Theme Camp Archive

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P.U.N. (People United for Nothing)

The Visual Effect Created by People United for Nothing this year is that of Having your Cake and Eating it too. Maybe it’s your Birthday, or Unbirthday? In any event, you may partake of the sacrament of Cake and Enjoy a tasty beverage of your choice at our Nowhere Bar where other Gifts are sometimes also Given.

URL: Seattle, WA

Paintings By Numbers

Paintings By Numbers… encouraged participation in a group art… supplies provided.

URL: http://www.palenquenorte.comHometown: Yorba Linda, CA

Pamper Camp

Pamper Camp: come be pampered and look pretty on the Playa. We will give you a manicure and pedicure while serving you a refreshing Cosmopolitan.

Hometown: Albany, CA

Pancake Playhouse

When soft rock is heard, pancakes will be served.

Hometown: San Francisco, CA


Gods, goddesses, minor deities, supernatural beings, saints, prophets, and other theistic riff-raff live and play at the Pantheon. Sit at, or on, the throne of God, seat of the One and Only Almighty, who may be working or chatting with passersby; participants may claim the throne on a first-come, first-served basis. Join an event at the Pantheon’s Colliseum, including Deity Game Shows, Music of the Spheres Hosted Jam Sessions (from singing, drumming, and harmonic chanting, to fire dancing and good ol’ fashioned blues — yes, we have a piano), and Mud Goddess Wrestling. (The collisuem is also available for booking by other groups.) Relax at the Oasis, equipped with shady palm trees, birds, hammocks, and refreshing mist. On Sunday at sunset, the Pantheon will host a Web of Life reception, culminating at dusk by a procession to the Web of Life, which will be ignited and released to the heavens.

Hometown: Ojai, CA


You are invited to the peaceful sacredness of PASSION Temple, enjoy the healing warmth, relax your body, free your mind, open your heart, let go into loving tenderness, see each other’s beauty, and connect non-verbally – a smile, a hug, a loving gesture… At nights there are live performances of sacred music and healing arts, and during the days workshops on passionate living.

Hometown: Belmont, CA

Pasty Camp

Pasty Camp is back for its third year providing you with all the materials you need to make your own custom pasties. Stop by, relax, be creative, and leave with a great pair of pasties.

Hometown: Houston, TX

Paul Is Sexy

Who is Paul and why is he sexy? We invite all burners to explore the mysteries of Paulism and become their own Paul at our BRC shrine to Paul.

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Peace Mellon

In the spirit of the peace pipe, Camp Peace Mellon offers BRC residents a chance to cool off and take a break from the heat of the day by relaxing in our pow-wow circle as we pass the Peace Mellon. The Peace Mellon is a halved watermelon filled with chopped watermelon, ice and vodka. There will be ritual, faith de-mystified (Is Peace Mellon a cult, a religion, or a bunch of health conscious partiers obsessed with vine fruit?), and of course, an indoctrination into our peace of mind.

Hometown: San Francisco, CA


PedEx is the premier delivery service on the playa. We offer a myriad of enticing specialty deliveries.

URL: Rowlett, TX

Penetration Village / Jiffy Lube

Men for Men Playground.

URL: http://www.getingetoffgetout.comHometown: San Francisco, CA

Pepperland 03

Pepperland 03 Beyond the foothills of the headlands, through a sea of green, under a sky of blue, once again Pepperland returns for you. Blue Meanies, Apple Bonkers and the Glove are in the past, but beware the Killer Clowns have now joined the cast!

Hometown: Muscatine, IA

Picasso Camp

Come paint something Beyond Belief on one of our giant canvases, or come chill out and listen to music at the FUBAR.

Hometown: Everett, WA

PIERIAN SPRING (within the conGLOMerate village)

A Sacred Fountain of Artistic Inspiration
Legend has it the Pierian Springs flow forth the source of all inspiration and knowledge. Any who drink of its water will be graced with divine creativity, vast knowledge and infinite love. We bring these waters to the souls of the playa. Drink deeply, love richly, create.

Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, FL


Unbelievable fun from rising bacon to setting sake.

Hometown: Napa, CA


Pinklectica: Eclectic Expressions with a Pink Twist:
We seek to celebrate, communicate, and enlighten Black Rock Citizens to the sacred vibrations, mystery, and resonances of the primal color Pink. We express a range of the Infinite Manifestations of Pink, and encourage others to come, learn, add their own unique offerings, or to sit in silent contemplation in our Sanctuary, and discover their Inner Pink.

