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2019 Archive


F Camp is a collection of individuals all passionate about the future of Environmental, Health, Love, Technology, and Governance. We have a major focus on sustainability, reusability, and community, and have designed our entire camp with these three focuses in mind. In our central Ashram we host events, workshops, discussions, and music that allow us to set our intentions, collaborate, and discuss how to shape our futures. Our camp realizes the importance that having a healthy mind, body, and spirit are needed to realize the intentions we set, thus we serve elixirs, meals and host an array of meditation, yoga, and spiritual ceremonies to invigorate us and provide the foundation for collaboration and discussion.

URL: Hometown: We come from 6 continents, there is no center hometown.

F.A.R.T. Kamp

Flatulence Amplification Research Team (F.A.R.T.) Kamp, established in 1999 using olive drab military surplus, will expand its noxious cloud to encompass a variety of interactive activities, workshops, gifting, and (f)art installations. Visitors are welcomed to “fart into megaphones”, and radio station K-F.A.R.T. at 107.3 FM will be broadcasting 24/7 its delightful, if somewhat tasteless transmissions, answering machine messages, and public information.

URL: Hometown: Sacramento

F.U.Ego Stage Bar & Lounge

Camp Fuego hosts the F.U.EGO Bar, No Mercy Stage & Backstage A/C Lounge, serving daily the playa’s only ORGANIC SNOW CONES and hosting “No Mercy” and “Mo’ Mercy” karaoke parties, an open mic and DJ’d dance parties. DJs and musicians welcome!
Choose any mixed drink, spiked cone, cold craft beer or hard cider.
“No Mercy” karaoke singers agree to be cut off at any time for any reason or no reason at all, gong standing by. “Mo’ Mercy” means well-keyed voices chime in, mic volumes magically adjust and the performance sounds great.
ALL PARTICIPANTS gain access to Fuego’s Backstage VIP A/C Lounge!
Look for Camp Fuego’s namesake Art Installation, “Fuego”, a life-sized stretched barbed-wire prancing HORSE with flame effects coming from her eyes and mane.

URL: Hometown: Berkeley, CA

Fabulous Disaster

Fabulous Disaster

Hometown: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, Wellington, Malmö, etc. We're spread all over.


FAFA Camp encourages interactivity and spontaneity through international and multicultural engagement. Please stop by for some good, old-fashioned hospitality. Look for our Art Car, Funky the Psychedelephant, out on the Playa.

Hometown: San Francisco

FAFF Lounge

I should be working late for the boss. I should do more for my parents. I should mow the frickin grass! Even at Burning Man, we’re programmed… OMG, I should go to Camp Amazing to see DJ BigShit!!

The FAFF Lounge offers the antidote.

The Cambridge dictionary defines faff as “spending your time doing things other than what you should be doing.” But we turn this judgment on its head. We proclaim that there is no “thing you should be doing.” The faff crew will actively distract you from your ambitious playa agenda. We will engage you, tease you, entertain you and subvert you. Your scripted day will be ripped from your mind and thrown onto our FAFF shrine. It will be burned at Temple. And you will be freer for it.

And by the way, we’ve got more than 20 workshops to help get you there.

Hometown: Washington, DC

Fairy Wood

Friendly, all ages, interactive camp where you can come be creative and find awesome swag to remember your time at Burning Man.

Hometown: Bend/Springfield

Familiar Spirits

When Wolves, Giants, Bats and sexy mechanics get together. A village bringing together Raised by Wolves, Giant’s Workshop, the BatCave and The Body Shop. We marvel in our individual weirdness and collective genius. You know those people you see out having the best time? That’s us, or people that just were visiting us.

Everyone is a Familiar Spirit. We just haven’t met you yet.

We have you the best non-electronic dance parties for you to shake your butts, delicious cocktails and artisanal lemonade, a full body mechanic-style tune-up, yoga, massage, acupuncture for your bodies and so much more.

Home of the famous Hip-Hop/Reggae Dark n’ Stormy Party, AND the Non-Erotic Butt Massage Workshop.

You’re welcome for being your favorite memory on playa.

