This is NOT a list of officially accepted or placed theme camps, it’s a preview of what you’ll find when you get to Black Rock City.
This is the list of Theme Camps who submitted a Placed Camp Questionnaire requesting placement in Black Rock City’s reserved sections for this year and want to be listed publicly.
Placement is announced in Early July. These are the camps Placement is reviewing. To find out what camps did receive placement look through the Playa Info Directory in Center Camp.
To find camps not included on the BRC Map or to find camps that chose not to be listed, you’ll just have to get lucky.
2016 Camps
Galactic Caravan
Fire Muse Circus is the art of life brought to the stage. The story, choreography, and artist’s skills are all tools we use to share the human experience, bringing forth reflections and insights to wellness, purpose, and conscious alignment with the planet.
Our performances are a unique collage of fire dancing, aerial and acrobatic acts, music and visual artistry to create a multi-sensory theater experience.
Contact: Hometown: Salt Lake CityGalactic Cruzaders
LIVE MUSIC. Come jam into the sunset on the roof of a ’93 School Bus. Electric guitars, banjos, bass, full drum kit. You want it, we got it. Black Rock n Roll.
Hometown: Los AngelesGalactic Labyrinth
A sacred space where one can journey to the center of their deepest self and back out on to the playa with a deeper understanding of who they are. The labyrinth is a model and reminder that we are all on a path and exactly where we need to be.
URL: Hometown: San FranciscoGallavant
Ahoy from the Pirates of the Playa (infamous creators of the Mutant Vehicle, USS Nevada). We have the “gall” to “Gallavant” around the playa spreading fun and adventure, so, visit us, enjoy all the interactivity & hospitality we offer and hop a ride on a Mutant Vehicle!
URL: Contact: Hometown: RenoGanesh Camp
Ganesh Camp is a lush retreat for dusty desert denizens. Play volleyball or shoot hoops during the day. Noon-5, Tue-Fri, celebrate and beat the heat in the bar in a large, cool desert tent from India. Interact with the Cosmic Theatre or sit by the fire at
Garden of Geeky Delights
Let out your geeky side in our garden. Chill with board games and e-shishas in our Tushisha and Hooha Lounge, and test your Playamobile tricycle racing skills on our 1:200 scale Formula One racing tracks – a different one each day!
Hometown: ZurichGauchos del Fuego
Gauchos del Fuego brings Latin American culture to mix with other in the Dusty Desert.
We aim to know other burners and co-create together this space, sharing mate, asados and other typical things from our Country while learning songs to sing all together.
URL: Contact: Hometown: Ciudad AureaGears & Beers
Gears & Beers Returns for another round. Come join us for the best beer on the playa, or better yet come learn how to weld!
Tuesdays & Thursdays we will be available to teach you the craft!
Bar is almost always, nearly just about, most of the time…. OPEN!
Hometown: SeattleGeckos
Hometown: San FranciscoGeisha House
Evening ramen and midnight coffee – our traditional geisha house relaxation any time you like!
Hometown: OaklandGender Blender
Boy? Girl? Ze? Unidentified? You decide. Gender Blender is a safe haven for those bending and blending gender norms. We create safer spaces for Trans, genderqueers, & gender non-conformers. We provide a welcoming place for those curious about gender play, mixing up one’s gender for the first time, and general discussions on how gender impacts our lives. We are a gender conscious open loving community that loves sparkles, theatrics, drag, running anti-oppression workshops, and making queer smoothies on playa.
URL: Contact: Hometown: OaklandGenital Portrait Studio
Genital Portrait Studio, the playa’s premier genital photography studio since 2000, celebrates genitalia as glorious and beautiful. Welcoming to all genders, we invite you to capture your most intimate side in a keepsake laminated ID Badge.
URL: Contact: Hometown: San FranciscoGeodesia
Come visit Geodesia and climb our tower for one of the best views in Black Rock City!
Hometown: Olympia, WA/Reno, NVGerlach-Empire Bus Stop & Tickets
Dusty Black Rock Denizens! Help your fellow participants get to town and back on the fun-loving shuttle bus service. Our crew is responsible for selling tickets, answering questions, providing local info and chatting up drivers on the radio over the course of multiple, several hour, mid-day shifts.
The Empire-Gerlach Bus Ticket Office is located on the Center Camp ring road, and offers plenty of people watching, not to mention shelter and shade. We’re looking for people who can work during the day for a responsible job that’s also FUN.
If you’re interested, fill out the Volunteer Questionnaire and check the box Bus Depot.
URL: Contact: Hometown: Black Rock CityGet-Your-Hair-Did Café
A place for people of all ages, ethnicities and lifestyles to sit for a spell and have an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink! Also, we are giving away hair products for Black People! All others are encouraged to bring your own hair products and use our mirrors to create fabulous hairstyles. We encourage conversation and meeting new people, and obviously, interesting hair.
Hometown: New YorkGigsville
Gigsville is one of the oldest villages on the Playa (18 or 19 years old, depending on how you do the math). We’re dedicated to fire, fun, and good old fashion jackassery. You’ll find us gathered around the car that’s on fire in the center of camp. No ocelots or other violations of the Gigsville Code of Conduct are allowed.
URL: Contact: Hometown: Los AngelesGlam Clams
Find your dusty lover with our playa grindr matchmaking board! Join us for tasty quesadillas and badminton, geared for queers and friends to dance, eat, and make plans for later. Quesadillas served Tuesday through Friday, 12pm-1pm.
Contact: Hometown: San FranciscoGLAMCOCKS
We are a global gay family, driven by our boundless love for each other, our passion to create and give to others, and our celebration of life with a spirit of GLAM!
