The Jackrabbit Speaks

Subscribe to the Jackrabbit Speaks Newsletter for Black Rock City Ticket Updates & News About All Things Burning Man

Waiting for the latest ticketing and other news about Black Rock City and Burning Man? You’ll always find it here first — in Burning Man Project’s newsletter, the Jackrabbit Speaks. 


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Submit a Post Request

Want to submit a post request for consideration? Fill out this form.

Explore the JRS Archives

See our archive of past issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I ensure the Jackrabbit Speaks isn't getting stuck in my spam trap?

A. Look up and follow the instructions on how to configure your junk mail folder or spam trap for your particular email service provider. Make sure that is allowed (or white-listed).
Q. How do I change which email address I'm subscribed with?

A. Unsubscribe your old email address, and subscribe your new one.

Q. How do I get my announcement posted to the Jackrabbit Speaks newsletter?


A. Fill out our Post Request Submission Form, and the rabbits will consider your post for inclusion.

Q. Can I submit a post request by emailing you guys?

A. Nope. Well, technically you CAN, but it will be ignored and deleted. For real. So don’t. Use the form.

Q. What is an appropriate post for the Jackrabbit Speaks newsletter?

A. The JRS is the primary mouthpiece for the Burning Man community. There are currently more than 220,000 subscribers on the list, and the last thing we want to do is waste their precious inbox space and attention span. Thus, we only include posts that are: of broad and diverse interest, relevance, and importance to that audience; accessible to Burners worldwide; hosted on a reliable platform (if online); accepted by our discerning rabbit editors. We reserve the right to post or not post anything.

Q. Will you post my fundraiser?

A. While there are a great deal of worthy Burner causes to support, we only have the capacity to publish projects that will have an impact on the Burning Man community at large, or ones that, in our opinion, are of special interest to the whole community. If your project doesn’t quite fit that description, consider submitting to your local Regional Network contact, or , you are welcome to submit your fundraiser for inclusion on our Support a Project page.

Q. What types of posts are appropriate for your Support a Project category?

A. We use this section to promote select fundraisers (see above), and call-outs for support through participation, material donations and volunteering for your project. Alternatively, we encourage you to post your project needs (or skills you’re offering) on our Spark system.

Q. Will you post my local event in Events & Happenings?

A. Since we write for a global audience, we unfortunately cannot share very regional, local, in-person events unless they are both accessible to our community around the globe and reflective of Burning Man’s culture and impact in the world. If your event doesn’t match that description, we encourage you to submit to your local Regional Network contact for inclusion in their lists, or hop onto the Spark system and find people looking to connect and collaborate across all fields of endeavor.

Q. Will you post my virtual event in Events & Happenings?

A. Maybe! If your virtual event is reflective of Burning Man culture in the world, adheres to the 10 Principles, and is accessible to participants in all timezones around the globe, feel free to submit it for possible inclusion in the Jackrabbit Speaks. And if you have an upcoming live, virtual event that you’d like to share even more broadly with the Burning Man community, Kindling could be just the place. Find out if your event qualifies by visiting the Kindling events portal. Events featured on Kindling are also routinely shared in the Jackrabbit Speaks.

Q. What types of posts are appropriate for your Participate category?

A. We use this section to promote the wide variety of on-playa and off-playa participation opportunities in our community. We love seeing the rich mix of offerings, from the sublime to the ridiculous.