Coming soon.
F.U.N. Camp
F.U.N. (Fucked Up Nutrition) Camp has been part of Martini Village for the past 9 years. Come imbibe with alcohol or not; refresh, revive, repeat a bring your own cup!
Hometown: Reno, NVFairy Tale Theater
Interactive photography to manipulate and bend video capture. Watch or be watched!
Hometown: Berkeley, CAFALLOUT SHELTER
Come escape the elements of the Black Rock Metropolis, where we offer shelter, sound, drinks, friendship,and occasional xxx bar game. However,beware the Metropolis Hooligans,who overrun the Fallout Shelter after dark and innocence is ripped away by the loud rock music, rock vids and unforeseen chaos.
As the most advanced company on the planet, False Profit’s most valuable asset is our brand. By harnessing the full potential of our top secret american corporate technology, we will present an environment of delight that is guaranteed to throw the market into flux.
URL: http://false-profit.comHometown: San Francisco, CAFandango
The Fandango Village returns for another year of Total Playa Domination. Stop by for a cocktail at the Slowburn Lounge, drop by for Bootie: BRC, and don’t forget to tune in to the Black Rock Broadcasting Corporation at 99.1FM.
URL: steve.courtney@gmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CAFarmopolis
How can you have a Metropolis without Agriculture? Farmopolis will offer Manchanical Bullriding, The Milk Bottle Bar, The Mellon and Zucchini Patch, HoDowns, Bacon Camp, and daily events to keep you shaking in your Daisy Dukes. Enjoy The Noxious Weed art installation on the open playa!
URL:!/group.php?gid=265676213732&ref=tsContact: pat_64@yahoo.comHometown: Meridian, IDFiasco
Camp Fiasco, home of Spa Fiasco and mutant vehicle Nordic Breeze.
Hometown: Tucson, AZFire and mud
I will bring 1000# of clay to make medallions and burner masks. I will do all the firings i need to fire all pieces with raku glazes.
Contact: klarkraetz@gmail.comHometown: Grass Valley, CAFire Conclave Convergence
Registration, information, meeting place and chill space for fire performers
URL: Reno, NVFixxxation Station
Through the creative and concsious efforts of its members, Fixxxation Station arrives on the Black Rock Playa. Thriving on a common goal of community interactivity: We provide BRC with an environment that stimulates the senses and soul with live music, fire dancing, yoga & interactive art.
URL: http://www.fixxxationstation.orgContact: cat_lessley@yahoo.comHometown: Pollock Pines, CAFlattery Camp
At Flattery Camp we practice the fine art of flattery. We aim for sincerity, originality, humor, hospitality and comfort in the shade. BTW.. You’re looking Fabulous !!
URL: Portland, ORFlowers
Flower Camp – We Love Flowers! Flower Camp grew out of the ashes of the DeepEnd, we love to add color to Black Rock City! Join us at Flower Camp on Thursday night for the Offical No Pants Party, hang your pants on the Flower Dome and drink and dance with us, the most colorful new camp on the playa…
URL: hansel@dustyrhino.comHometown: San Francisco, CAfr0zone
fr0zone is a burning man department camp for all the worker penguins who slave for arctica to play, rest & relax in. for workers only!
Hometown: San Francisco, CAFrank's Kitchens
Frank’s Kitchens: a new adventure from PEX (The Philadelphia Experiment) and Putt-Putt Playa! We’ll be serving up: Kinetic Vehicles, art, dance and music, yoga classes, and FIRE arts!
Hometown: Philadelphia, PAFree Movement Zone
The Free Movement Zone is back and this year we’ve brought: Total Polegasm. Can you DJ? Can you hoop? Can you Spin? Can you POLE?!? Do you think you have what it takes to complete our training circuit? Only Total Polegasm training can prepare you for all your Burning Man adventures!
Contact: burningman@freemovementzone.comHometown: Bellevue, WAFree Photography Zone
Free Photography Zone has been photographing and giving prints to each participant photographed since 1985 creating an archive of approx. 28,000 B&W negatives. Come by our camp for your print and have your portrait made in our studio.
URL: http://www.johnbrennanphoto.comContact: johnbrennanphoto@yahoo.comHometown: Santa Clara, CAfreedom lounge
Freedom is here for you. organic spiritual alignments, dreams, cleansing, true reflections – new identity, drum circles, true community and hospitality
Hometown: Salt Lake City, UTFreeStyle Palace
FreeStyle Palace: Music for the Metropolis. Nightly hip hop shows from sunset to 2:00 am. Our stage and our microphones are open to all singers, rappers and performers: an amalgam of sophisticated and authentic Urban Underground music and culture forged by the heat and polished by the community.
URL: http://www.TripKnight.comContact: info@tripknight.comHometown: Palo Alto, CAFrench Maid Brigade
Black Rock French Maids. We work very hard to remove the dust from all body parts, cracks and crevices!
Contact: kyer@kyerphotography.comHometown: Santa Cruz, CAFrogma
Frogma is the little theme camp that could, where everyone is your friend and neighbor! Hop on over to our lily pads Monday through Thursday at 5:00pm for BRC’s one and only Hoppy Hour. Serving up ice cold slushy Frogaritas in our dome sweet dome. You’re guaranteed to make a rainbow of connections.
Hometown: San Francisco, CAFTB+C
The First Transdimensional Bank and Church offers an expanded range of metafiscal services in 2010. Visit our KTM to check your balance, stop by with your chosen partner(s) for a psychofinancial wedding experience, and rise up with our Full Solar Salvation Music Series each afternoon at 4:33.
URL: http://www.ftb-brc.orgHometown: Scotia, NYFuck Your Guilt
F*** Your Guilt Camp includes the Liquored Lantern a full service bar featuring theme nights, (wild west attire, safety vests, superhero) completely random hours, and it accepts donations of alcohol, water, sexy underwear, wild tales and insults.
URL: Edmonton, ALBERTAFunky Town
Party from dusk till dawn… Mountain metropolis meets the desert… Booty shaken music… Get your groove on!
Contact: funkytownbmp@googlegroups.comHometown: Bozeman, MTFUR
FUR is a camp of furries dedicated to bringing Anthropomorphic Art and Culture to Black Rock City.
Contact: sfaaron26@yahoo.comHometown: Oakland, CAFURNITURE CAR RALLY!!!
FURNITURE CAR RALLY CAMP is a haven for furniture car afficionados, aspiring wannabes, and enthusiasts. It is a pit stop where weary furniture cars and their passengers can seek comfort, comraderie, and advice. Come one, come all Thursday afternoon at 3 pm to our mobil furniture rally!
URL: http://mobilesofa.comHometown: San Francisco, CAFusion Valley
We’ll have couches, Internet Cafe, music, arcade games, popcorn, & much more under our carpeted shade. We also have black light art, w/many paintings on display. We’ll have a drive-in theater in our camp, So stop by at night with your art car! Don’t forget to check out our “flash wall” and strobe!!
URL: taz@burningman.comHometown: Gerlach, NVFuzz Patrol
Fantastic fuzzaliscious fun friends for fully foolish festivities! Furget flippin flapjacks, frolic forward feet first finding Fuzz-Patrol’s fabulous flammable fantasy factory… furkers 🙂
Contact: fuzzpatrollers@gmail.comHometown: Santa Cruz, CA