Coming soon.
Dante's In-Flouro
Be part of the Divine Comedy and take an ultra-violet throught the surreal landscapes of Paradise, Purgatory, and the Inferno.
Contact: paradox23@hotmail.comHometown: Yorba Linda, CADead Media Cargo Cult
Cargo cults are about yearning for what was once mundane but is now exotic. Dead media is now exotic.
Contact: zorca@well.comHometown: San Francisco, CADebbie Petting Zoo in the Black Light District Village
Debbie Petting Zoo – (Always Singular!) Travelling the universe to bring joy and BLACK LIGHT! to entities everywhere. We’ve flown in from where we were before in our galaxy-roaming island oasis, floating in the sea of stars as Debbie always has, taking us to gatherings from Mars to Black Rock City. Debbie Petting Zoo is drenched in the BLACK LIGHT! of our home planet, left long ago. As you enter our spaceship, you also become Debbie. Join the 70+ Debbie in the Petting Zoo as we spread the love, light and laughs across the heavens.
Contact: lovcat@tangled.orgHometown: Beverly Hills, CADeep Sea Aquanautics Mausolem
The Deep Sea Aquanautics Mausaleum where we “call the shots as we see ’em”
Contact: ajh@gisnetworks.comHometown: Pasadena, CADepartment of Built Exceptions
The Department of Built Exceptions will have inspectors available for site visits with triplicate forms. Random inspections may occur, inspectors respond to bribes.
Contact: janemartin@shiftdesignstudio.comHometown: San Francisco, CADepartment of Tethered Aviation
Headquarters for kite related activities. Wind powered kinetic art and beautiful tension structures is our bag. An emphasis is placed on “Japanese sensibilities.” Department of Tethered Aviation where anything floats given enough wind. The Floating city where serenity and the wind meet.
Contact: hasakite@nbn.comHometown: Inverness, CADeviant Liquid Latex Lounge
Paint your lover in liquid rubber or paint your own “heart on”!
Try the new “Body Twister” game called Twisted… it’s like the old game of Twister, with a “hands-on” twist. For those of all interests and associations, “From the Mainstream to the Extreme…”
Didj Camp Beyond the Bittersweet Jungle
The place where the human, animal and spirit worlds meld, where dreamtime is reality and reality dreamtime.
Contact: 71533.3620@compuserve.comHometown: Sacramento, CADigital Light Camp
– with Oregon Country Fair
Digital Light Camp, a satellite of Oregon Country Fair Embassy, will feature two giant (24 foot long) full panoramas of Black Rock City from 98 and 99. You can see the panoramas and find yourself in them. In addition, other displays relating to computers, light and photography will be up and others are welcome to participate.
Dionysus… camp filled with love and ecstacy. Understading the Psychology of joy in honor of the Greek God.
Contact: code@jps.netHometown: Mission Viejo, CADirty Liver Lounge
Come by and Detox and Retox in our Poolside/Beach setting and see old friends, as the former members of “Primordial Booze Camp” introduce: The Dirty Liver Lounge… (aka “D.L.L”)
We’ve got the good ol’ BOOZE (juice w/ booze) & OOZE (juice to clean your liver-non-alcoholic), and much more shade with more inflatable fun and tactile pools (“Liverpools”) of beans, balls and who knows what else to please your senses as you lounge around and feed your liver in the, swankiest, chillinest, funkiest place to be on the quiet side of the playa daytime.
Bring a reuseable cup!
Contact: bradnet2000@hotmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CAdistraction
Distraction: come, be mellow, have a pedicure or haircut, sip a mellow juice concoction to soothe your nerves.
Contact: klaasl@hotmail.comHometown: Seattle, WADNA Bead Camp
Come join us as we create a Giant Beaded Cosmic Serpent that symbolizes the bridge between our physical cellular structure (composed of cells with DNA) and our creative spiritual selves (composed of relationships, symbols and beliefs about who we are). When you come: bring your visions, images, stories, icons or any “beads” of wisdom you wish to add to the Great Serpent of which each “bead” you place in the mouth of the snake will represent your DNA and serve to remind all of us of the interconnected matrix we are each a part of.
Contact: rapideye@xmission.comHometown: Salt Lake City, UTDome, A Deer
Camp Dome a Deer wants you to bring your MIDI instruments [or keyboard/drum machine playing knowledge] for some interactive control. Novel MIDI instruments are especially encouraged.
Contact: jsled-bman@asynchronous.orgHometown: Berkeley, CADomexation
Find the blue PVC man and come feel your way through our crawl-thru vagina, dance to nightly sets of trance accompanied by audiovisual delights. Please join us in our on going collective construction of the BurningThing and participate in body paint bartar while partaking in spontaneous photo shoots (you will receive copies).
Contact: innate@wenet.netHometown: Reno, NVDrago de Foc
Mystic Krewe of Satyrs present “Drago de Foc”, a float in the tradion of our Whale, Boeuf Gras, and Phoenix floats of the past three years. It is inspired by the ancient cleansing rituals of fire in medieval Spain and the annual festival known as “Las Fallas” in Valencia, Spain.
Contact: mvaladie@legacycapital.comHometown: New Orleans, LADragon's Spectral Orb Camp
Join the Dragon’s minions as they creat orbs of spectral beauty and listen to the sounds of progressive rock/ jazz. Barter for drinks at the beggars’ bar or chill the late night in our mellow space while listening to mellow sounds while snuggling with friends.
Dream Lounge
What are our dreams, what do they mean, what do dreams tell us about ourselves, our lives, the human spirit? Look inside and find your soul…
Contact: eforst@hotmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CADrumGods Drum & Dance Camp
DrumGods drum and dance camp providing daily drum and dance classes, with West African, Latin and Middle-Eastern rhythms plus nightly drum circles. A central place where Dancers and Drummers can do their thing. A place where you can find them if you need them for your art activity. Where you can drum all nite… And might have to.
URL: happy@drums.orgHometown: Dallas, TXDustfish
Presented by Lord Huckleberry and Opal Essence. Pure Nuts with LOVE!
Contact: elcharro@earthlink.netHometown: San Francisco, CA