Coming soon.
V-SPoT, The
Discover YOUR V-SPOT!? Find out how to VOLUNTEER at Burning Man! (No advance sign-up required) Just stop by the V-Spot, where our volunteer experts will help you find your ‘special place’ in Black Rock City. Let us show you your V-Spot: this won’t hurt a bit, in fact we’re sure you’ll love it.
URL: rooster@burningman.comHometown: San Francisco, CAVAMP CAMP
Do include in your journey thru BRC a stop at Vamp Camp lounge at night and the Mr. mister lounge during the day. You will be able to enjoy the cool down of the mister lounge and the bidet in the heat of the day and you can enjoy the Vamp Juice and the warm Vamp culdrun at night.
Hometown: Gardnerville, NVVegCamp
How does humanity’s consumption of animals affect evolution? VegCamp invites people to consider the effects of their actions on animals, environment, & humanity. For 2009 we’ve expanded our popular Ask-a-Vegan booth & have videos, lectures, discussions, cooking demos, literature, & interactive art.
URL: http://www.VegCamp.orgContact: info@VegCamp.orgHometown: Santa Cruz, CAVelvet Soulmine
Velvet Soulmine Saloon and Dance Hall is a cozy chill space where you can indulge in Southern hospitality mixed with Western resolve. This year the Soulmine has evolved and devolved, change is in the air. Vodka Party Friday not Saterday, freeky huh.
URL: http://mesabear1967.tripod.comContact: mesabear@hotmail.comHometown: Salt Lake City, UTVibrator Repair Camp
It’s amazing what playa dust can do to your “friend”. Bring that bad-boy to us and we will fix it! Open 24/7, walk-ins welcome, while you wait repairs, loaners. “We service you so that you can service you”. NO BATTERIES!!
Hometown: Vallejo, CAVideogasm
Videogasm featuring independent / experimental video art on our 3 screens, nightly at Snowflake Village. Host of the BRC edition of the 48 Hour Film Project. Home of the renowned spray paint artists, The Spray Dogs. Come by and get tagger! Contact us if you have an original video you’d like to show at our Playa Theatre.
URL: early@videogasm.tvHometown: Woodhaven, MIVietnamese Iced Coffee Camp (VICC)
We serve up a delicious, authentic Vietnamese Iced Coffee Experience in the afternoons – Weds, Thurs, and Fri – the love is stirred right in!
Contact: oakcpk@yahoo.comHometown: Oakland, DEViking Ski Camp
Viking Ski Camp, us lovely kids from Europe (mainly brits) are hosting a Nordic winter wonderland, we have a ski ramp, warm mulled wine in those cold dersert evenings and marauding Viking attitude! Up Helly AA!
Hometown: LondonVinland
In 1003, Leif Erikson founded Vinland, the first European settlement in North America. Though it no longer stands, its descendants live on. Join us at Vinland nightly for mead, fire, story, and song.
Contact: sametz@comcast.netHometown: Seattle, WAVirus camp
Our energy is infectious! We focus on increasing conscious awareness through personal and spiritual growth.
Contact: pumamarco@roadrunner.comHometown: Santa Monica, CAVolcano Worshippers
Volcanic eruptions start with worship. Please come and help us worship by sacrificing yourself on/in our shadow dancing/pole dancing Volacno. “Burning MILF’s” are especially prized in our spiritual work.
Contact: volcanoworshipper@gmail.comHometown: Santa Monica, CAVoted Best Camp
Bring your skateboards, put on your drinking caps, and of course, bring your appetite for destruction. VBC will wet your thirst for whiskey and Punk Rock with the usual romantic accomodations. After dark we are rated R so leave the kiddies back at camp. See you there.
URL: http://votedbestcamp.ning.comContact: votedbestcamp@yahoo.comHometown: Reno, NVVW Bus Camp
Camp with us in your VW bus and evolve, devolve, this our 12th year on the Playa. Visit and ride BusZilla 2, our articulating VW bus based, Mothra fighting, electric/gas late Pleistocene people mover. Return for great hula hooping and beer. We are evolutionary proof that the slowest survive on love!
URL: http://www.vwbuscamp.comContact: campinfo@vwbuscamp.comHometown: Tucson, AZ