Coming soon.
K-Svert 106.5FM Radio & Stage
K-Svert 106.5 FM provides the good citizens of Black Rock City a voice, a venue, an outlet for creativity in the form of not only radio waves, but also a professional quality performance stage that is open to any and all who wish to share their talents with the masses. K-Svert is your spot on the radio dial to keep in touch with the happenings in our fair city. At night the stage comes alive with performance, shadow dancing, artistic visuals and spectacle. A feast for the eyes and ears! Located on the Esplanade, look for the 50 foot broadcast tower.
URL: http://www.k-svert.comContact: maquino@ihot.comHometown: Sunnyvale, CAKamera Sutra
Bring your kamera and take your picture (along with your Burner buddies) with your faces in painted panels depicting the top five Kama Sutra positions (as voted on by the camp providers). See how you look in a new position you might like to try (thatÂ’s Evolution) or if it looks familiar, refresh your memory for another go soon.
Hometown: Seattle, WAKAmp kaLE
Why Kale? Because it’s good for you. green beverages in the afternoon with minimal techno to jazz the soul.
Contact: kampkale@convivian.comHometown: Brighton, MAKamp Kammaniwannalaya
Kamp Kammaniwannalaya is a loose knit group of friends and family that enjoy and share the love of life and all it has to offer. We try our best to give back to the community all the joys we have recieved over the years.
Contact: slt_ppy_@hdo.netHometown: Alturas, CAKamp Suckie Fuckaye
Kamp Suckie Fuckaye! Home of the Official Black Rock City Garnish fire conclave and the Suck and Fuck Saloon. Ground zero for KSF The Search For Neptune! Drink water… Suckie Fuckaaaaaaye!
URL: http://Kampsuckiefuckaye.comContact: KSFGarnish@gmail.comHometown: Beaverton , ORKanuckistan Research Station
Sexy gnarly science for make benefit glorious nation of Kanuckistan. “omne ignotum pro magnifico” — “everything unknown appears magnificent” Featuring Porno the Clown’s Super Sex Freaks Side Show, Old Country Vodka Snorting Bar, 5th annual Xeni Cup street hockey tournament.
URL: krs@kanuckistan.caHometown: Calgary, ABKaPilina
1)Ka Pilina is the Hawaii Regional Camp. Come here if you’re a Hawaii Burner, or want to know Hawaii Burners! Potluck luau on Friday.
URL: http://www.kapilina.orgHometown: Kekaha, HIKarma Chickens, The
Karma Chickens are all about sharing knowledge and experience! We grill delicious meals and serve refreshing drinks in our 25-foot dome. We teach juggling, swing dancing, belly dancing, grey water management, conduct pillow fights, paint, play acoustic and amplified music and more!
URL: karmachickens@plunk.orgHometown: San Jose, CAKegel Kamp and Jewelry Exchange
Exercise your PCs! Can you peg the Kegel-O-Meter? New this year: Kegel Pong Video Game! Compete for valuable bragging rights! Exchange a piece of jewelry or just stop by for some tea.
Contact: dwhedges@hotmail.comHometown: San Jose, CAKentucky Fried Camp
This will be the second year for Kentucky Fried to liven the mornings with Bourbon, Moonshine and our delicious smoked, fried Baloney Sandwiches. We served over 2000 last year. What better way to start your day than getting Fried the KFC way! Starting 9 AM each day.
Contact: tiggertoo1@me.comHometown: Lexington, KYKidsVille
KidsVille is THE place for children of all ages. We are a group of diverse families creating a unique space for play and other activities. Families with children 0-17 years of age are welcome to camp with us if they are pre-registered. Registration deadline is August 1st, 2009.
URL: http://blackrockkids.orgContact: DasBus@gmail.comHometown: Bullhead City, AZKimchi Camp
Kimchi Camp 2009 – Now with more kimchi! Heard of kimchi? Kimchi is a korean dish similar to sauerkraut but better tasting and smelling. Its ingredients are varied but it is always fermented. Come visit us for a DIY guide to making your own and maybe sample some if you dare.
Hometown: Vancouver, BCkink'os
Get a postcard made and mailed while you hang out in our fun and spanky camp!
Contact: tibet_88@yahoo.comHometown: Eugene, ORKnarly Carnival
The Knarly Carnival is back again this year with our Big Moroccon Tent, a great shade from the sun and cool place to hang out and of course The Ice Cold Hard Cider, not to forget the smoked turkeys and soup!
Hometown: Santa Barbara, CAKostume Kult
In NYrvana Village, visit our Mutation Station kostume dome. Transformations by day, absurdity around the clock. Video, performances & evolutionary art. Costume recycling with your help (on playa or email us.). Costuming the naked since 2001…
URL: http://www.kostumekult.comContact: ilya.cb@gmail.comHometown: Brooklyn, NYKrewe of Papa Legba
The Krewe of Papa Legba will provide on-playa text messaging and LIMITED cellular service over parts of BRC. If you are interested in “community telephony” (or just want to see what a hand-crafted cellular base station looks like) please stop by for a visit.
URL: http://openbts.sf.netHometown: Fairfield, CA