Coming soon.
ZanZibar Lounge & Bar
Returning again, bringing lots of requested Playa love back. If you have a playa mood necklace, you already know us from the past 8 years! Come have a drink, dance, relax, whatever and enjoy what we’re spinning and chill in our beautiful Moroccan bar and lounge.
URL: http://zanzibarcamp.wetpaint.comContact: Portland, ORZenbobway
Zenbobway. Stop. Open your eyes. Stop. Open your mind. Stop. Think. Stop thinking. Enjoy.
Hometown: Los Angeles, CAZOMBEEZ
An undead shit-show with an predilection for beez. Come join in on the grotesque debauchery. Lurch by the Crypt during the undead hours to resurrect your passion for brainz, booze, and beez. Warning: super sloppy fun times await you. (High-five!)
Hometown: Calgary, ABZondernaam
Community Closet and Chill Space. We have a colorful shady daytime oasis (complete with Reclinerator), for relaxing to lounge music and enjoying good company. Our daytime Community Closet rack is full of crazy sparkly shiny sexy items…and our motto is, “Take a piece, leave a hug!”
Contact: start@oz.netHometown: Maple Valley, WAZookeeprz Camp
The Zookeeprz of Missoula Montana is a core group of friends and family representing heavy bass and party culture for the Zootown (Missoula MT) Massif.
Contact: milkcratemechanic@gmail.comHometown: Missoula, MT