Theme Camp Archive

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Fairyland at the Isle of Avalon

Hometown: San Francisco, CA


The Fandango Village; home of the Orbitals, Butterzone, Motown, and the Remnants of Funk Camp, launchpad for the Temple of Atonement, and birthplace of the Slow-Dance Pavilion, welcomes everybody back to their Playa. Expect the usual assorment of late-night films, dancing, and cocktails. (Warning, may be dusty.)

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Fast Furnishings

Find your Ultimate Sock Mate! Pay tribute to your last chance to wear white shoes!

Hometown: Berkeley, CA

Fey Abbey

Hometown: Seattle, WA camp

Evenings of filthy music for filthy people to dance to.

Hometown: Oakland, CA

Fire Conclave Convergence

Gathering convergence for members of the Fire Concalve. Daily activites will include: Check in by each members of the Fire Conclave, knowledable represensatives will be checking & repairing fire tools, Fire Safety meeting for all Fire Watch that are responsible for the safety of the fire performers, Leaving & receiving messages, radio distribution for Burn night and great discusssions of fire art in the world.

Hometown: Oakland, CA


Hometown: San Francisco, CA

First Church of Skee Ball

First Church of Skee Ball. Skee ball beyond belief!

Hometown: Chico, CA

Flatulence Amplification Research Team

F.A.R.T. Flatulence Ampflication Research Team /Frogstone Island: Stop by eat Playa chili beans and return later to FART into our Megaphones. Wear your worst OD Green millitary surplus shit and share a cigar! The best FARTS could get you a prize. Now 5 years strong. Listen for live simulacasting on FM Radio, CB and FRS Radio CH#8. hats off to the Canadians for giving us our name. Home of Light the burning FART dart game Lets trade.

Hometown: Pacific Grove, CA


The cross-section of the Leri online community ( the physical world and BurningMan minus FOODLAB. Having undergone a mass exodus of structure, Fleshlab will this year be somewhat sparse, which means there is room for all! Huddled masses yearning to breathe dust, arrive here and be welcome! Diversions of the mind and body. Comfy furniture. Random music. Random people. You. All for free. On the other hand if you prefer structure there’s always FOODLAB.

URL: http://www.flight2mars.comHometown: Saint Paul, MN

Foos Revenge

Imagine yourself drinking and playing a game of foosball, when suddenly you find yourself transported into the game as a real life foos player with giant foos Gods looking down on you. Your only way out is to win. Loose and you will forever be lost in the living hell known as Foos Revenge.

Hometown: Mooresville, NC

Forest of Enchantment

Hometown: Portland, OR

Free Photography Zone

Free Photography Zone, once again, giving the best photogaphs of the best people on earth to the best people on Earth. Come, have your photograph made in a studio setting by a Burning Man institution and leave with your print.

URL: http://www.johnbrennanphoto.comHometown: Santa Clara, CA

Fremen Spice Traders (Free Coffee)


Hometown: Arcata, CA

Fudo Myoo

Experience the celebration of the buddist diety, FUDO MYOO. Conquer your’ doubt and illusions with intelligence and truth.

Hometown: Oakland, CA

Funkee Monkey Camp

Funkee Monkey Camp – A bastion of funky beats to move your feet with banana pancakes & coffee served up after a night of monkeying around on the playa (42.0 minutes post sunrise)- if you’re lucky, you may even find a monkey to spank?!@#

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Fusion Valley

Home of PlayaNET.

Hometown: Los Gatos, CA