Hometown: Brooklyn

Fancy Flamingo Society (FFS)

We are trying to run a pizza business here! You’re already late, and today’s your first day on the job? Oh jeez. We have a lot to teach you about the pizza business. Come take pizza orders, build some real life pizza skills, and embark on daring pizza delivery adventures!

Hometown: Toronto, San Francisco & NYC


Once upon a time, a group of friends decided to go to this Cacaphony Society-sponsored event out in Black Rock Desert. Over next few years they convinced many of their friends to join them out in the desert. Much merriment was had, and in 1994 Fandango proper was born. Over the years our Village has grown to at times include the SLO-Orbitals, MoTown, Butterzone, Haiku-for-Beer, The Blight and other sub camps.
So now we are a big ole village with members spread all over. Nothing has changed, and everything has changed. These are our people. We are our people. Welcome to Fandango. Be sure to say hello when you stop by for a beer!

URL: Hometown: San Fransisco, Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo, Seattle, and Missoula, all over.

Fantastic Sams

We are the local diner and breakfast spot, and sometimes dive bar. Our camp members went to college together, and our favorite thing to do after a long night of drinking and ruckus was to get together the next morning at the local diner (the ‘waffle shop’). The perfect recharge after a night of fun. Best of all though, we all enjoyed the camaraderie of hashing out details and reviewing the highlights of the night before. This ritual has followed us to the Burn, where our group has been informally hosting morning meals for our playa friends at our homestead. Everyone sits around in our cozy camp common area drinking coffee, eats a fantastic breakfast, and shares their experiences from the night before.

Our gift is breakfast. Our ask is to share your adventures from last night.

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Fastest Pizza Stand

One pizza enters, eight slices leave at THE PIZZA DOME: an interactive parlor of pizzazz. In order to get a slice, you have to share by bringing (or finding) enough friends to fill up a four top and placing an order for a pie together. You will not be seated until your entire party has arrived. The best times to visit are sunset and sunrise.

URL: Hometown: New York / San Francisco

Fat Panda

Fat Panda is here to cater to the slothful chubby bear in your soul. Whether you are joining us for movie night, or just grabbing some food at our afternoon fried food service we’re happy to help you pack on a few pounds for the playa.

Hometown: San


Favela means slum in Brazil, is a low-income historically informal urban area. Unable to find places to live, many people found themselves in favelas.
The People are very humble but hardworking. Generally they are excluded from society but they really know how to enjoy the life with less. Good vibe, amazing food and nice music. All are welcome, come and enjoy us!

URL: Hometown: São Paulo / Rio de Janeiro

Feckless Unassisted Living

Doodling daydreamers bringing metal sculpture to an open playa near you. Find Michael Christian here.

Hometown: Oakland/Berkeley

Feed tHE ARTists

Started in 2007 with Larry Harvey’s blessing and support, FTA has fed 10s of 1000s of artists, musicians, dancers, builders, makers, dabblers, and generally curious wandering travelers. FTA actively models the concept of creating community through the sharing of delicious meals at BRC and all over the world. We are striving to elevate food to an ART FORM, serving as a primary resource for playa food safety, kitchen design, and unforgettable cooking. You never know what we’ll be cooking up next – but, whatever it may be, you are invited to prepare it with us and share a meal of some of the finest food ever gifted on the playa!

URL: Hometown: Atlanta

Fermented Reality

Fermented Reality celebrates fermentation in all its forms – of foods, drinks, the mind, and the body! Throughout the week we’ll host informative workshops, silly happy hours with fermented foods and drinks, and top it off with a wacky, furmented party. Come by our dome during the evenings for a immersive multisensory fermentation experience, or at any time to mail a letter to your future self. We hail from 7 countries and 6 US states and would love to meet you and share stories on the playa!

Hometown: San Francisco (though some of us hail from Colombia, Israel, Australia, Guatemala, France, Hawaii, New York, Phoenix, and more!)

Fhloston Paradise

Hometown: Saltillo, Coauila

Final Approach Motel

Check in here to experience the very finest in low-fallout luxury accommodation. Behold panoramic room views of the blastscape! You’ll enjoy it so much, you may never check out.

URL: Hometown: Seattle

Fire Conclave Convergence

Fire Conclave Convergence is the place for all members of fire groups, ambiant drummers, and processional performing in the Great Circle to check in and get the latest information.

