This is NOT a list of officially accepted or placed Theme Camps. It’s a preview of what you’ll find when you get to Black Rock City.
This is the list of Theme Camps who submitted a Placed Camp Questionnaire requesting placement in Black Rock City’s reserved sections for this year and want to be listed publicly.
Placement is announced in Early July. These are the camps Placement is reviewing. To find out what camps did receive placement look through the Playa Info Directory in Center Camp.
To find camps not included on the BRC Map or to find camps that chose not to be listed, you’ll just have to get lucky.
2017 Camps
Galactic Labyrinth
A sacred space where one can journey to the center of their deepest self and back out on to the playa with a profound understanding of who they are. The labyrinth is a model and reminder that we are all on a path and exactly where we need to be.
URL: Hometown: WorldwideGalapagos
Dive into our colorful tropical island and sea environment featuring Darwin the turtle dome, Glitz the interactive LED jellyfish, and a huge double-seater swing!
Hometown: San FranciscoGallavant
Ahoy from the Pirates of the Playa (infamous creators of the Mutant Vehicle, USS Nevada)…look for us “Gallavanting” around the playa spreading fun and adventure! Visit us, enjoy all the interactivity & hospitality we offer and hop a ride on a Mutant Vehicle!
Contact: Hometown: RenoGallery BRC
Gallery BRC
Concious, Visionary Art Gallery celebrating Life, Love, and the Playa.
Visit to enjoy events, workshops, and yoga
Game Over
Got Special Occasion? We got you. Come spend few hours at our reception camp – we got bar, cool space and photography services.
Hometown: ConcordGaylactic Invaders
Gaylactic Invaders Village is returnig to the playa in search of intergalactic love slaves. Out-of-this-world aerial performances, beverages, and workshops held throughout the burn. Resistance is futile – stop by and be assimilated!
URL: Hometown: Joshua Tree and San DiegoGender Blender
Boy? Girl? Ze? Unidentified? You decide. Gender Blender is a safe haven for those bending and blending gender norms. We create safer spaces for Trans, genderqueers, & gender non-conformers. We provide a welcoming place for those curious about gender play, mixing up one’s gender for the first time, and general discussions on how gender impacts our lives. We are a gender conscious open loving community that loves sparkles, theatrics, drag, running anti-oppression workshops, and making queer smoothies on playa.
Check us out at
Genital Portrait Studio
Genital Portrait Studio, the playa’s premier genital photography studio since 2000, celebrates genitalia as glorious and beautiful. Welcoming to all genders, we invite you to capture your most intimate side in a keepsake laminated ID badge.
URL: Hometown: San FranciscoGet-Your-Hair-Did Café
A place for people of all ages, ethnicities and lifestyles to sit for a spell and have an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink, and jump away on our trampoline! Also, we are giving away hair products for People of Color! All others are encouraged to bring your own hair products and use our mirrors to create fabulous hairstyles. We encourage conversation and meeting new people, and obviously, interesting hair.
Hometown: New YorkGhost Town
Ghost Spirits Bar is here for your thirsty needs. Come try our glorious cocktails and games.
URL: Hometown: TacomaGiants' Workshop
Learning, sharing and exploration stemming from solution-oriented, positive thinking and an unguided, free social environment. Even giants feel small when they gaze at the stars…
Hometown: High FallsGigsville
Gigsville is one of the oldest villages on the Playa. This year we’re celebrating our 20th Anniversary and we invite you to join us for fire, fun, and good old fashion jackassery. You’ll find us gathered around the car that’s on fire in the center of camp. No ocelots or other violations of the Gigsville Code of Conduct are allowed.
URL: Contact: Hometown: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Austin, Houston, and New York CityGiraffic Park
On an island unbeknownst to the world of man…..GIRAFFIC PARK. lounge 15ft in the air suspended in the midst of our Giraffic Gym, or swing and frolic in the shade. Who knows what lurks behind the next bend, but assuage your fears while sipping a craft beer. Warm yourself at our fire and keep the shadows at bay giiiiiraaaaafffiiiic paaaaaaark!!!! (21 and up at the bar)
Hometown: San FranciscoGLAMCOCKS
GlamCocks is a global family that was started at Burning Man and is dedicated to gifting experiences that bring people together to find inspiration, explore their creativity, and express their fabulous, authentic selves. We believe that creativity, authenticity, and love for yourself and others are critical to having meaningful connections that make life fulfilling, with a spirit of GLAM!
URL: Hometown: BrooklynGlorious Chairman Meow
Glorious Chairman Meow provides customizable LED bicycle flags to the grateful citizens of Black Rock City during our LED bicycle flag creation stations. We seek to end the barbaric practice of bikicide: carelessly abandoning one’s innocent bike to wither and die on the playa.
