What’s a “Burner”? It’s the common term people use to identify their kinship with Burning Man culture and/or community. Being a Burner is more than attending an event, it’s a way of being in the world. There are myriad ways to connect with other Burners around the world, throughout the year, whether in person, or online.
Connect in the Real World
The Regional Network
Of course, nothing compares to the immediacy of direct personal contact, and your best bet in that department is to find and connect with your local regional group. Each of them will have a mailing list you can join, and a year round calendar of Burner events and activities.

Burners Without Borders
If you’d like to find a way to connect with other Burners while putting your skills and talents to work for the betterment of the world, check out Burners Without Borders. This group takes the Burning Man principles out into the world, through facilitating a variety of coordinated volunteer efforts, from disaster relief (home and abroad) to beach clean-ups to civic actions and more. The opportunities are only limited by YOUR imagination and initiative.
Volunteer for Burning Man
Whatever your skill set or area of interest, Burning Man has year-round volunteer opportunities that will allow you to gift your time to help spread Burning Man culture year-round and to help build Black Rock City. For more information, visit our volunteer page.
Collaborate on a Project
If you want to work on a project (art or otherwise) or find people to work on yours, hop on the Spark system and find people looking to connect and collaborate across all fields of endeavor.
Connect Online
Burning Man Journal
The Burning Man Journal features articles and discussion about Burning Man and Burning Man culture in the world. We maintain an open comment policy there, allowing for a spirited dialog amongst readers around the thoughts, commentary and issues brought up in the blog posts.
The Burning Man Project Facebook Page is a great place for Burners to connect with each other and share their thoughts, ideas, photos, videos, local events, and more.
Burning Man maintains a Twitter Account @burningman that feeds out information about Burning Man and our culture throughout the year. It’s pretty low-traffic, so don’t worry, it won’t blow out your Twitter feed.
If you enjoy connecting with folks through online bulletin board systems, check out the Burning Man ePlaya. The ePlaya community is a group of dedicated Burners who’ve been communicating in that space for years now, so it’s a good idea to poke around and get the lay of the land before jumping in.
If virtual worlds are your thing, there’s a bustling and vibrant Burner community that emerged from the virtual world of Second Life, including an annual BURN2 event and even a “Decompression.”
Explore Burning Man through the eyes of the many talented photographers who capture Black Rock City and our global community in action. You’ll find them in our gallery.