URL: Contact: Hometown: SeattleGlittercamp!
Glittercamp returns to make the masses shiny and sparkly as nature intended, with our shimmery body gel. New this year will be live music, including our house David Bowie cover band ZiggyPlayadust!
Hometown: Los AngelesGloryWhole
Embrace yourself into a completely dark and exciting room at camp Glory Whole. Interact with a stranger that you will never see or find out who s/he was. All judgments are dropped, be yourself, discover and express feelings and emotions from deep inside and feel your inner bliss unified with another beautiful soul.
URL: Contact: Hometown: San FranciscoGlowskull Asylum Int'l
Come hang out with our team of misfits from the US, Italy, Norway, Estonia, and Canada. Our lounge and art car “Castle Glowskull” will be hosting mischief, mistings, and METAL (and other forms of rock) daily!
Hometown: Santa CruzgNarnia/ Assland Village
gNarnia is a small cozy camp offering cold brew coffee or matcha green tea from 9am to noon, Monday-Friday. Come find your way through the wardrobe and into our shade structure (please remember your cup). Guided yoga on Tuesday and Thursday from 10am-11am.
Contact: Hometown: Los AngelesGo Home
Go Home is the playa’s home for the ancient Chinese game of Go, featuring a giant 9’x9′ Go board. Come join us to relax, learn, and play board games during the hot dusty day.
Contact: Hometown: North Bend, WA, near SeattleGo the Fuck to Sleep
Go The Fuck To Sleep Camp offers the weary citizens of Black Rock City a bar meant to dull your senses and send you the fuck TO SLEEP! Go The Fuck To Sleep Camp will also provide visitors with the opportunity to make a color photocopy of their legal id, which can then be taped to their drinking cup, helping to avoid lost id’s!
Hometown: EugeneGolden Cafe
Celebrating its 14th year, the Golden Cafe is your home on the playa for exotic cocktails, home infused liquors, and live music since 2003. Swing by for elegant libations served in real glassware, jam with our house band, and sample strange infusions from our cellars. Donations of liquor and mixers keep the party going, and there may be something new in store this time around…
URL: Hometown: Los AngelesGolden Net, The
Come on down to The Golden Net: Hang out in our gigantic hammock(the safety net), escape the heat in our safety tree, and connect with yourself in our temple. We have an almost perfect ratio of daily themes, activities, iced coffee & tea: all we are missing is you! Yeah you! Come make us golden.
Contact: Hometown: NYC- SEATTLE - LA - AUSTRALIAGolden Phoenix
Golden Phoenix
URL: Contact: Hometown: ChengdGoodbye Horses
Home of the Kernel’s World-Famous Playa PopCart. Would you fuck us? We’d fuck us. Welcome to Goodbye Horses.
Contact: Hometown: Los Angelesgot sleep?
Hammocks and deep shade: gifting naps to weary burners. Got sleep?
URL: Contact: Hometown: SeattleGot Time For That!?
Simultaneously an exclamation and a question, Camp Got Time For That!? toys with the nebulous concept of time, cultivating a sensory exploration of Playa time. Stop and smell the time with us. Got Time For That!?
Contact: Hometown: Los AngelesGrateful Floyd
Hometown: Valley SpringsGravity
Step into a digital realm of perceptual vastness, defying the physical and mental limitations of your perceived reality. Gravitate towards your dream experience in one of many time and space altering attractions. You will surely find your true center of gravity here.
An engaging, interactive sensory experience of the highest order, Gravity tickles your curiosity and opens new doors of perception.
This is an experience produced by the collective creative output of an intellectually diverse group of artists, musicians, engineers, healers, builders, and futurists who are inspired by the life of polymath Leonardo Da Vinci. Gravity is a hub of brain jazz, self-discovery, and soul centering.
URL: Contact: Hometown: San FranciscoGrease Fairies
Hometown: PortlandGreen Goddess
The GREEN GODDESS invites everyone to reflect and refresh while getting nourished with delightful tastes of the Green Goddess’ fermented foods and beverages. Enjoy healthy, fermented refreshments while relaxing in our lounge space, listening to soothing mantras and classical-infused electronic vibes staying cool under the solar-powered water misters.
Contact: Hometown: Las VegasGuild of Mile Higher Knowledge
Supporting camp for the Colorado Regional Guild Workshop. Come by and visit, we will have a few tricks up our sleeve in our camp too.
Contact: Hometown: DenverGuildsville
GuildsVille is where the doers and makers of the Renaissance reside. We are the creators and operators of the Guild Work Shops.
Hometown: All over the USA and BeyondGymnasium
We want to recreate the atmosphere of the gymnasium in its original, Ancient Greek meaning, as a facility for training and competition in public games, as well a place for socializing and engaging in intellectual pursuits. The term originates from the word [gymnós] meaning “naked”, because historically in Ancient Greece one exercised naked, and we would like to revive this aspect too, as we think that by doing athletic and fun activities naked, participants will experience bonding aspect of such events stronger.
URL: Hometown: Los Angeles, CAGypsy Nebula Carnival
The Gypsy Monkeys, the BRC Boardwalk, Bad Lands Shaved Ice and Morning Cock ‘n Tails are going polycamperous for Burning Man 2016! Come by and get your fortune told, make a sock monkey or adopt a mutant monkey, have a mimosa or a coffee and then a shaved ice all in one convenient place.
URL:¬if_t=group_comment Contact: Hometown: GRANTS PASSGYST- Get Your Shit Together
A collection of like-minded seekers all trying to Get Your Shit Together!
Hometown: Sacramento