Hometown: Reno

Fire Pixels

Fire Pixels is a digital display where every pixel is a live flame. With hundreds of individually-controllable flames, we’ll be creating walls of flame that move with your movements, dance with music, create psychedelic patterns, or stream live video on our 50 square foot display.

URL: Hometown: Menlo Park

Flaming Ugly Cowboy Saloon

The Flaming Ugly Cowboy Saloon is the kind of cowboy bar that you would see in a movie made by the bastard love child of Sergio Leone and Frederico Fellini. We whoop. We holler. We lasso each other. And we poor the finest handcrafted beer and cocktails you will find this side of the Quinn River.

Hometown: Reno

Flamingo Camp

Flamingo camp is an interactive theme camp that has a whole lot of fun! Based in Reno with members internationally, our flock is an open and inviting to all.
Working collaboratively, we promote diversity of thinking, perspective, and knowledge. We are a flock of teachers, health care professionals, care givers, fitness specialists, handymen and more. We host many events and provide services that help our friends on the playa including a bike repair shop, a burner boutique, and afternoon Flabongo, We bring beauty to the playa with members ranging from early 20s to late 70s. We are all energetic and have a thirst for creating family among friends in the dusty desert we call home.

Hometown: Reno

Flamingo Lagoon Experience

Come to the Flamingo Lagoon Experience for community gathering, childlike wonder games, our brand new connection card game, and our immersive dome experience.

Hometown: Los Angeles

Flash & Burn

A village of artists and collaborators ready to perform, teach, create and interact. Our Village combines two fire performance troupes, the playa’s only photographer based camp and two camps that can help you with the things that you forgot. Check out the following individual camps within our village: Myth Maker, Arura, Over Exposed, Xjoy and Peace Kitchen and Pantry.

Hometown: world wide - 7 countries

Flat Earth Supreme!

We, at the Flat Earth Supreme, will be bestowing the glorious gift of divinely imparted knowledge of the one true Earth, the Flat Earth. We are here to shepherd wayward souls away from Galileo’s witchcraft and the false delusions of so-called outer-space.

We are merrymakers and invite Flat and Rounder Earthers alike to join in on the fun. Whether that be dancing, cavorting, or getting learned on the mechanics of our Flat Earth, all will be welcome, until they’re not.

Hometown: Atlanta

Flat Tire Cafe

Come get your cold brew coffee Mon – Sat 9AM to 1PM or until the coffee runs out! Bring your cup! Bike got you down? Get your bike fixed while you hang out in our game lounge Mon – Sat 1PM to 5PM! Game lounge open all day and night! Join us for one of our acculturation, LNT, or other workshops, game tournaments, yoga classes, or Open Mic days! We provide a community space for events, conversations, and games, and we host multiple events throughout the burn. Come on in out of the dusty day and enjoy our shade, we love having lively conversations, impromptu workshops, and hosting events (planned or not!).

URL: Hometown: San Francisco and New York primarily, though we have campers from Los Angeles and a couple other cities as well as international members from Berlin, Amsterdam and Canada. But our primary group is in San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles

Flattery Camp

Self-worth in the tube? Ego hit the deck, or the BM-blues got you down? No problem, we got this. Swing on by Flattery for your daily soul tune-up, and in no time our fully trained and certified id-mechanics will get that spring in your step. With humor, sincerity, originality, shaded comforts and hospitality, we’ll lovingly bend your psyche back into shape. And did I mention just how ridiculously lovely you are?

Hometown: Diaspora!


Our mission is to spread joy and help people find their flow. To us, this means helping people uncover and embrace their true selves, and from that place of self-love, experience joy and harmony with their community and be in service to the world around them.

Hometown: San Francisco


Floristonia welcomes everyone! We always provide a welcoming, nurturing environment with a place to relax, rehydrate, and recharge. Our specialty is offering our guests a spot in the shade, an icy cold margarita, or refreshing cold water if they prefer. We enjoy meeting new friends and catching up with long-time friends as well. Look for our giant shade structure, decorated with soothing, silky fabrics, a wide-open camp front and plenty of friendly faces who are happy to help you take care of yourself!

