Coming soon.
Camp Wabi is a comforting home base for new friends and a jumping point for adventures which will lead you all across the playa to amazing wonders you’ve never imagined! Come for stories, puzzles, and friendship!
Contact: sexywabi@gmail.comHometown: Seattle, WAWander's Camp, The
Our Camp is an oasis on the playa for the Wandering Burner who happens upon our camp and finds HUGS, Hot Dogs, Sacred G, Sacred L.O.V.E. Readings and Energy Healing Sessions. We also provide information about the Black Rock’s early inhabitants/explorers/wanders, provided on a kiosk for all to enjoy!
URL: http://www.jeffreywenner.comContact: bodie992000@yahoo.comHometown: Reno, NVWant It
Want It understands more than anything what it is to desire. We are a camp that celebrates wanting and the importance that desire places as a driving force in life. Push it further. Want it harder. Want It!
Contact: campwantit@gmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CAWearYourFunkyHatPantsCamp
What are funkyhatpants? I dunno, just wear them!
Contact: pettipa2@unr.nevada.eduHometown: Reno, NVWhere's Waldo? Camp
Howdy all you Playa Goers!!! Join your old pal Waldo as he adventures through the wacky wonderland of Black Rock City. The search is on! Have YOU found Waldo yet?
Hometown: San Francisco, CAWhiskey & Whores Saloon
We got whiskey…we got whores…what else do you f-ing need?! Saunter on in to spin our wheel of misfortune and give us a big yee-haw for a shot that’ll rot your gut. Driving a MV? Pull in out front for Tillie’s Service Station: Performing Services for Art Cars. Let us get you & your riders pumped!
Contact: whiskeyandwhoressaloon@gmail.comHometown: Brooklyn, NYWhiskey Lounge
It’s a barrel of monkeys! Two oak barrels and a whiskey buffet.
URL: http://whiskeylounge.orgContact: singlemaltjackers@gmail.comHometown: Plano, TXWhisky and Dust @ Mile High Club
Whisky and Dust is a theme camp at the 2009 Burning man event. This is the new evolutionary concept of the Mile High Club. The Concept is simple. Capitalize on what the Burning Man community desires more of (Yoga, Healing, and amazing hand Jobs). At the same time be challenging and creative to show the community something, anything, new and different. The Ladder might prove to be the hardest to accomplish.
URL: weaselptljr@hotmail.comHometown: Denver , COWhite Dragon Noodle Bar
We will serve stunningly delicious noodles with shiitake mushrooms every day at sundown. Come explore our surly attitudes and dangerous drinks. Fire our burn-off tower. Learn to sumo. View the whole city from our tower.
URL: poeslacker@gmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CAWhite Light Warrior
White Light Warrior is an interactive camp utilizing “Vehicles of Ascension” designed to allow one to comfortably leave his body, with re-entry being optional. An individual is able to create his own time and space in a relaxed position, and return to a Gala Event; Burning Man ’09
URL: http://whitelightwarrior.comContact: kdftfd@yahoo.comHometown: Malibu, CAWhiteTrashSuperstars F**K yr couch
All are welcome to come by and pimp out your cup with some bling! Enjoy our white trash lemonade, while being entertained by your fellow burners on our community stage. We have shade and couches to escape the heat of the day. We have All types of music playing. p.s. Fuck your couch!!! )'(
Hometown: Reno, NVWindbinge
Keeping close contact to the basic elements of the Playan environment An Ode to Wind We have wind caps, head wraps that keep that dust out. Stop by for a soothing vinegar foot soak and fresh squeezed lemonade. Forward thinking evolutionists, stop by to discuss educational philosophy. Swirly & Shade
Contact: windbinge@gmail.comHometown: Dana Point, CAWinterland
Winterland ~ An Evocative Grateful Dead Theme Camp
Contact: sundog@mwt.netHometown: Westby, WIWishing Star
Wish upon a Star! Come to Wishing Star Camp and make a Wish that will burn in the Temple to join the Stars in the heavens. Will you Wish for something for yourself? A friend? Money/Fame/Power? Health/Love/Knowledge/Peace? That special friend? A long hot shower? We Wish you positive intentions…
Contact: sierraskies@gmail.comHometown: Bishop, CAwomb, The
Cats get cosy in the womb. bring your own bowl!
Contact: the-womb-themecamp@googlegroups.comHometown: Oslo, N/AWorld Evolution Discoasis
The World Evolution Discoasis is here to seek out the future of imbibing. Futuristic interactive drinking games will play an integral part of the spring break carnival fun nestled away in our oasis. What will coney island be like ten thousand years from now?
Contact: ryanthemcmac@yahoo.comHometown: Los Angeles, CAworld pece
the camp is called world peace
Contact: tristenbertrand@sbcglobal.netHometown: Sun Valley, NVWorld Wide Wall
Wall for Evolution welcome you to express all you thoughts, wishes, angst & dreams on the street art wall of BRC. Street art and music during the day, vj’s, dj’s and life band during the nights. Come over to keep a trace of your passage on the BRC’s Wall. jeremie (at) trafik (dot) be
URL: jdegerlache@gmail.comHometown: Brussels, BE