths of End Times concepts in variety of cultural, religious and literary disciplines, from the four horsemen of the apocalypse, to Ragnarök, to Elliot’s Wasteland, to visions of a technological singularity. Sip the ambrosia of the Twilight of the Gods (the official libation of our Ultimate Celebration) while you contemplate your ow

Hometown: San Francisco, New York City

Universe University

Universe University, contemporary classroom/carnival. Complete with playground, rec center, cafeteria, and lounge. Come back to your roots.. and win some prizes too!

Hometown: Seattle

Unnecessarily High Five

The slap of skin. The crack of flesh. The bang of bodies. What better way to celebrate your amusement, joy, or just plain agreement then the abrupt collision of two hands. The high five… or in our case, unnecessarily high five. Come by and try your luck at the Unnecessarily High Five. Can you hit our highest five? We’re waiting for someone who can. Bring friends, bring your robot helper, bring a trampoline and fling yourself into the history books.

URL: http://www.unnecessarilyhighfive.comHometown: Alameda, CA / New York, NY