Hometown: Floriston, CA. Sister Cities: Toronto, CANADA, Reno, NV, Portland, OR.


Whether you’re a first time burner or an experienced adventure seeker, you will be welcomed by a community of loving humans seeking to share knowledge and experiences that enrich lives. Floveida is a sanctuary for everyone seeking to survive and thrive at burning man, but also in the default world. We also serve a mean cup of ice cold Florida orange juice to replenish your vitamins and wash down your bacon. We also want to stimulate your mind with some amazing lectures and workshops that show that you can take Burning Man and its principles and apply them to the Default world.

Hometown: Miami / Ft Lauderdale

Fluffer Camp

We like to make big fluffy things in the sky!

URL: Hometown: Brooklyn

Fluffy Butt

A place where fluffy butts can meet up, giggle, or join in for some positive heckling with bull horns. Come for the kitties but stay for the humans!

URL: Hometown: Denver

Fly Ranch in BRC

Brining Fly Ranch to Black Rock City (and sometimes the other way around!)

URL: Hometown: Hualapai Valley

Foam Home

Foam Home presents FoamOGenesis! Experience your foamy origins and destiny from 1-4:20pm Wednesday through Saturday.

Hometown: San Diego

Fortune Monkey

Every one drops by our camp will be lucky every day for the rest of their lives. We have great Chinese food party, culture workshop such as DIY Chinese paper fan with traditional calligraphy teaching and myths telling, a bar for amazing drinks and fortune cookies served every day. You will never miss it!

Hometown: Shenzhen

Foundation MV Camp

In the age of art cars that keep growing in sound output, size, and presentation, Foundation serves as a reminder that big things can come in small packages, and to radically rethink more ways as to how to maximize the utility of MVs.

Hometown: Denver


FRAGMENTS art project crew and friends camp!

URL: Hometown: Paris france

Freak Akademy

Welcome to the Freak Akademy, students. We here at the Akademy believe in a completely open and inclusive learning space for all things freaky. With our wide variety of random classes and top Fakulty we can make sure you will be a Certified Freak (TM) by the end of the burn.

Our class room is open 25\8. In fact, our Fakulty will hold office hours randomly so those looking to suck up and get some “extra credit” will have ample opportunity to get a-head.
Come by every morning from 9-12 for black coffee and Kahlua in our “teachers’ lounge hour”. Because no one should ever start a school day sober!

Hometown: USA/Israel/Mexico

Freaks United Karma Collective

FUKC – Freaks United Karma Collective: Wave down one of our three bike-carts: Chai Tea Cart, Good Will Helping Cart, and Massage-Rama Cart. We’re bring our gifts and services to you. Or, Bring your vocal cords, your musical instrument or grab one of ours and come jam at our stage.

Hometown: Davis

Free Photography Zone

For 23 years the FPZ has been photographing and giving prints to each person photographed at BM. Everyone, all ages, orientations and backgrounds are welcome and you will be photographed in a studio setting in black and white. Each person gets an instant print as the tangible reminder of their time and moment at BM. Don’t miss out on this if you are a real participant of Burning Man.

Hometown: Santa Clara, CA

Freedom Lounge

FREEDOM LOUNGE – A MYSTICAL DAY SPA FOR THE SOUL AND SPIRIT – FINDING THE GOLD IN YOU. Come hang around some positive space and people. Sit on our front porch or inside the tent, allow yourself to be enlightened and reset! Receive healing from sound, engage in drum circles and drink some fresh home made herbal tea!

Hometown: Los Angeles

FreeStyle Palace

FreeStyle Palace 2019: Playa Talent Incubator.
Now in its second decade, a collaborative music play space and sound stage featuring open jams, hip hop, nightly DJ sets and live performance shows from sunset to about 2:00 am. Our stage and our microphones are open to all comers. Part alchemy and part black magic, FreeStyle Palace is an amalgam of sophisticated and authentic Urban Underground music and culture forged by the heat of the Black Rock Desert and polished by the collective talent of the Burning Man Community.