URL: Hometown: san franciscoGlory Whole
The camp Glory Whole’s intention is to give this chance to the burning man community to experience the world, and interact with one another in a unique and novel fashion. We believe burning man is a safe place for everyone to express her/himself, connect, and learn about themselves, and others, in uncommon ways.
By limiting visual senses of participants, Glory Whole experience causes mind to start exploring the world in a different way. Our brain creates a version of reality as it pleases. So many of participants in Glory Whole mention the interactivity is an unknown, and meanwhile stimulating journey through stimulation of all sensory feeling.
URL: Contact: Hometown: San FranciscoGlowskull Asylum Int'l
Craving some good headbanging and want to meet exotic misfits from random places all over the world? Our bar SkØllushery and art car “Castle Glowskull” will be hosting mischief, ultra-violence, and METAL (and other forms of rock) daily!
Hometown: TallinngNarnia
gNarnia is a small camp that offers cold brew coffee and iced matcha green tea to the people of the Playa Monday through Friday from 9:30am- 2:30pm. Enter through the wardrobe, stay and be enchanted!
Hometown: Los AngelesGnome Camp
Gnome Camp is the home and refuge for an unheralded breed of desert-loving gnome. Hailing from shrinking urban green space on two coasts, we gather once a year to propagate our species through gnome adoptions and conversions, and to share our traditions of mischievous merrymaking.
Hometown: San FranciscoGolden Cafe
Celebrating its 15th year, the Golden Cafe is your home on the playa for exotic cocktails, home infused liquors, and live music since 2003. Swing by for elegant libations served in real glassware, jam with our house band, and sample strange infusions from our cellars. Donations of liquor and mixers keep the party going, and there may be something new in store this time around…
URL: Contact: Hometown: Los AngelesGonzo Village
Gonzo Village includes Bat Country, MiscreANTs, and Fort Yeah. The seemingly least helpful but knowingly most fun camps found each other and combined. Hail Krondor.
Hometown: Salt Lake City, San Diego, Arizona, New Mexico, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Washington DC, North Carolina, Germany, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, TorontoGRAVITY
Step into a digital realm of perceptual vastness, defying the physical and mental limitations of your perceived reality. Gravitate towards your dream experience in one of many time and space altering attractions. You will surely find your true center of gravity here.
An engaging, interactive sensory experience of the highest order, Gravity tickles your curiosity and opens new doors of perception.
Deep house, progressive, and downtempo DJs with ice cold drinks daily.
URL: Contact: Hometown: San FranciscoGrease Fairies Local-77
Grease Fairies pop culture year. Listen, look, reach out and touch someone.
URL: Hometown: PortlandGreeters Camp
Contact: greeters@burningman.orgGreeters Station
Contact: greeters@burningman.orgGroove Oasis
We are Groove Oasis, a soul family united by our love for music, movement, and magic. We teach dance classes throughout the week and all are welcome. In the spirit of celebration we’re throwing a party Wednesday night for all seeking Rejuvenation, Connection, Discovery, and Celebration.
URL: Contact: Hometown: San FranciscoGrotto Quattuor Elementa
Grotto Quattuor Elementa – A shrine to the four elements and a pilgrimage site on the sacred road to the burning man. See the creation mural, partake of the elements, pronounce a blessing or a curse. Balance your elements, increase your karma, and grow your sense of humor.
Hometown: Pacific Grove, CA and Raleigh, NCGummy Bear Pyramid Camp
We are the art support camp for the Gummy Bear Pyramid.
Come say hi if you want to meet the gummy bear crew!
We want to recreate the atmosphere of the gymnasium in its original, Ancient Greek meaning, as a facility for training and competition in public games, as well as a place for socializing and engaging in intellectual pursuits. The term originates from the word [gymnós] meaning “naked”, because historically in Ancient Greece one exercised naked, and we would like to revive this aspect too, as we think that by doing athletic and fun activities naked, participants will experience bonding aspect of such events stronger.
URL: Kitties
Gypsy Kitties Anubis Afterlife Lounge. Come try our Scale of Truth, experience Entombment, Afterlife and enjoy some juicy grog.
URL: Hometown: Vashon Jackson Hole EnglandGypsy Nebula Village
The Gypsy Monkeys, the BRC Boardwalk, Bad Lands cantina, Morning Cock ‘n Tails and Kinkos are going polycamperous for Burning Man 2017! Come by and get your fortune told, make a sock monkey or adopt a mutant monkey, have a mimosa or a coffee and then a shaved ice then ride the giant cock if you dare, all in one convenient place.
URL: Hometown: The Gypsy Nebula