Hometown: Yosemite, CA

Pinwheel Camp

We are remembering all the condi-meants you left at home! Come by and we’ll make sure you have all the sauces and spices you need…customized for your pleasure. The pinwheel garden has bloomed on the playa year after year, swooshing gently in breeze or storm, inviting people to sit and listen.

Hometown: Pt. Richmond, CA

Playa Five-0

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Playa Info

URL: http:///participate/information.htmlHometown: San Francisco, CA

Playa Play Yard

Come get your Chi on, or just chill, at Playa Play Yard.

Hometown: Bellvue, WA


Playafari – Rasta on the Playa for your musical/cultural enhancement.

Hometown: Ontario, CA


Come enjoy a preview of Heaven at PlayaGoRound! Great sounds, great vibe and of course, a ride on the ever present PlayaGoRound!

URL: http://www.playagoround.comHometown: Denver, CO


Come by and play basketball, badminton, bocce and other games at our Sports Center.

Hometown: North Hollywood, CA


Make a BEE-line to our hive– we’ll issue a butt-stamp to our principality of pleasures… step into a swarm of BEE-utiful BEE-ings… We will suck the sweet nectar from your inner sanctum, pollinating the citizens of BRC with the wonder of YOU… Movie night is bee movies and popcorn… Buzz over to Kinetic Liam’s sensational playshop — stop thinking and start BEE-ing!

URL: Mill Valley, CA


We are a group of polyamorists seeking to live our dreams, and this camp is one manifestation of that. Polyamory involves openness to multiple loving relationships, with honesty among all partners.
Human Carcass Wash 3pm Daily
Poly High Tea 4:30pm Daily

URL: Phoenix, AZ

Popsicle Funk Wagon

Our dream is to bring popsicles and funk music to the people of the Playa. Visit with us as we travel Black Rock City on our Popsicle Funkwagon art bike, and shake your thing in the World’s Smallest Disco.

Hometown: Mountain View, CA

Port of Entry

The Port of Entry is home to the Black Rock International Airport and the Lake Lahontan Harbor. Come aviate or navigate with all the amenities; customs, duty-free barter shop, travel agency, and of course, an airport bar and lounge.

URL: San Jose, CA

Primitive Technology Camp

Learn the primitive technologies of fire and wood/stone tool creation. Drop by and satisfy your inner caveman!

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Probability Nexus

A temple-playground of expansive probability featuring Chrome Angel Wings, mandalas, flags, music, wholistic healing, nonviolent communication, lots of very sweet costumed and naked folks, cozy chill space, and yummy snacks and refreshments.

Hometown: Santa Cruz, CA

Proclamation Camp

YOUR AD HERE: come proclaim your message to the world on our big velcro billboards, open 24hrs!

URL: http://cautioncone.comHometown: San Francisco, CA

Project: X

Project:X returns to the playa for it’s 3rd year. This year we’ll reside in The Sanctuary village, will be hosting daily guided meditations, a will create an all night eyecandy chill zone for particpants.

URL: http://www.sanctuaryvillage.comHometown: San Francisco, CA


Bringing the Gift of Fire to Humanity since the Dawn of Time.

Hometown: Topanga, CA


Make a personal journey through the Self-service intervolvement personality array. Meet someone new; intervolve.

Hometown: Corvallis, OR

Psycho-Acoustic Jazz Lab

A great big igloo tent, live jazz, ambient 5.1 sound design and a 9 mini-golf course. Come on by and check it out!

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Purification Station

The Purification Station will be an interactive camp where Black Rock City Citizens can come to be completely and absolutely absolved of their sins…

Regular Confession times with a fancy-ass Confessional staffed by fully ordained Camp Clerics… penance to fit the sin or crime: absolution thru hugs, spankings and other sanctimonious activities + A Life LOTTO! (you’ve got to play to win!) And regular playing of The Guilt Game to win ‘straight to heaven’ passes and/or ‘straight to hell’ cards!

And, ah, more.

URL: Washington, DC

Pyramid Scheme

Don’t sit by the sidelines while others become enlightened! Now is your chance to transcend, with this once in a playa time opportunity. We can help uplift you to a better and more prosperous level. Amazingly sky high returns are paractically gurananteed by this program!

URL: http://www.water-brother.comHometown: Meas, AZ