Hometown: Mountain View, CA; Berkeley, CA; Portland, OR

French Maid Brigade

The French Maid Brigade is a long standing camp on the Playa, going on 19 years! Our membership is as diverse as they come, and our camp is always friendly to old friends and newcomers alike. Open to the community is our chill space, adjacent to our modest but gorgeously outfitted “French boudoir” inspired meeting spot. Come play toss games in our petite “center camp.” And because so many of our members our musicians (of the acoustic variety), visitors can often expect a sing along in the mornings over coffee, or in the evenings circled around our numerous and colorful solar blinky lights. Come to the French Maid Parade on Thursday, or one of our special events: cleanse your spirit with sound healing, get an Ayurvedic head massage, or visit Santa for Christmas on the Playa.

Hometown: Santa Cruz mostly, some Southern California, some Tahoe area.

French Manila

Lovers of trolls, family vibes, and cloud art cars.

Hometown: Brooklyn & San Francisco

Fresh Squeezed!

Art & Lemonade since 2006. Come join us for ice cold lemonade and group painting.

URL: Hometown: Portland

Freshen Up

A respite from the blazing summer sun. We offer a place to reinvigorate, relax and meet new friends. Freshen up with an essential oil infused frosty washcloth, a glass of fresh fruit-infused ice water or ice tea and relax on our comfy sofas and assorted seating options under a cool breeze. You may also freshen your hair, body or teeth with our disposable personal care essentials.

Hometown: Sacramento

Friend Manufacturing Cooperative

Need a friend? Friend Manufacturing Cooperative is Black Rock City’s preeminent producer of ready-to-wear and bespoke friendships. Swing by to share stories, drink coffee, or travel through time.

Hometown: Black Rock City

Friend SHIP

Shwashbucklers, Pirate Loners, and Social Captains, we RADICALLY salute and invite you all to visit our friendly camp! Whether you came to Burning Man alone, or want to meet new people outside of your camp, our space is one that is open, comfortable, and encouraging of new interactions and connections. Set sail with Friend SHIP on a journey of new friendships, Pirate Slur (ARRRRRR!), live DJs (not just house music), a bar, and interactive events.

Hometown: Las Vegas, NV


We’re all about having a light-hearted good time! We play mostly 70s/80s/90s songs and mashups at our parties, and you WILL have fun. Love Hamilton? Come to our Hamilton soundtrack party on Tuesday afternoon! Learn new skills at the seminars we have, and by all means, come get deeply weird with us on Weirdout Wednesday! And if you’re looking to fwed (friend-wed) your bestie or lover, our Fwedding Chapel is the place to do it. Rum Ham!

Hometown: San Francisco


We have many customs and traditions for celebrating and recognizing romantic relationships. However, friendships are often longer lasting and as strong as many marriages, and yet we often don’t spend the time to celebrate and honor those relationships.

What if Friends could get “Friendgaged”? What if they could commit to each other in ceremony? Wouldn’t it be a better world if Friends more often expressed their dedication and love to one another?

Friendlandia is a place to celebrate new and long-time Friendships in ceremony by sharing vows, exchanging Friendship Bracelets, and expressing love for the friends in your life. Come have a ceremony at our Temple of Friendgagement, exchange vows and Friendship Bracelets, and become BFFs–Burner Friends Forever.

Hometown: San Francisco

Friends United (FU)

Come learn the basics of flow arts, hooping, and aerial performances.

Hometown: Los Angeles and Denver

Friends Without Fucking Benefits!

Come enjoy the best iced tea on the playa! Our tea dragon will serve you nothing but the best! If tea isn’t your thing, jump into our swim up ball pit bar and have a drink! Or just lounge with us in our hammock! Come evening time we have card and board games if you’d like to chill with us!

Hometown: Vancouver BC + Seattle WA

Friendzied Serenity

A Chill Lounge in the Suburbs
Come relax in the shade and try one of the special “Kiwi” drinks away from the hustle & bustle of the Esplanade
Check out our daily events – from Bike Repairs to Arts & Crafts to Dance Lessons and more!

URL: Hometown: Vancouver

Friki Tiki

We’re Friki and we Tiki

Hometown: San Francisco

Frog Camp

Frog Camp invites you to stop by and light up your bike. We have safety lighting and fun lighting. While you’re there, you might enjoy adding some decoration to your bike as well. Kids, you are welcome to bring your parents. Parents, you are welcome to bring your kids.

Hometown: Montreal


Frogma is the little theme camp that could, where everyone is your friend and neighbor! Hop on over to our lily pads Monday and Friday at 5:00pm for BRC’s one and only Hoppy Hour. Serving up ice cold slushy Frogaritas in our dome sweet dome. You’re guaranteed to make a rainbow of connections.

Hometown: SF, LA, Mammoth, London & Vancouver

Frothin' Weirdos

A group of international miscreants gathered together to celebrate and share the weirdness of life. The weirder the better!!

URL: Hometown: Everywhere

Frozen Oasis

Frozen Oasis Lounge
-Home of the Black Rock Philharmonic
Shelter from the storm and relax under the misters with a frozen yummy slushy drink and a live classical music performance by the Black Rock Philharmonic

URL: Hometown: Oakland

Fuck Yeah!

Hometown: Lake Tahoe

Fukkit itz fyne

Marley’s Camp invites you to our Martini Bar that brings the simple elegance of a classic cocktail to the desert for Burners weary of sweet alcoholic punch. We offer delicious dry and dirty gin martinis for the community in the early evening, to take the edge off the heat and welcome the evening.
Our small cocktail lounge will operate on two evenings, from 6pm to 9pm. We encourage the community to view our eclectic mutant vehicle, Marley The Playa Copter, and hang out in our desert camo shade structure, and have an ice-cold martini.

Hometown: Kansas City

Fun Yay Fun

By day, we provide adventures & games in our Fun Booth.
By night, we’re Black Rock City’s only theme camp haunted by the ghost of Patrick Swayze.

Hometown: San Francisco

Funky Monkey Camp

Furthering Funky Merriment of Maniacal Monkeys Everywhere!

Hometown: Truckee, CA, Durango, CO, Los Angeles, CA, Reno, NV, Sacramento, CA, Burlington, Ontario

Funky Town

Funky Town is a welcoming, neighborhood corner of Black Rock City with funky, groovy, sexy beats; sensational cocktails; we invite you to bring over a chair and chill and connect with your fellow citizens of Black Rock.

URL: Hometown: Bozeman/San Fran

FUNnel Vision

We create an atmosphere for our community to funnel their thoughts and experiences through stories; the gift that keeps on giving! We all have something to share whether it’s a joke we love to tell, a story passed down through generations, an infamous shenanigan story among friends, or a happenchance life-changing interaction at burning man. The beauty of stories is that each one is unique and the forms they take on are endless – jokes, songs, dances, and improvisation, etc. It’s the ability to draw from one’s experience and let your imagination run wild and free through the use of words and actions.

URL: Hometown: San Francisco


We are a camp of furries interested in anthropomorphic art, culture, and generally having fun.

URL: Hometown: San Francisco Bay Area

Fur Dome

Fur Dome and Sanctuary

URL: Hometown: Stockton


FURngully is a completely immersive experience taking its explorers on a relaxing journey to another planet. To complete your quest of Fucking Unreal Relaxation (FUR) you must use all five senses to guide your way through the dense jungles of FURngully. Using your sense of touch, feel your way around the ground and the under layers of the jungle enjoying all things fur. An ambient glow of purple and blue lights illuminate artful creations that resemble plants found in the jungles on Earth but are strangely inspiring and different… some of them even have candied fruits on them that are absolutely delightful to the tongue and its favorite buds. The siren sounds of FURngully; however, are the most dangerous to the freest of souls.

URL: Hometown: Sacramento

Furniture Car Rally Camp

Furniture Car Rally Camp is a welcoming place for all Furniture Car Owners, Operators, and Enthusiasts.

URL: Hometown: San Francisco

Future of Energy & GeoEngineering

The Future of Energy and GeoEngineering camp is meant to provide discussion opportunities to learn more about energy production and infrastructure, and how we can deal with climate change that we’ve already caused. Specific focuses are on battery-electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles and generators, grid-scale energy production and storage, and geoengineering topics to reverse damage from climate change.

Hometown: Boston, MA, USA

Fuzz Patrol

Fuzz Patrol is back in 2019! For Metamorphosis we are digging deep to bring the laidback flavor of fuzz to the Playa.

Fuzzy purple

Hometown: Ramenskoye